Weekly poll: are you sticking with Huawei or Honor?
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 26 May 2019
Huawei or Honor are great brands and since US have no proof of Huawei is stealing data i wouldnt be surprised if Huawei counts them this on the courts for blaming them and causing them to loose a lot of money.
- Al-Aqsa Lover
- D7k
- 26 May 2019
If I am in Huawei's shoes, I would launch an app store (not named after Huawei) where developers take 100% of their revenues, and other vendors can preinstall it freely.
And launch a software update guarantee system of 3 years of software updates of all Huawei phones using Android open source versions without Google (as it is the case).
Lastly launch a non official blog shows a simple method (which Huawei creates) how to import G Play services to your phones (and make the phones already smoothly compatible with it)
All of this with cheap prices as there is no Google royalties are being paid.
- S
- Shui8
- 26 May 2019
Huawei founder vision - still targeting number 1 on smartphone no matter what - https://www.soyacincau.com/2019/05/25/huawei-ren-zhengfei-responds-to-us-restrictions/
As for me, my Mate 20 still a keeper. Theres no reason for me to make any changes yet.
- ?
- Anonymous
- KgW
- 26 May 2019
As a current user of a Huawei phone, I guess I won't be sticking.