Sony's 38MP IMX607 sensor specs leak, could end up in the Huawei P30 Pro

12 December 2018
It uses Dual Bayer technology with White HDR Coding Array and Quad Pixel Phase Detection Auto Focus.

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  • P
  • Punisher
  • SnA
  • 31 Jan 2019

Market is over saturated with all those nice looking phones. Now problem begins with customers choosing. We come to that stage when almost every phone is awesome on its own right. Even budget phones are awesome.
I think these days low end chips doesnt have a chance from different point of view. Al those sd 400 series, exynos 3 or 5 series mtk low end doemst have a purpose on market anymore. Why would anybody buy those phoen anymore when you have another trend going on now. 6 months to a year outlet mid range with good spec sd 600 series, even 700. Kirin 710 etc. If 450sd phone cost 50 bucks maybe in Africa then its ok but it doesnt have purpose anymore. Huawei p20 cost now 360e. Hello 360e now. And then you have a conflict in market as well. Same stuff but with kirin 710 at the same price but with brand new name and some strange gimicks. Pfff. Where is the point. And we talk now about mid range to flagship. Qualcomm, Samsung, Huawei should rather kill low end spec because there is no point anymore. Plus there is project treble. Manufacturers need to rethink their marketinf strategy because as i see it today. Market is so over saturated

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • X%C
    • 27 Jan 2019

    r33fd, 25 Jan 2019This. Sony could make phones as good as dedicated camera... moreExcept SONY Mobile have almost zero market presence and it can't pose an actual threat against Huawei/Samsung/Google/Apple flagship, then how exactly would it pose a threat to their compact camera? It's laughable you think a measly million units of good camera phone from SONY can make a difference when other phones are selling tens of millions even billions per year.

      • r
      • r33fd
      • nDV
      • 25 Jan 2019

      Anonymous, 13 Dec 2018Sony Mobile do use better sensor, it's just either they don... moreThis.

      Sony could make phones as good as dedicated cameras if they wanted, but then their compact division would become useless and they don't want that.

      Huawei has no such pressure as they don't sell dedicated compact cameras as far as I know.

        The last Oracle, 17 Dec 2018With a QuadBayer pixel array and 38MP, the final photo size... moreI am still trying to figure this out. While it will have 1/4th the details of a 36MP sensor, it will have way more light and way less detail loss due to issues with low light and Bayer pattern limitations. In the end it will probably land up to be as good as the best 12MP Smartphone Camera sensor this year. Usable ISO5000 is huge for a smartphone camera. Especially with good OIS, HDR and a fast lens.

          • S
          • Steve
          • HBw
          • 18 Dec 2018

          Anonymous, 13 Dec 2018The reason why Huawei use the same sensors as Sony but get ... moreWell... I prefer real colours on daylight photos... So i prefer my old xz1 than my p20 pro... On night p20 pro is better but on videos p20 pro looks like shit... For daylight i use my xz1 with open camera for top hdr photos and sony camera for 1080p videos and slow motions videos, on nightlight my p20 pro only for photos and for low light videos i use my iphone xs max...

            With a QuadBayer pixel array and 38MP, the final photo size will be less than 10MP. I am not sure why Sony isn't making 48MP sensors in sizes of 1/1.5 over with the Quad pixel array. That could result in some amazing photos.

            On second thoughts the new Dual Bayer seems to compensate for light and sharpness loss due to the Bayer pattern. So it could be more in the range of 15-20MP with the sharpness and detail due to the mixed Bayer Pattern that this new sensor has (CFA).

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • LQt
              • 14 Dec 2018

              Stan, 13 Dec 2018I have some serious doubts that they do. Bionz is a photo p... moreBionz on Xperia is software.
              Bionz on Sony cameras is hardware.

              Alpha is now in charge of Xperia cam software....

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • xFw
                • 14 Dec 2018

                spelling, 13 Dec 2018*AppleLol no. It’s for huawei

                  I am not blind, the P20 Pro is dual camera setup, but the P30 Pro could be go back to single camera. People will yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah, this marketing really works so well.

                    • S
                    • Stan
                    • red
                    • 13 Dec 2018

                    Anonymous, 12 Dec 2018Alpha team is responsible for xz2 bionz I have some serious doubts that they do. Bionz is a photo processor name within Sony. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to use the processor naming convention for the Sony Mobile, without actually having Sony Photo develop it.

                      • s
                      • spelling
                      • vx6
                      • 13 Dec 2018

                      Hoffmann, 12 Dec 2018I will never undestand, why Sony supplies other OEMs with h... more*Apple

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • d%v
                        • 13 Dec 2018

                        regs, 13 Dec 2018They should STOP making P Pro in a size of Mate series. The... moreChecked. Any other wishes you desire and want to see before you are going to buy all the phones that Huawei is going to make, otherwise let the company do what's more profitable so it can continue its business of making phones for the masses that Can't be represented by one taste.

                          • i
                          • i agree
                          • Kg{
                          • 13 Dec 2018

                          SpiritWolf, 13 Dec 2018P20 Pro photos are trash, sorry. Oversharpened, oversaturat... morei agree its my biggest regret.

                            Syn, 13 Dec 2018Then why is P20 Pro having better camera performance than t... moreP20 Pro photos are trash, sorry. Oversharpened, oversaturated, full of artifacts and no detail.

                              Shanti Dope, 12 Dec 2018Nice, great joke brother! Jokes are meant to be false, rig... moreTruth hurts, doesn't it?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • JaK
                                • 13 Dec 2018

                                The reason why Huawei use the same sensors as Sony but get better results is down to software.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • M5Z
                                  • 13 Dec 2018

                                  regs, 13 Dec 2018They should STOP making P Pro in a size of Mate series. The... moreexactly!!!!

                                    Still would be great companies included rgbw sensor, it helps a lot. Cannot wait though gsma to test it on that pattern of the building...

                                      • r
                                      • regs
                                      • pRV
                                      • 13 Dec 2018

                                      They should STOP making P Pro in a size of Mate series. There is now absolutely no difference between those two series. They should reduce P series width to maximum of 67 mm. And should not forget about qi charging and time-unlimited stabilized 4K60 video recording with exFat, NTFS and ext4 with memory cards for it.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • QXP
                                        • 13 Dec 2018

                                        Shanti Dope, 12 Dec 2018Which is why the XZ2 Premium could take a clear video in th... moreI wonder who actually uses the 960fps super slow motion video anyways.... I rather have better photos capabilities than such gimmick.