Galaxy S7 down to quarterly security updates, same as the new Galaxy A70

01 April 2019
Previously, the S7 got security patches monthly. But it's now three years old, so the demotion is understandable.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3Yb
  • 03 Apr 2019

Anonymous, 02 Apr 2019Apple rocks official support but once it dies down, no frig... moreAnd when you rooting Android phone that doesn’t have support and flash custom roms then your android phone going to die soon or going to brick or overheating and some OEM features doesn’t work as it should. Sorry iPhone still win in both way even if you jailbreak iPhone after 5 years of support and there’s no more support from Apple side jail breaking iPhone a lot better than android rooting full of shit.

    • D
    • AnonD-731363
    • SH3
    • 03 Apr 2019

    Well guys Samsung is crap they release tons of useless things especialy this year but when comes to update. i just wish you a good luck with patience.

      Bob, 02 Apr 2019And we'll just forget about the Note 7 being banned at many... moreWhich are only a FEW isolated cases, which was at worst not even 1% of the total units sold, the issue was blown out of proportion by US media who loved to sensationalize stories.

      On the other hand, Apple pretty much ignored many of the issues on their devices, only issuing a response when they are gonna be sued. Don't forget Apple products are plagued with many issues, from their iPhones (antenna-gate, scruff-gate, bend-gate, chip-gate) to their Macbooks (Stagelight etc) which they pretty much blamed on the customer ("You're holding it wrong!", "Don't put it on your back pocket!").

        Anonymous, 02 Apr 2019And yeah forget to mention that S8 and S8 plus again screen... moreWhich Samsung actually provided a fix. Unlike Apple which pretty much denies the issue and only issues a response later on when they're being threatened with lawsuit.

          • g
          • g6 user
          • LEi
          • 03 Apr 2019

          meanwhile my g5 has nougat

            • D
            • AnonD-732843
            • JxW
            • 02 Apr 2019

            PeterThePanda, 02 Apr 2019At least Samsung doesn't cripple their devices behind their... moreIf you have such a negative albeit very factual opinion about Apple, I find it surprising why Apple devices are even mentioned on this site - since it's actually a way of promoting them... and please don't cover yourself up with "review tactics" because those arguments don't stand any ground.

              • D
              • AnonD-732843
              • JxW
              • 02 Apr 2019

              Levilevi, 02 Apr 2019I think samsung devs getting lazyMaybe partially true as they're humans but the real reason is SAMSUNG.

              The firm is not pouring enough money into these developers wages nor are they hiring more developers nor are they actively trying to rectify this issue in any way or we'd have prompt updates like Nokia does because Nokia is actively doing good work to push updates quickly.

                • B
                • Bob
                • LdE
                • 02 Apr 2019

                PeterThePanda, 02 Apr 2019At least Samsung doesn't cripple their devices behind their... moreAnd we'll just forget about the Note 7 being banned at many international airports for being explosive too then.

                  • D
                  • DLLM
                  • 5Mb
                  • 02 Apr 2019

                  Seems like the 2016 galaxy S7 will only get 2017 android (8.0 and not even 8.1). Well, too bad for Samsung flagship buyers.

                    • n
                    • nothing-
                    • I@H
                    • 02 Apr 2019

                    Levilevi, 02 Apr 2019I think samsung devs getting lazyYou're wrong, they are doing it because it's very costly.

                      • A
                      • Al
                      • P%Q
                      • 02 Apr 2019

                      They never had monthly updates to begin with.
                      Love how the press isn't correcting their bs.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • vry
                        • 02 Apr 2019

                        Anonymous, 02 Apr 2019You still receive major updates because Android already has... moreThey know lots of people are still using older devices.

                        That is why they are NOT UPDATING them. They need to have people buying newer stuff.

                        Did you see what happened to Iphone when they got cheap battery replacements due to their own underhanded throttlegate moves?

                        The sealed battery is just one of the nails in the coffin for wannabe holdouts.

                          Hmm, never remember having That regular a security update schedule when I had my S7 Edge. Then again, running a Huawei Mate 10 Pro now, and a quarterly update is a veritable Luxury with this one.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vry
                            • 02 Apr 2019

                            Nick Tagataka, 02 Apr 2019You can't compare iDevices and Android phones in terms of u... moreApple rocks official support but once it dies down, no friggin community support and get stuck with a smooth working phone with lots of un-runnable apps.

                            Hence why lots of older ios devices hold outs opt to downgrade theirs.

                            The opposite is true with Androids. Nobody should with it's current state.

                              • B
                              • BlackAlien
                              • 3pw
                              • 02 Apr 2019

                              ive got a samsunga galaxy a5 2017 model, but the last security update was from patch 1 december 2018...miss out 3 month...hey samsung whats up??? hope that the update come in april 2019?

                                I think samsung devs getting lazy

                                  Nick Tagataka, 02 Apr 2019You can't compare iDevices and Android phones in terms of u... moreThis shouldn't come as a surprise as Apple designed their chipsets on their own, which can allow them to have a longer software update cycle as compared to ANDROID smartphones. This probably has something to do with their tweaking of the chipset when designing and also their software optimization. I mean seriously, just look at how smooth an iPHONE 6s can run on iOS 12.2 despite its age

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • S3y
                                    • 02 Apr 2019

                                    regs, 02 Apr 2019My 4,5-year old iPad Air2 still receiving all major updates... moreYou still receive major updates because Android already has most of the features for years that your still getting drip fed with, its simply creating a false sense of superiority because they keep getting updates, the fact that the S7 is dropping to quarterly security updates is just the natural order of progression and phasing out devices no longer in service/sale/use, im sure all these manufacturers can see how many S7 devices are currently in use, much like any other device from any company, they will know if its even worth updating

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 7Xu
                                      • 02 Apr 2019

                                      Archiekins, 01 Apr 2019I am using Samsung Galxy S5 and I am still having monthly s... moreDont kid me, what firmware/country u using.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 7Xu
                                        • 02 Apr 2019

                                        The reason I dont like Knox or DRM locked device.... Once their support ends and you opt to go custom rom, well hello KNOX/DRM getting wiped.