Apple attempt to ban the Samsung Galaxy Nexus

13 February, 2012
Apple are now gunning Samsung's Galaxy Nexus, but is it Android 4.0 ICS that they are really after?

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • p77
  • 13 Feb 2012

AnonD-29026, 13 Feb 2012This tells us that Apple is seriously concerned about its f... more"This tells us that Apple is seriously concerned about its future. They never sued any make when they were doing really well, about 2-3 years ago. Now samsung is rapidly overtaking and Apple is just doing what they can do!"

Wait what? Apple doing much better than samsung.

Also it's sellig more smartphones than samsung and get more money of them

2-3 years ago there wasn't this new samsung who copying everything from others.

    • G
    • GELO
    • t7X
    • 13 Feb 2012

    OMG . .
    R U SERIOUS ???????????

      • l
      • lol
      • 0CY
      • 13 Feb 2012

      Anonymous, 13 Feb 2012that's 3 alphabets.Actually it's 3 words "laughing out loud".
      And it's not even alphabets what you we're aiming for. You meant letters. An alphabet is the entirety of letters used by a language.

        • l
        • lol
        • 0CY
        • 13 Feb 2012

        I have an idea:

        How about Google bans Apple from the search engine.

        Take that Apple.

          • J
          • Jack Sparro
          • QGM
          • 13 Feb 2012

          This is deffinatley not the downfall of apple, they are the biggest market value company in the world and are predicted to be the first trillion dollar company at 1,200,00$ a stock.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • dQF
            • 13 Feb 2012

            you are sick apple, Sick...

              • k
              • kiloh3rtz
              • ms0
              • 13 Feb 2012

              AnonD-21645, 13 Feb 2012Like many, this is what upsets me about Apple - Steve Jobs ... moreWell you maybe right there...But lets not forget apple still sells and iphones are still the most reliable smartphones on the market and its not about the specs or the coolness its about the iOS something that android cant top at this moment so far...iOS owns android more relaible and more stable
              1.Even tho android is growing lets not forget that updates always comes only for flagship phones then for the rest ex:SGS2 who got the 4.0 while many others did not
              2.Still iOS virus FREE android has those not very bad or something but still they are not harmless
              3.Since your refered to mac and macbooks trust me dont won one but the special processors and the sistem which are used for cpu calculation method puts apple way way above most if not all normal destkops...The processors and most of the parts are made special for apple by intel/nvidia amd/ati etc....along with the macOS makes it one of the best computer experience out there...I had use a macOS more of tested and its way above normal pc's moves smoother and the display from apple monitors its cristal clear cant compare with any other desktop lcd/led not even those new 3d ones....Still I do not aprove with the politics of apple suing every1 for everything...I mean you wanna prove your better prove by gadgets/technologycal progress not from not letting others sell

                • D
                • AnonD-36937
                • utb
                • 13 Feb 2012

                I don not understand y is not google getting them patented. When they found a way around slide to unlock they should have patented it right away.

                This is the start of the downfall of Apple..!!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-35956
                  • NvY
                  • 13 Feb 2012

                  Apple will fail to sue google and that's one of the reason I hate Apple.

                    • C
                    • Carphone Guy
                    • M3s
                    • 13 Feb 2012

                    AnonD-24543, 13 Feb 2012According to new "insiders" info, Apples lawsuits... moreomg patient it quick, befor we have to give apple $4 for every breath we take! ;-)

                      • s
                      • shockinglybad
                      • Tr8
                      • 13 Feb 2012

                      Never in my lifetime will I buy anything apple due to the way they trade.Disgusting company who want to dominate everything.Time apple realised along with its brainwashed users there should be choice.And who's copying who with the drop down notifications.Shame on you apple and everything you stand for.Rot in hell

                        • D
                        • AnonD-21321
                        • 0ZU
                        • 13 Feb 2012

                        this is for you Apple...I will buy every mobile phone and tablet that you sue. and not only one piece, but i will buy as much as I can and i will never spend any pennie on any apple device even if it was the only device on earth...i know you do not care but i am gonna do it for real.

                          • T
                          • To be SGS3 owner
                          • 0xQ
                          • 13 Feb 2012

                          Biggest reason why now i'm newer gonna buy an apple device, i'd better use my Nokia 3310 which is the origin of the iPhone and by far is the most superior phone of all time, anyway if they keep up this random shooting at Samsung Samsung will buy ARM and apple will have to close the whole iPhone thing.

                            • n
                            • nickname
                            • TjX
                            • 13 Feb 2012

                            8086604 had been possible on Symbian before 2004, as far as I can recall. "Prior usage", I'd say, and by no means patent worthy, as when I search for something in real life, let say my socks, I won't only search in the drawer where the socks used to be found, but literally everywhere in the house. Oh, and I will find numerous things during my search (albeit probably not the socks I'm searching for... ;o))

                            But seriously, this isn't a patent for an insanely great idea, is it?! It's simply common sense to use search algorithms in this way. And, as I said, it's been done before Apple "invented" it...

                              • J
                              • Jay
                              • LGw
                              • 13 Feb 2012

                              Apple really needs to cool their nuts.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-21645
                                • Gjj
                                • 13 Feb 2012

                                Like many, this is what upsets me about Apple - Steve Jobs quoted as saying "we're shameless about stealing other people's ideas..." - yet then claim to 'own' the original idea once they've released something...


                                What you have to remember with Apple is...

                                That they're no longer about ipods (when did that get an update) - they're pretty much putting all their eggs in one basket - the iphone and ipad...

                                Kindle Fire is going to start burning away at their market share of pads (as will Android tablets - albeit SLOWLY)

                                But you think - if people STOP or slow down buying the iphone and start realising that there's better out there and it's cheaper (and there is - this year will definitely prove that) - then Apple are in very deep water... what else are they going to sell? overpriced laptops? overpriced macs?

                                They can no longer claim "best screen resolution" no longer "most apps", no longer "slimmest phone", etc. etc.

                                This year is going to be MASSIVE for both Apple and Samsung... A real clash of titans!

                                I'm sure Apple will still sell MILLIONS of phones... But I think with the iphone 4S in particular, they've started to saturate the market a bit and lose the 'premium' sheen of the brand... now you can get iphones cheaper and there are more of them - in fact I see pensioners with them because they're 'easy to use'... the 'cool factor' I think is slowly wearing off... and once that wears off, what are you left with? A very restrictive product that gives you very little control over what you have actually purchased...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 39x
                                  • 13 Feb 2012

                                  Apple is like a little kid if they can't have it then no should have it

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-24543
                                    • pVj
                                    • 13 Feb 2012

                                    According to new "insiders" info, Apples lawsuits also refereed to one more patent:

                                    US Patent No. 8074XXX - Method of inhaling air from Earth's atmosphere, filtering the contained oxygen using the lungs, and exhaling unwanted mixture back to the atmosphere.

                                      • T
                                      • Trex
                                      • TCs
                                      • 13 Feb 2012

                                      Now should we register the gesture of eating through our month and digestive system, then charge every apple employee a patent fee every time they eat anything?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • kah
                                        • 13 Feb 2012

                                        Crippling innovation... How are these reason even valid for patenting...? I wonder why Google isn't trying to patent these before Apple. I guess some companies are more competitive than others...