Xiaomi Mi CC first promo video is out, render of the CC9e too
- A
- Audacious
- 8q5
- 22 Jun 2019
God I hope this is the A3
- s
- srscat
- ap3
- 22 Jun 2019
Xiaomi seriously what so excited about this CC9e?
Poco 2
Mi A3
affordable OIS
affordable SD 855
affordable high refresh rate screen
affordable flip camera with auto focus in selfie mode
anything compact like iphone SE or legacy sony compact lineup
Anything from above looks ten time more interesting.
- C
- CompactPhones5ever
- 8uS
- 22 Jun 2019
>Mimicks 'e' series of Samsung which is a label for compact-ish phones
>Actually turns out to be just another stupid oversized 6.39" phablet
...Yeah why don't you f*ck right off, door is over there.
- v
- veryangrynerd
- Gw{
- 22 Jun 2019
Me: Xiaomi launches a Mi 9 SE limited edition with updated 32MP selfie camera and Pearl White paint job
Xiaomi: launches a whole new company
- S
- Shanti Dope
- vaS
- 22 Jun 2019
Hmm.....a vertical Xiaomi branding on the lower left side of the back of the phone.
Reminds me of something earlier this year when they still had their Android licenses :))