Nokia Q4 results are out, Lumia sold well over 1 million units

26 January, 2012
In what Nokia described as very solid performance, the Lumia duo sold "well over 1 million" units.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 95W
  • 27 Jan 2012

waiting Symbian Belle Smartphone with 3D GPU under $200 :)

    • D
    • AnonD-12210
    • YTK
    • 27 Jan 2012

    Its nt even launched in china. I think if they had launched world wide ,then it would have been even better. In india to sell an iphone they provide moneyback plans. Like iphone costs $900, so one will get the same amount of 3g benefits. But still it accounts for 0.2 % of smartphne share. Epic fail.

      • a
      • anon
      • Qxp
      • 27 Jan 2012

      Anonymous, 27 Jan 2012its actually a lot less than 1 Million, Nokia's Q4 specific... moreI don't know where do you get this info but Nokia Lumia hasn't availabe in Indonesia yet so there is no free kinect. Nokia Lumia will available in Indonesia on February
      I think if Nokia give free kinect or xbox 360 for the 100 first buyers its okay because in Indonesia all phone manufacturers always give discounts. E.g : RIM sells bold 9790 with half price, samsung, sony and others give discounts around 120 dollars for every handset they sell for the launching day (sometimes more than a day)

        • p
        • poorsales
        • M3s
        • 27 Jan 2012

        Fact is thats poor sales.Id say theve given away more for demos as i recieved two for free in my store.I have to say im not impressed with the phone and people arnt buying them.Iphone and android are still the most purchased handsets.Wp7 just dosent offer the same customisation as android and certainly not apple.Im sorry guys this is the truth.I use all three platforms and the nokia is the least exciting.Please dont start with the whole malware thing im sure like windows it will only be a matter of time before they start appearing on the lumia and to top it off both of the phones i received are faulty so my confidence is pretty low at the moment.

          • D
          • AnonD-12210
          • YTK
          • 27 Jan 2012

          Anonymous, 27 Jan 20121. Google android OS was very new when Samsung jumped in th... moreThose excuses would nt stop wp to overtake apple. Lumia was launched in november. In india it was launched in december. 710 is nt available in UK . So overall its a sucess. Stop trolling on nokia related pages. If your fav os is best then why to be insecure?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • keq
            • 27 Jan 2012

            AnonD-12210, 27 Jan 2012How many handsets did first samsung android phone sell ? Fo... more1. Google android OS was very new when Samsung jumped in the market. Microsoft has experience in mobile division, Windows Mobile has been around even before Google as a company started, Google didn't have experience or a reputation when Android was launched.

            2. Did Google give samsung hundreds and hundreds of millions to promote Android? Microsoft gave Nokia around 100 million for Q4 2011 to promote Windows Phone 7, Microsoft is continuing to give Nokia 250 Million every year after that to continue promoting Windows Phone 7. Did Google give away free Xbox 360's, kinects, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii's or any incentives to even purchase an Android Device?

            3. Samsung posted phenomenal operating profits, cash flow, as did Apple, Google, and Microsoft... did Nokia? Oh... they reported 54% loss from Q4 2010...

            For all the other post below... you guys need to read again, Nokia didn't sell over 1 million Lumia devices in Q4, that figure is "to date". Lumia 900 a game changer? I thought Nokia fanboys kept crying when Android devices larger than 4" screen were released saying how its too big, yet now Nokia puts out a 4.3" screen and its supposedly a "game changer"? LOL, thats why I enjoy commenting here, so much entertainment.

              • T
              • Thomas F
              • Mk%
              • 27 Jan 2012

              Ok, Nokia sold arround 1 million WP phones, i the same period they sold around 17 million Symbian Phones. This is in fact 1 million more that last. And Belle is just around the corner. Nokia has revived a lot of money from Microsoft, but was it worth the effort? My opinion is that had Elop not ditched the Symbian platform, and forcused on Symbian Belle and Meego/Meamo they would be better of. the could even have taken in WP but the communication around Symbian and Meego/Meamo has been a disaster.

                • s
                • simple user
                • Sve
                • 27 Jan 2012

                from financial report is evident that Nokia invested a truck-load with money on WP phones. May be it is too early to celebrate success. So far earned money are less then spent.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-12210
                  • 7tx
                  • 27 Jan 2012

                  Anonymous, 27 Jan 2012 moreHow many handsets did first samsung android phone sell ? For a new os n first nokia wp7 it is a great achievement ! Lumia 900 will change the game n turn the tables around . Apollo n multicore nokias with spell doom on apple. From here ,there is only one way to go for nokia , that is to the TOP.

