Google suspends Huawei's Android license following a Trump order

20 May 2019
Chip companies, including Intel and Qualcomm, also begin to cut supply to the Chinese maker.

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RIP Nexus 6P users

    • N
    • No-one
    • wHU
    • 20 May 2019

    Joe Dickson, 20 May 2019Will old phones be getting updates?Unfortunately no, Android's official account on Twitter said old devices' owners will only be able to use Google play store, other Google's services including updates will be suspended

      • d
      • donald t.
      • Pwi
      • 20 May 2019

      we need new alternative to replace ios/lagdroid monopoly.

        • T
        • THANOS
        • IVx
        • 20 May 2019

        is it the endgame of huawei ?

          How about Xiaomi? Are Xiaomi products available in the US? It's also a Chinese company.

          Does Donald Trump eat Chinese food like wonton, dumplings, spring rolls, siopao, siomai, etc.?

            Most Chinese smartphone makers have a history of spying on userdata. It's just that Trump got offended by Huawei more for now.

              • D
              • AnonD-804996
              • M}3
              • 20 May 2019

              I find this funny. Coz I don't trust Google with their data mining shit either and yet no one is mass banning them around the world... coz they are the good guyz and Chinese are the bad guyz yo.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3nK
                • 20 May 2019

                Whackcar, 20 May 2019I have just one question for Americans. How do you deal wit... moreThe same way you deal with $ 0.02/hour CCP keyboard internet warriors.

                  hahaha... companies that where doing backdoors and sell user data for years now feel threaten because Huawei grow big and get more and more users?

                  This is really pathetic that they block it without any proper proof and when they them self do exact same things...

                    I think at this point Huawei should ditch the Google ecosystem altogether & develop their own ecosystem like Apple. A proprietary OS, app store & so on. It will take time to develop, but Huawei is financially well-backed to be able to do it.

                      Whackcar, 20 May 2019I have just one question for Americans. How do you deal wit... moreI love this comment! LMFAO! I'm glad I'm not American at this time when Donald Trump is President. SMH.

                        Whackcar, 20 May 2019I have just one question for Americans. How do you deal wit... more+1

                          SpiritWolf, 20 May 2019As much as I understand, only security patches. Of course, ... more.......deleted.

                            Joe Dickson, 20 May 2019Will old phones be getting updates?As much as I understand, only security patches. Of course, I am pretty sure that this madness will end rather sooner than later.

                              Will old phones be getting updates?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • XR@
                                • 20 May 2019

                                I wish all manufacturers ditch google play store bcz now a days it's shitty, all manufacturers can use cyanogenmod (LineAge)

                                  I have just one question for Americans. How do you deal with such a dumb president?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • X}D
                                    • 20 May 2019

                                    Ah shit!! Here we go again..