Apple attempt to ban the Samsung Galaxy Nexus

13 February, 2012
Apple are now gunning Samsung's Galaxy Nexus, but is it Android 4.0 ICS that they are really after?

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  • T
  • TMach
  • sXM
  • 13 Feb 2012

I don't know if any of the top Executives from Cupertino ever read these blogs but take it from me, it looks like I have bought my last product from Apple. I own the IP4s as well as the Galaxy Nexus and to be honest, I cannot find one single similarity other than capacitive touch screen. I am ok with my iPhone 4s but truly love my Galaxy Nexus, it looks different and has a complete different feel and user experience. Get over yourself and compete on a fair basis without recourse to the courts. I am surprised Google doesn't jump and sue for the drag down notification bar which google phones have had for ages. COMPETE ON THE FACTORY FLOOR AND NOT IN THE COURTS! Innovation over litigation rules and the customer wins!

    • D
    • AnonD-42185
    • q}t
    • 13 Feb 2012

    Cool it apple your rich :p

      • D
      • AnonD-37627
      • fq6
      • 13 Feb 2012

      Anonymous, 13 Feb 2012"Because the truth Apple is the one who copied Samsung... moreWe don't count announce date we care about the release date and every one knows Apple don't reveal their phone or any information about it until the showtime when Steves does the act
      F700 2/2007
      Iphone 7/2007

        • n
        • nash
        • 4XP
        • 13 Feb 2012

        Apple just the right to use Ipad in china and has to settle 38 M at least there so they will sue anyone for anything if they can. Apple has lots the edge for sure and Android and samsung are just chunking out the market. Only people staying with apple is because of the fad. But the young are realizing as well,everything on apple cost money where on adnroid is free so ...make your own conclusions. Unless Apple invent something new, they will stagnate or even lose their dominating position in the market.HTC and Samsung are going quad core soon and produce more phone models than apple. Apple producers 1 in 3 years on average. So with people always attracted to something new, that is not playing to their advantage as well.

          • s
          • stf
          • 3@4
          • 13 Feb 2012

          apple you are patetic.

            • N
            • Nathan
            • ID1
            • 13 Feb 2012

            Kerosine, 13 Feb 2012I am all for patenting iOS, as a whole Operating System (me... moreI agree with what you're saying and probably couldn't have said it better myself? To reply to who this comment is replying to. The point is completely moot considering subject at hand is said features. Android has similar and different features but the problem is the lawsuit is over particular features so the comment really doesn't support the argument. I get what the guy was trying to say but how can someone say "stop people from taking what makes them unique," "they took those things and made one whole package"? When simple matter of fact is that Apple is suing over a particular feature (4 to be exact, more considering the past) and not the "whole package" that was mentioned. What apple is doing is disgusting. I don't know how people could defend such behaviour but to each their own. Like you said I can understand protecting an IP but to sue for patents that shouldn't even have an existence is just upsetting to say the least.

              • K
              • Kerosine
              • gxJ
              • 13 Feb 2012

              Anonymous, 13 Feb 2012Google itself is a US company, so it's not exactly a US vs ... moreI do understand that Google is a US company as well, my issue is with the US Patent System, that allowed some patents to be granted to those that were clearly not the inventors, as is the case in unified search for instance, or the phone number recognition. As I said, I used such systems on other devices in the past - why hadn't these systems been patented before? How were Apple granted these patents when it would have been sufficient to search for prior usage and deny the grant? As I said, I think the patent system favoured Apple to protect jobs (no pun intended) and the US economy. I think the US economy gains more from Apple that it would from the Android arm of Google, so that would explain the stance taken.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Tqd
                • 13 Feb 2012

                Jay, 13 Feb 2012Apple really needs to cool their nuts.i agree

                  • D
                  • Dazz
                  • 0pc
                  • 13 Feb 2012

                  I am past caring apple, the company can burn in hell for all i care with their sweat shops then charge 6x the price of a product then what it is worth then patent other peoples technology. The reason it wasn't patented is because the designers want people to use it so that it becomes a standard. Apple is a plague on the IT industry, and stifling progression and standards. While others are willing to licence their patents you want to keep them to yourself.

                  How the hell no one has taken this as anti-competitive behaviour is stupid.

                  BTW the patents used was taken to a German court and you lost what makes you think you are going any further this time? Swipe to unlock was for a single action from left to right Android allows the user to swipe in any and all directions as of Android GB.

                  Start being competitive rather then anti-competitive.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-252
                    • 0TX
                    • 13 Feb 2012

                    Anonymous, 13 Feb 2012Google itself is a US company, so it's not exactly a US vs ... moreDo not worry because these "patents" will make even WP7 illegal, and Symbian and MeeGo and... will also be made illegal!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-13148
                      • PBC
                      • 13 Feb 2012

                      I'm so worried, soon Apple will put a patent on breathing the air. They will soon require us to pay patent fee, and I'm so poor to breath. :'(

                        • P
                        • Patent
                        • n98
                        • 13 Feb 2012

                        Patent mafia... click to patent...

                          • P
                          • Panther
                          • kP3
                          • 13 Feb 2012

                          I think I kinda hate Apple a bit. They are really sore "losers," per say. They refuse to accept that not all of us wants that freaking iPhone. It seems like they are trying to be the only choice in the US. Everything in the world is based off of something else, but they are the only ones being babies about it. Grow up Apple & stop whining.

                            • n
                            • ninjabass66
                            • LEV
                            • 13 Feb 2012

                            poor apple, really needs go to mars and go away for a long time, one fight every day ¬¬

                              • I
                              • ICS
                              • YHM
                              • 13 Feb 2012

                              sure apple, whatever you can do to bring down one great company...why dont u try banning every PHONE company so that people get stuck with ur CRAPphone...LG should sue you for copying lg prada...let it go crapple, just up your game and stop this BS

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • p77
                                • 13 Feb 2012

                                AAPL crosses 500 per share for the first time, now worth more than twice its smartphone rivals combined

                                Nice :)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • p77
                                  • 13 Feb 2012

                                  altin, 13 Feb 2012Ice Cream Sandwich is far away better than iO5, believe me.... moreSo what new and interesting ICS bring to the table? i Saw the ICS live announce and i didn't see anything interesting which make me want ICS device.

                                  I take WP7 phone everyday before android device.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PG5
                                    • 13 Feb 2012

                                    AnonD-40665, 13 Feb 2012Glad you do. I just don't know who to loathe more at the mo... moreGoogle itself is a US company, so it's not exactly a US vs the world scenario in this case. Agree with you on the individual patent points. Google really shouldn't have copied iOS so blatantly though, as it is precisely the 'whole OS' you mentioned that Apple is gunning Google down for. However, to do this they are forced to use 'individual patents', hence this mess we are in.

                                    Notice that Apple has no issue with WP7. While I hate this back and forth, I do bet that Google at least have had some regrets in their copying.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ix1
                                      • 13 Feb 2012

                                      Seriously, grow up Apple...

                                        • n
                                        • nick
                                        • U{T
                                        • 13 Feb 2012

                                        I can eat apple even i can eat ice cream sandwich... The difference in both z tat apple is grown in a tree n its easy to get apple from tree but it takes a lot to prepare icecream sandwich n is not an easy process coz it requires much labour than apple preparation so let them fight for whatever they want till then njoy them as foods ;) LOL ;)