BlackBerry Key2 Red Edition hands-on review
- T
- 01 Apr 2020
Keyboard is subjective. LE has a better space bar than Key 2 as it feels like the rest of KB, for the other keys, Key 2 has more travel, more tactile feedback, 10% bigger keys, nicer printed letters, but keys are slightly wobbly compared to LE. Overall I prefer Key 2 keyboard, but LE has a couple good points, if good points of both were combined that would be best.
- S
- Stevo
- 21 Jul 2019
As usual, always haters on posts...but try not to criticize something if you haven't tried it. Some people in my office were making fun of me for having an old school keyboard until I challenged them to a blind typing contest...guess who won ! Then a super cool new (young rich) customer complimented me for having the same phone as him at a meeting with my colleagues, suddenly everyone got quiet - its not old fashioned to have a hard keyboard - its just fun ! And now for all you "small" screen haters (4.5" on KeyOne & Key2), the Key3 has a 5.5" screen. So what's left to hate ? Its okay anyway; I like not having the same exact phone as 99% of the people around me...I would like to say that my brain follows :-)
- V
- Vegetaholic
- an9
- 28 Feb 2019
Blackberry, became a joke of the company. 750 euros for outdated peace of garbage. I am sure people will buy this "amazing" phone just to feel that clicky sounds of physical buttons... not.
- C
- CHP97
- 4YM
- 28 Feb 2019
According to reviews, the keyboard on the Key2LE was an improvement when compared to the earlier Key2 and Key1. Where does the keyboard of this latest Key2/Red fall?
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 25 Feb 2019
Drg84, 25 Feb 2019Not as unusual as you'd think. There was a blue Classic, an... moreWell that was long time ago. When i was a bit younger and went to disco every friday and saturday. Now when i am almost forty i am too old for that.
- D
- Drg84
- Ibx
- 25 Feb 2019
AnonD-731363, 25 Feb 2019What a weird color for a blackberry phone. Not as unusual as you'd think. There was a blue Classic, and a red Passport. And the old blackberry phones were available in quite a few colors
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 25 Feb 2019
What a weird color for a blackberry phone.
- J
- Joe Dickson
- Ibx
- 25 Feb 2019
The hardware in that phone isn't worth more than $250. Who is going to spend $750?
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 25 Feb 2019
That don't look red though. Its closer to Orange like that in prison garb or those cones in the road. lol. The LE red looks much better.
- P
- Patt
- 0Wf
- 25 Feb 2019
With that pattern of colours, aside of how overpriced is, this must be one of the most ugly phones i've seen. Is like, ORANGE alert!!! Keep away!!!
- B
- BiyoBiyo JunJun
- uCk
- 25 Feb 2019
FreeX, 25 Feb 2019A big question.. Is that red or orange..? orange with red-ish
- ?
- Anonymous
- n5S
- 25 Feb 2019
Flossy420, 24 Feb 2019To what demographic is this phone Aimed for? I'm sure no bu... moreMaybe someone's personal assistant, who could get away with something like that.
- l
- lonewolf08
- Dk6
- 25 Feb 2019
BlackBerry still alive? only 750 for sd660...why not more...make it 1000 and keep the tag of ScrewBerry intact otherwise you may lose that reputation..aye!
- H
- Handset Fanboy
- 7k3
- 25 Feb 2019
I needed to know how the updated apps and action bar looks like.. And I hope it comes to the original BB key2 also.
- M
- Mario
- 24 Feb 2019
It was out of date with Qwerty
- D
- AnonD-832645
- u7V
- 24 Feb 2019
AJ Styles, 24 Feb 2019Love the specs but the bright red uhhhh This guy needs hi... moreThe red version of Blackberry Key2 LE is 100 times better..
- A
- AJ Styles
- IbF
- 24 Feb 2019
Love the specs but the bright red uhhhh
This guy needs his monochromatic BB
- F
- Flossy420
- dZs
- 24 Feb 2019
To what demographic is this phone Aimed for? I'm sure no business person would like to be walking around with a bright red phone into a meeting. Teenagers would most likely go for a phone with a much higher screen to body ratio for media and games. I have no idea why this phone even exists