Huawei CFO arrested in Vancouver by Canadian authorities

06 December 2018
The United States suspected that she violated trade sanctions against Iran.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Jwu
  • 06 Dec 2018

Good, Huawei is another rip off chinese brand, so it s right and legit :)

    • S
    • SAARK98
    • KIA
    • 06 Dec 2018

    Typical US mindset. If you cannot beat them with intelligence, trap them in political turmoil. Hope this ends up good. Huawei is being thrown into troubles for no reason.

      • l
      • lyndino
      • QHA
      • 06 Dec 2018

      Whackcar, 06 Dec 2018Couldn't have said any better myself. Plain and bold truth ... moreAnother tidbit that I learned along my travels...
      Do you guys know how many countries have military deals with the U.S?
      It's your own governments that made deals to progress in other areas while the U.S. builds up it's military to act on certain countries behalf if the need arises.
      Obviously I'm not in the government and can't verify this but when you put all puzzle pieces in place they start to make sense.

        • l
        • lyndino
        • QHA
        • 06 Dec 2018

        You guys are all funny, hating on the U.S. like it's wrecked everybody's lives throughout history. Although not the right website for a political talk but I'll jump right in with my limited knowledge.
        1. If it wasn't for the U.S. the world would not be what it is today. Period.
        2. Kingdom's have been fighting for many, many years, this is the next step in warfare. Would you rather see open bloodshed between U.S and China... because although China has a vast army of foot soldiers the winning side will ultimately be the U.S.
        3. Would you like to see a person who has the means to destroy millions of people at the push of a button have the option to build nuclear arms?
        4. I am in favor of what Trump's campaign promise was, 'MAGA' and aside from what garbage news CNN or Fox is putting out there my last vacation to the U.S. was one of the best with the friendliest people every where we went, be it from Arizona or Texas all the way back up to North Dakota. Great people, proud people.
        5. If there's a sanction to not do deals with a certain country (be it by the U.S, Russia or Peru) and you have key trade deals in progress with the country who placed the sanction why would you attempt to deal anyways??? Arrogance I guess.

        I work with a guy who traveled the world doing religious studies and he's told me the history of a lot of African countries being de-stabilized by the U.S. and I can't deny the possibility but I can understand the reason behind it.

        I am not a U.S. citizen but I can guarantee it would be the first country I would move to from my current homeland.

          Shui8, 06 Dec 2018As usual. Uncle Sam think that they are the president of... moreCouldn't have said any better myself. Plain and bold truth right there. Bravo!

            • l
            • lyndino
            • QHA
            • 06 Dec 2018

            Wongdeso , 06 Dec 2018When you can't defeat them economically then defeat them 'p... moreSurely you can't believe that this has anything to do with Apple?

              InnocentChinese, 06 Dec 2018And what makes you think the Chinese are innocent?Because USA say the Chinese are not innocent.

                • Moj
                • auf
                • 06 Dec 2018

                Either you don't understand or don't want to understand.
                If US ban/sanction a country at best they can do so for their own companies and maybe their allies. So basically US can't tell china or any other country what to do!
                And they are just scared of chines companies so they find STH totally irrelevant and doing this much shit and stupid!

                  Arresting a person who's switching flights!?!? That's a new low from usa & Canada. Bunch of cowards

                    • t
                    • theStick
                    • tp@
                    • 06 Dec 2018

                    It's nothing serious yet, this will probably have 2 outcomes : more publicity and stronger sales for huawei that will push them to no.1 spot globally in 1-2 years or the Chinese will get upset and boycott US products and considering the Chinese market it will make the Americans step back and accept the fact that Asia is starting to kick ass

                      InnocentChinese, 06 Dec 2018And what makes you think the Chinese are innocent?...and guilty for what?...working for Huawei?

                        InnocentChinese, 06 Dec 2018And what makes you think the Chinese are innocent?it is easy...just watch CNN and Fox News and reverse everything they say...there is the truth.

                          • I
                          • InnocentChinese
                          • 7tU
                          • 06 Dec 2018

                          MadMel, 06 Dec 2018poor woman...arrested by concentrated evil..."Iran" card us... moreAnd what makes you think the Chinese are innocent?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PWa
                            • 06 Dec 2018

                            kidnapping level billionaires

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • SaJ
                              • 06 Dec 2018

                              The US cannot unilaterally run around on the planet "arresting" people that doesn't fit its purpose. A stop has to be put to it. China has the size to do that.

                                Notsure, 06 Dec 2018Americans always bully people. American troops kill people ... morei'm using Huawei phone with ZTE router...couldn't be more happy.

                                  Also, remember when the US were caught (literally, not with rumors, like in the case of China) spying on the EU states several years ago? Why not ban all US carriers and phone manufacturers everywhere in Europe? Also, why not ban all that Apple garbage too?

                                    Americans always bully people. American troops kill people in Eastern Europe by drunk driving and then they are brought back to US and let free. They try to create wars and tension everywhere, like on our borders with Russia. Now they deal with competition by banning and arresting, they can't compete fairly. I have bad news, it won't work anymore, you're inferior now and your domination will end soon and the Asians will piss on your ruins.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • thw
                                      • 06 Dec 2018

                                      [deleted post]Even rat will bite cat when cornered. Everything happen in Middle East mostly US doing. US meddling too much there. Selling weapon, oil, proxy war, oil, taking over government, oil, supporting zionist, oil, destabilizing whole region and oil.

                                      People there got feed up and fight back and became extremist. The more people resist, the stronger US suppress them. The more US suppress them, the stronger people resist. This unending cycle will never end until one side annihilated or take compromises

                                        • S
                                        • Shogun
                                        • rW$
                                        • 06 Dec 2018

                                        No proof of security concern, it's more about get rid of the competition.