Samsung explains why Galaxy S and Tab 7.0 won't get Android ICS

23 December, 2011
All the customizations (TouchWiz and others) won't run well enough on the older hardware.

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  • D
  • AnonD-35392
  • 39x
  • 24 Dec 2011

To all the Apple fanboys on here saying "my 3gs got updated to iOS5" do you think that maybe it's because Apple have only ever made 5 phones (only 3 of those capable of running iOS5) so it's easy to make the os work on it. Samsung has loads of different handsets running android so inevitably some will get left behind. Yeah the Galaxy S was a flagship phone but it originally shipped with eclair then got froyo, then gingerbread, sure ics would've been nice but i'm not going to lose any sleep over it. The original IPhone and the 3g were flagship devices too and nobody is whingeing they don't have iOS5.

Or maybe this just shows that iPhones are not that different from each other and apple fanboys are getting ripped off buying the same phone over again with a slightly different design (squarer corners, glass on the back, antenna that doesn't work (fixed on the 4s though) and the retina screen which is actually pretty good, not as good as the Super AMOLED on the galaxy nexus, but passable)

    • J
    • Jay
    • 39x
    • 24 Dec 2011

    To all the Apple fanboys on here saying "my 3gs got updated to iOS5" do you think that maybe it's because Apple have only ever made 5 phones (only 3 of those capable of running iOS5) so it's easy to make the os work on it. Samsung has loads of different handsets running android so inevitably some will get left behind. Yeah the Galaxy S was a flagship phone but it originally shipped with eclair then got froyo, then gingerbread, sure ics would've been nice but i'm not going to lose any sleep over it. The original IPhone and the 3g were flagship devices too and nobody is whingeing they don't have iOS5.

    Or maybe this just shows that iPhones are not that different from each other and apple fanboys are getting ripped off buying the same phone over again with a slightly different design (squarer corners, glass on the back, antenna that doesn't work (fixed on the 4s though) and the retina screen which is actually pretty good, not as good as the Super AMOLED on the galaxy nexus, but passable)

      • d
      • di(sammy)ppointed
      • muJ
      • 24 Dec 2011

      That is such a BIG let down. Nexus S has it and it is possible to use a custom ROM on a Galaxy S. I might not buy a flagship phone from sammy ever again.

        • D
        • AnonD-35391
        • U}}
        • 24 Dec 2011

        wow... seriously?!!! That's a very lame excuse for "buy our other phone". Such a let down Samsung....

          • K
          • Keshawn
          • Ti@
          • 24 Dec 2011

          I have ICS Rom ported to my Galaxy S i9000 and it runs very well. Marry Christmas

            • g
            • gaddy
            • mLk
            • 24 Dec 2011

            I'm usinig tab 10.1 and and i have one galaxy s but i bought Nokia 800 and ipad 2 , galaxy s and galaxy tab are on sale on ebay so no more samsung produits

              • C
              • Crispo
              • fuf
              • 24 Dec 2011

              So, what this means is that, it's time we started considering iOS instead of Android. The current iOS5 is even available for older phones like iPhone 3G. Why not Galaxy S?

                • D
                • AnonD-6211
                • t7R
                • 24 Dec 2011

                Anonymous, 24 Dec 2011if you do the math,Samsung cost more than iPhone if i have ... moreOh yeah, 3GS, good luck with your screen, its ugly as I have one of those, pixels are not so tight due to low density. 320X480 pixels on a 3.5inch phone is not pleasant to eyes. Maybe you should upgrade to iPhone 4 or 4 S.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • tRe
                  • 24 Dec 2011

                  As much as I am disappointed that my SGS won't be getting ICS, I hope that SGS3 can give me something worthy once my contract expires.

                    • S
                    • Samboy gone sour
                    • iiH
                    • 24 Dec 2011

                    Not a good move to piss off the customers which raised the SGS to it's heights and laid the path for their future in Smartphones.

                    Especially now that the Galaxy Tab is becoming avaiable after court battles, Samasung risks falling on their own sword by doing this.

                    For Sale, My i9000 NOT wanted due to lack of support from Manaufacturer. Will swap for HTC from same era as they have ICS on the menu.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-3425
                      • utp
                      • 24 Dec 2011

                      AnonD-977, 23 Dec 2011Wow, you seem so proud you managed to get your phone to wor... moreYes, I am. Since, I was not talking about mere the app drawar as in the iPhone. Here I'm talking about live wallpapers, widgets, ofcourse the app drawar and the overall UI experience. By the way I love iPhone too. Thanks for trolling!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 7tL
                        • 24 Dec 2011

                        I own galaxy s will abandon Samsung will go for Nokia wp instead 'coz Samsung sucks

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4cZ
                          • 24 Dec 2011

                          Glad I switched to iPhone 4S. Got tired of slow updates, buggy custom roms, and apps crashing all the time on all 4 of my android phones.

                            • S
                            • Samboy gone sour
                            • iiH
                            • 24 Dec 2011

                            Not a good move to piss off the customers which raised the SGS to it's heights and laid the path for their future in Smartphones.

                            Especially now that the Galaxy Tab is becoming avaiable after court battles, Samasung risks falling on their own sword by doing this.

                            For Sale, My i9000 NOT wanted due to lack of support from Manaufacturer. Will swap for HTC from same era as they have ICS on the menu.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • iiH
                              • 24 Dec 2011

                              had my heart set on a Galaxy Note , but after hearing this I will not be able to look at Samsung as an option to replace my Galaxy S. You will loose the support of your customers.HT C is looking like the way to go. Sorry Apple fanboys the iPhone will never be an option.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Jx2
                                • 24 Dec 2011

                                Anonymous, 24 Dec 2011Time for you to get a real one this time i guess :))real one? symbian or iOS? yeah right ^^ rofl

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-35360
                                  • vaM
                                  • 24 Dec 2011

                                  I think Samsung is just being totally lazy. If others can make a third-party ICS rom for Galaxy S which runs pretty smoothly, why can't they?

                                  Or, this is just a marketing strategy. They will be coming out with new models running ICS so people are forced to upgrade to a new device. Tsk...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • YHV
                                    • 24 Dec 2011

                                    Anonymous, 24 Dec 2011Time to upgrade new phone again? But I already have 4 andro... moreTime for you to get a real one this time i guess :))

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • YHV
                                      • 24 Dec 2011

                                      if you do the math,Samsung cost more than iPhone if i have to buy one Samsung each year.
                                      Screw that,it's not worth it

                                      I still have 3GS,and very happy with it,Design,quality,handy,durability,that's all it matter to me.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • YHV
                                        • 24 Dec 2011

                                        Jesus Christ my iPhone4 runs on iOs 5 the newest software and i hear even peeps on 3GS are getting the same software,and people are fighting between Apple and Android.

                                        This is Samsung failure,can't believe they can't update their first legendary Galaxy phone.

                                        So glad i went back to Apple on time,and i'm sure i will never go to Samsung,or any other Android phone