                    • l
                    • lololol
                    • 0Fc
                    • 27 Jan 2012

                    AnonD-13315, 27 Jan 2012Come on lololol , you and me know that you do not use the N... moreWhen you work in mobile sales and sell only 3 since release i hardly calll it great sales for my store.Interest is still for the iohine and gs2.No matter how much you paint over the cracks wp7 is struggling big time.And as for saying i dont use a lumia as a 2nd phone i feel sorry for you.I was given it by nokia to use and push the device to customers but guess what there not interested.Its apple and android all the way.Most people on here conment and dont work in sales or deal with what the public wants day in day out and i can assure you the lumia is not sort after.If they were so good why have they dropped the price after 6 weeks?Err flagging sales.So keep all your bravado and malware lumia to yourself.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-12210
                      • 7tx
                      • 27 Jan 2012

                      Anonymous, 27 Jan 2012 moreHow many handsets did first samsung android phone sell ? Surely less than 1mil

                        • D
                        • AnonD-12210
                        • 7tx
                        • 27 Jan 2012

                        Nokia is on its way to reclaim its glory. Only nokia can achieve this. Others managed to sell 1 mil wp7 in more than 1 yr , but nokia managed to do so in 2 months n in limited markets . Btw there is no such free xbox or such thing here in india. Go nokia go..!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PF5
                          • 27 Jan 2012

                          Anonymous, 27 Jan 2012its actually a lot less than 1 Million, Nokia's Q4 specific... moreWanna know what's evon more funny? Naysayers and fans that's trying to paint Nokia in a dead end. I guess you didn't factor in that the fact the Nokia/WP7 jumpstart manage to sell around 1 million in just a few months? In just. A. Few. Friggin. Months. Once the low-end Tango Lumia devices rolls in and WP7 awarness spreads, things will no doubt get dramatic.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • keq
                            • 27 Jan 2012

                            cjdelphi, 27 Jan 2012well over 1 million units?... what 1 million and 15? lolits actually a lot less than 1 Million, Nokia's Q4 specifically says 1 Million Lumia devices "to date". Meaning that figure is up until January 26th, when the Q4 was given, their Q4 sales are a lot less and so pathetic.

                            Notice how the usual nokia fanboys aren't here? They're hiding because they've been shamed, they keep touting, "Nokia is back on top! They're the King!!!" yet even after all that funding and promotional money from Microsoft such as free xbox 360's in the UK, free kinect's in indonesia, WP7 market share is 2.7%. Even microsoft was too embarrassed to discuss WP7 in detail in their Q4 reports.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-11222
                              • vbR
                              • 27 Jan 2012

                              Anonymous, 27 Jan 2012 morenumbers are still counting stop posting false info and go enjoy your malware ridden Android

                                • D
                                • AnonD-11222
                                • vbR
                                • 27 Jan 2012

                                lololol, 26 Jan 2012Yeah yeah i agree with hahaha my lumia failed after malware... morei think you made mistake hackers prefer Android over any other os for creating malware and viruses

                                  • c
                                  • cjdelphi
                                  • sG%
                                  • 27 Jan 2012

                                  well over 1 million units?... what 1 million and 15? lol

                                    • R
                                    • Rick
                                    • RxD
                                    • 27 Jan 2012

                                    lololol, 26 Jan 2012Yeah yeah i agree with hahaha my lumia failed after malware... morehow did u get that malware? I think when someone got malwares that easily, it is because he is stupid enough to put anything inside the system, typical of newbie-euphorism. Btw, I'm not a fanboy here...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PF5
                                      • 27 Jan 2012

                                      Wow. Compared to other articles about the Lumia sales, GSM's article sure gives out a lot of negative vibe. They didn't even mention what caused the losses; their navigation services that Nokia users can use for free. Oh well, it's definitely a great start for Nokia and WP7. I hope there will be more to come from them.

                                        • s
                                        • sara
                                        • MY4
                                        • 27 Jan 2012

                                        symbian belly is far better than android going farward
                                        symbian and windows will rule the mobile world.