Huawei: the US is bullying us and we're working with Google to resolve the matter

22 May 2019
However, Huawei doesn't blame Google.

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Anonymous, 12 Jun 2019I thing this is right time to the rest of world to support ... moreGood luck supporting dead brand phones. Until they solve this matter, only idiots will buy their stuff

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • XMu
    • 12 Jun 2019

    I thing this is right time to the rest of world to support Huawei products specially smart phones. And the right to China to develop it own safe and secure Google type search engine for peaceful people.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3DR
      • 08 Jun 2019

      AnonD-819322, 28 May 2019Huawei deserve this, the US is doing their job.are you serious?

        • D
        • AnonD-819322
        • 3aW
        • 28 May 2019

        Huawei deserve this, the US is doing their job.

          • J
          • Josh
          • wg$
          • 27 May 2019

          Anonymous, 25 May 2019No they didn't. No one found any evidence about spying in h... moreThere’s heaps of proof on the internet!

            • Y
            • Yawn
            • vV5
            • 27 May 2019

            probably china dont want kay culture so americas ban them just like georgie coloney

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • mxU
              • 27 May 2019

              Chee Khuan, 24 May 2019Yes, China has locked down their media in the country. But ... moreSo the US should let China use US technology to spy on them?
              (If this is true)

              Should the US let someone use their own tools against them?
              It's not the US's problem if Huawei is using all their technologies and services. After all Huawei is known for America's Google Android, America's SD cards, America's App store, Facebook, Skype, Whatsapp, Google Maps, Gmail, Netflix, Spotify and the list goes on and on. Huawei phones CANNOT exist without American services outside of China.

              Google made no money from Huawei for years because the biggest market of Huawei is in China who does not allow ANY American Service! So yeah, nice one.

              Why should the US allow this?

              How is the rest of the world affected? By not using Huawei products? Big deal, Huawei is very easily replaceable with any other android.

              5G? I'd rather Ericsson to do it a year later! Monopoly is bad and Huawei pushing 5G sooo much is suspicious. Don't forget the founder is an army technologist for China.

              And no, i'm not American. I'm European and as someone who has used iPhones and Galaxies and Huawei phones I know the truth about Huawei. The truth is their phones are good but they copy EVERY SINGLE TINY THING from Apple and Samsung.
              Even on laptops. Matebooks are considered Macbooks clones.

                ermis, 25 May 2019when my s9+ dies, i wont buy a android phone. while google ... moreSeriously if you're true to your feelings you would get rid of your S9 today and punish Google right away. If not stop whining!

                  • P
                  • Papabear
                  • dQe
                  • 26 May 2019

                  Anonymous, 23 May 2019I don't like the official responses from Huawei. They are... moreMaybe, if Samsung and Apple were ever in that position. Which, so far, have never been.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • r}6
                    • 26 May 2019

                    Anonymous, 25 May 2019LOL omg how delusional can you be? Just to be clear, ... moreYou only see half picture, do you know why chinese own that much? How about this, what would happens to China if 750 millions chinese are out of work? There are plenty other countries would love to buy US debt if China ever decides to sell it.

                    Wouldn't you think China had make it moved if it has an uppe hand on this trade war?

                    Go Trump 2020

                      • o
                      • oss
                      • StM
                      • 25 May 2019

                      arabian knight, 25 May 2019huawei oneplus oppo realme vivo xiaomi zte should all get t... moreTechnical easy to go all open source, but political not so much and sharpest Chinese minds are study outside China on top universities these people see the fraude inside

                        • J
                        • Johnny
                        • LaT
                        • 25 May 2019

                        Remember Google is American so don't expect to get very far!

                          • a
                          • arabian knight
                          • gCm
                          • 25 May 2019

                          huawei oneplus oppo realme vivo xiaomi zte should all get together & make a brand new OS.
                          dump google permanently.
                          at one point of time symbian had the monopoly android has today & if symbian can be wiped out so can android.
                          china can take over kai OS or ubuntu touch or make a brand new linux OS for phone & pc.
                          come on mr. jinping, your boys can do it.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PE3
                            • 25 May 2019

                            [deleted post]china like to play victim . You know how much lost due to IP stolen by china ? from windows 3.5 until windows 7 era 90% of china using pirated copy and microsoft never receive single cent from it . want to talk about disgusting .

                              • e
                              • ermis
                              • HCW
                              • 25 May 2019

                              when my s9+ dies, i wont buy a android phone. while google has the power to turn trump down, they didnt. so i have the power to choose another brand, goodbye google.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • v3F
                                • 25 May 2019

                                Spike, 24 May 2019I stand with the Ban. I suggest that China pays us half of ... moreLOL omg how delusional can you be?

                                Just to be clear,
                                USA owes China money. $1.12 trillion in fact. Not the other way round.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 6jr
                                  • 25 May 2019

                                  Brainstorm, 23 May 2019And how many US companies are banned in China? Non-sequitor. Even if US/Euro companies have been banned in China, it is not Huawei that banned them. Punishing through proxy is a recipe to get your face mashed. Trump painstakingly makes enemies in the world, if the wounds he opened do not close in the coming years they may be the seed for world rift and thus risking another WW. Guy is a short term thinker... No wonder Americans loved him...

                                    7h3N319hb0r, 25 May 2019Because Huawei has placed a spy system on their hardware. Period.Proof?

                                      • S
                                      • Shahab
                                      • g8H
                                      • 25 May 2019

                                      lolipop, 24 May 2019are you sure about that? China lockdown social media becaus... moreI think Huawei (which is not China but is a Private Company) should take the matter to court... if there is something that huawei done to spy on us (any other country) they should punish even harder ... but if it is like ... just a security concern then anyone is free to not use a specific brand. and there is another concern ... us said chines companies can not withdraw their governments demands if they want any information .... are us companies have such power, we know for a fact that sometimes they did demonstrated such power but again if they do not share info what was the us matter with telegram and psn network ?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Njs
                                        • 25 May 2019

                                        Chee Khuan, 24 May 2019Yes, China has locked down their media in the country. But ... moreGoogle and facebook are not banned but blocked.