About half of 2nd-gen WP7 phones are Nokias, but HTC leads overall

24 January, 2012
Stats from OccasionalGamer show Nokia is off to a good start but has a lot of catching up to do.

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  • D
  • AnonD-9052
  • 0Cb
  • 24 Jan 2012

android fans. do not forget that symbian seemed to be undestroyable a few years ago. os come and go like see waves. nokia brand counts very much in this game because very much people are addicted to the brand no.1 of the last 20 years. now i have a sgs2, but i am planning to go back to nokia with lumia 900. i really like wp7 mango, it is like a waterfall

    • D
    • AnonD-13314
    • 7qx
    • 24 Jan 2012

    wp7 may be smooth but it s boring and have ugly tiles.acting like ios,nothing like android.

      • H
      • Hmm
      • mXb
      • 24 Jan 2012

      Anonymous, 24 Jan 2012You dont need sdhc slot cause of 25GB skydrive for free.Remote storage is all good and well when you have data access!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3LV
        • 24 Jan 2012

        cleo, 24 Jan 2012hmm.. for now I'll just wait. wait until wp7 allow externa... moreYou dont need sdhc slot cause of 25GB skydrive for free.

          • c
          • cleo
          • UDM
          • 24 Jan 2012

          hmm.. for now I'll just wait.
          wait until wp7 allow external sdcard.
          wait until its price drop between $100-$200.

            • D
            • AnonD-2663
            • tAJ
            • 24 Jan 2012

            KC, 24 Jan 2012I think your analysis of where Windows Phone is likely to s... moreLMFAO... 20% - you fanboys have no friggin idea how fast android's market share is about to fall. google will be lucky to hold onto 20% of their current user base by the end of 2013, so stop talking shyte about WP unless you've used it.

              • D
              • AnonD-9052
              • 0Cb
              • 24 Jan 2012

              AnonD-3575, 24 Jan 2012how is 45% over half?hahaha, you are so right. anyway is very clear that nokia will rise above all other brands that already make wp7 mobiles because of its brand. nokia means afterall a good service,after sales support,good reselling price,and lumia mobiles are very beautiful bescause of their unibody monolith elegant design. samsung and htc are a mess in terms of service,updates,reselling price

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • var
                • 24 Jan 2012

                Nokia is still the best in terms of making phone calls. Iphone users should get the ipod coz the phone function is useless.

                  • T
                  • Test
                  • P$v
                  • 24 Jan 2012

                  Check out the operating system before commenting. i am android OS user but still i felt WP7.5 is good and user friendly to use. only android and IOS fans will comments please check out before commenting

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tu6
                    • 24 Jan 2012

                    Fantastic! As I have been saying Nokia is on its way back. The affected will be Android for sure. Market share will be clawed back.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-24476
                      • rAM
                      • 24 Jan 2012

                      Initially prior to using windows phone i thought its boring kind of os and was against nokia's decision to drop symbian and continue with windows but now after using windows my mindset has completely changed.
                      Last week i tried both symbian belle 701 and Nokia lumia. What i noticed is though symbian belle is smother compared to older versions and phone has bigger processor and RAM it doesn offer a real butter smooth experience. Windows offers rich user experience and wow its a fantastic OS which is designed keeping people in mind. All my friends who owned android powerd Optimu and galaxy s became surprised and impressed after looking at my lumia :-) really lumia is fantastic device and windows is fantastic os. Guys and even apps are of great quality and many free apps are available.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mr}
                        • 24 Jan 2012

                        AnonD-21645, 24 Jan 2012I think people need to watch this space a bit more... I'... more"I'm by no means a fan on Winmo7.5 (too restrictive) - but there's definitely room in the market for at least one or two more OSs..."

                        I agree with that sentiment.

                        However, WP 7.5 is the direct cause of us LOSING two OSs, Symbian and Maemo.

                        Rather than that, the world should just get rid of WP..

                          • K
                          • KC
                          • TdC
                          • 24 Jan 2012

                          AnonD-21645, 24 Jan 2012I think people need to watch this space a bit more... I'... moreI think your analysis of where Windows Phone is likely to sit in the over all scheme of things is probably allot closer to correct then any one predicting it will over take Android lol.

                          But where I disagree is that being the leading OEM on a platform that has potential for at best 20% of the over all Smart Phone market is a "good" position for Nokia to be in. Considering prior to Windows Phone Nokia alone had 40% of that same market with Symbian.

                          I don't think dropping from 40% to around 10% assuming Nokia has half the Windows Phone Market (and I'd say that's reasonable as no one else is really pushing it) is a good thing at all for Nokia when they had a modern OS ready for public consumption that would have attracted allot more of those 200 million Symbian Users then Windows Phone can ever hope to.

                          Microsoft has been pushing Metro for almost 6 years and it hasn't caught on yet. I don't get why they don't catch on that the UI is simply to polarizing and no one wants another walled garden OS where you need a third party app just to use your own music as a ring tone.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-21645
                            • Gjj
                            • 24 Jan 2012

                            I think people need to watch this space a bit more...

                            I'm by no means a fan on Winmo7.5 (too restrictive) - but there's definitely room in the market for at least one or two more OSs...

                            I think M$ are really going to push Winmo over the next couple of years, it'll integrate with Windows 8 and with the coming of XB720 (or whatever it'll be) - they're going for an all-in-one metro style solution...

                            I think in a couple of years Winmo could be as high as 20% of total handsets sold - and who will be leading the charge? Nokia... That's not a bad position to be in considering the Symbian fiasco...

                            I also think give it another year or two and HOPEFULLY M$ will loosen tech specs so Nokia can start flexing its muscles... until then - all Winmo phones are 'meh' too limited in specs, too 'in the middle' and waaaaay too restrictive in functionality...

                              • C
                              • CodeGEN
                              • 0Iu
                              • 24 Jan 2012

                              I havent seen any windows nokia phone yet , at least not in my country , its been a month that we heard about those phones. What would you expect in such a short time.
                              People wining about android , there are many producers out there if you like it so much go get one.
                              Everyone thinks they are CEO. If you know that much ,go become a boss somewhere. It is windows that rules the world , not ios nor android. 90% of pc's are windows. And it will become on the phones too , just wait //

                                • D
                                • AnonD-38560
                                • SwR
                                • 24 Jan 2012

                                These findings are in complete. A friend of mine works for Bloomberg and their finding are different. They should be publishing them next week. All I'm going to say is if youown shares in Microsoft sell now before the report is published.
                                HTC Rader is a nice phone as is the N9

                                  • R
                                  • Ron
                                  • uta
                                  • 24 Jan 2012

                                  AnonD-3575, 24 Jan 2012how is 45% over half?I second that, and moreover WP is a niche product, ppl were initially very much enthusiastic about new Nokia phone, now that the enthusiasm has died down, WP will have uphill task to even breach 3% market share this year IMHO, sadly it has failure written all over it.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-3575
                                    • 3LU
                                    • 24 Jan 2012

                                    how is 45% over half?

                                      • N
                                      • Nick
                                      • IVA
                                      • 24 Jan 2012

                                      The reason why HTC Radar was so 'popular' was because Microsoft give those to their employees

                                        • j
                                        • joe
                                        • 2@c
                                        • 24 Jan 2012

                                        If nokia wants to regain its position in the phone market , it has to start making android phones .
                                        Windows phone have too many restrictions.