Samsung Galaxy Fold confirmed to launch in India

06 March 2019
This foldable smartphone was unveiled last month and will go on sale in the US from April 26.

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Flossy420, 06 Mar 2019Who would buy this? Most indians have cheap phones that are... moreWho told you that most Indians have below 500$ phones. Most premium phones have been selling in India at a good pace. There are some people who prefer below 500$ phones. But don't generalise it.

    Are they really aiming at the Indian market for the Fold? A device nobody asked for

      Flossy420, 06 Mar 2019Who would buy this? Most indians have cheap phones that are... moreI don't think Samsung is not really aiming to sell this phone on India, it's more like just a show-off to Indian so they'll think that "Woah! That's really cool!.... Samsung is cool!"

        Who would buy this? Most indians have cheap phones that are no more than 500$. Does Samsung really expect this thing to sell in a 3rd world country?

          After! Factory Reset My Galaxy On5 Google Playstore Not Work Anymore what should ido