OnePlus 3 and 3T get Android Pie with a Community Beta update

18 April 2019
It comes with latest security patch and Gaming Mode 3.0.

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Whackcar, 18 Apr 2019This is great. The final stable release will probably come ... moreUnless Google makes a move by bumping up the requirements stated in their software update policy, there's still a high chance that the rest will still stick to what they're providing now to be honest

    This is great. The final stable release will probably come out by the end of May or Start of June.

    Hopefully OnePlus will continue to provide 3 OS updates for all their phones going forward. Then perhaps others would get inspired to do the same.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • aXK
      • 18 Apr 2019


        I use my OnePlus 3 as a daily driver and since I downloaded the update last night I've had no noticeable issues, given how long OP has been baking this pie I doubt it'll will have any major issues.