Samsung explains why Galaxy S and Tab 7.0 won't get Android ICS

23 December, 2011
All the customizations (TouchWiz and others) won't run well enough on the older hardware.

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  • D
  • AnonD-4392
  • ut2
  • 23 Dec 2011

Thank God I bought a Nokia N8 last year instead of the SGS or else I'd have been outdated by newer 'galaxies' now and treated like a wh**e by Samsung....
I can atleast look forward to the buttery smooth Nokia Belle update next year :) and my iPhone 4 is already on iOS 5

    • M
    • Matt
    • sRh
    • 23 Dec 2011

    Unluckily, I'm using both Galaxy S and Galaxy tab 7.0.
    You guys may already knew what's going through my mind at the moment. I tell you something... I'm just going to sell both of these damn things early tomorrow morning and I WILL NEVER BUY SUMSUNG PRODUCTS AGAIN...

      AnonD-12015, 23 Dec 2011i just brought my self samsung galaxy s plus a month ago wh... morejust buy the nexus s, costs usd295 in Indonesia Samsung roadshow promo (;

      it still run on GB because Google retract the OTA progress due to battery issue.
      I don't mind to wait a bit longer...

      Anyway, how much is 25 grand SGS in usd? (-:

        • D
        • AnonD-6361
        • utk
        • 23 Dec 2011

        Samsung will pay for this , all SGS User move to custom rom.
        no need to buy s2 or s3, thus a trick from Samsung, even galaxy ace support ics 4.

        samsung u fool 13 million people.

          • y
          • yehaww
          • pc7
          • 23 Dec 2011

          ye stick vista on an old 286sx and complain about it not running properly :PPPPPP sgs's hardware is outdated, period, only reason its getting kept is the supreme soundlevel on 3.5mm output >_>

            • b
            • bongbong
            • wc7
            • 23 Dec 2011

            I always thought that the update on older models are custom roms and by rooting.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • P@L
              • 23 Dec 2011

              arc and xerpia mini has the same hardware then y samsung dng like this

                • K
                • Khadim.
                • 9xe
                • 23 Dec 2011

                I was a great Fan or Samsung. but since they didnt provide me with an update for Galaxy Tab (gingerbread) i used an alternate procedure. ICS is on the way and franly speaking i will not buy any samsung product now instead will switch to HTC

                  • D
                  • AnonD-1082
                  • kJq
                  • 23 Dec 2011

                  Pixel, 23 Dec 2011I don't understand all the whining about older phones not g... moreYou'll never understand. You don't even understand that people are not like you. What may seem to be a no brainer rooting your SGS2 and flashing a custom ROM might be a difficult and confusing task to someone.

                    • P
                    • Pixel
                    • Snx
                    • 23 Dec 2011

                    I don't understand all the whining about older phones not getting the ICS update.. I have a Galaxy SII, and I'm not interested in TouchWiz ICS at all. I want a custom rom, and most people do. I'd understand more if people would whine in case XDA-developers stopped producing custom roms.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • P$u
                      • 23 Dec 2011

                      I am in INDIA and my Samsung Galaxy S2 still says v2.3.3 is the latest when conencted to Kies. Samsung are bad when it comes to updates and not like Apple that releases updates frequently.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-1082
                        • kJq
                        • 23 Dec 2011

                        They will say the same BS next year when the SGS2 won't get Android Jelly Bean. Samsung is the best liar and their business practices are the worst. All they care about is selling a large number and their support sucks.

                        If SE can upgrade their 2011 Xperia line to ICS then why can't Samsung? This is BS at its best.

                          • R
                          • RamyRamz69
                          • Hxc
                          • 23 Dec 2011

                          And that is why I am thankful to have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc...

                          Thing is, why release a device 4 months ago(SGS+)and not give it an update? :3

                            • D
                            • AnonD-7549
                            • fki
                            • 23 Dec 2011

                            That is a very bad news for me and for galaxy s users,
                            Why samsung did you do that and leave the owners who made the success of the original galaxy s and that made you samsung think of making the galaxy s-2 or even the other phones with android or the upcoming galaxy s-3 and made you reach that success !
                            It's the galaxy s users who made samsung be the second leading manufacturing company in the world after Nokia.
                            and simply you will leave the 14 million people that you were celebrating with them on your website for buying the galaxy s (6 month ago).

                            And in the end not even try to make the device go to the Ice Cream Sandwich world of android and made the 14 million people happy and leave a smile on thier faces.

                            I was excepcting from samsung to say that the galaxy s will get the ICS android but the useres will have to wait a while and the useres which including me would be happy and wait.

                            Thanks Samsung but next time I will buy a mobile phone from a company who respect their users.

                              • s
                              • sakis
                              • JEb
                              • 23 Dec 2011

                              If they are so lazy updating the Galaxy S to ICS, at least give the closed source code of the drivers to the developers... i'm sure they will amaze you with the result!

                              I hate spending a big amount of money to buy a phone and then the company (obvious to sell it's newest additions) to give me crap support!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-2271
                                • 8Q8
                                • 23 Dec 2011

                                I have the Galaxys S1 & S2, but it is sad on thinking we have to buy a new device to have the OS upgrade, good thing i still have my iPhone 4, at least i got the iOS 5.

                                It is getting obvious of samsung's sales strategy.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-9023
                                  • ut3
                                  • 23 Dec 2011

                                  AnonD-12015, 23 Dec 2011i just brought my self samsung galaxy s plus a month ago wh... moreNever buy android unless it is 30k grand .

                                  Android is Open aka like every fanboy says but too many customizations lead to this situation where OEM hesitates to upgrade ur phone with latest OS.

                                  that is the reason why Nexus S and SE phones are getting updates while SGS and SGS+ are not.

                                  SE taking 6 months nearly to launch updates from april to may end.

                                  Nexus S on stock android gets quick update.

                                    • P
                                    • Praveen_1221
                                    • vGF
                                    • 23 Dec 2011

                                    Lazy Samsung Development Team.

                                    I just ported 4.0.3, to Galaxy S GT-I9000, Working just fine. No worries for daily life, Actually i'm testing remaining functions.

                                    Samsung Software team either lazy or dont want to spend any money on Galaxy s/Tab.

                                    Whatever the reason samsung made ridiculous decision and lost 10 million customers hope.


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ut}
                                      • 23 Dec 2011

                                      that was a dissappointing one from samsung...:(

                                        • i
                                        • inTech
                                        • iFx
                                        • 23 Dec 2011

                                        AnonD-10443, 23 Dec 2011samsung only wants to increase their sales.everyday they ar... moresamsung really?all about the money? dude.. look at mac. if you cant keep up with them forget it.I've had my sgs since the beginning gon from froyo to gingerbread 2 a moded ics, yes through rooting but its simple. before u start complaining do look into things theres always a way unless you get locked up in apple products.