Gartner releases phone market share report for 2011

15 February, 2012
Smartphone sales reached 472 million total units last year, with sales up 47% from 2010.

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  • D
  • AnonD-37631
  • vFw
  • 17 Feb 2012

AnonD-1319, 16 Feb 2012You just look the percentage look at the actual figures sam... moreWe are not talking about units sold but talking about over all market share.

Lets say in 2010 worldwide total sales of smart phones were 100 units (just an example) and out of those 100, 20 were Samsung's, hence their market share was 20%. Now next year over all smart phones sales were 1000 units and now Samsung sold 100 units. Thats more units sold but its market share is still lower than 20% which was last year.

So selling more units doesn't guarantee bigger market share cuz market is also expanding with time.

Hope its clear now.

    • D
    • Debarghya
    • utB
    • 17 Feb 2012

    open source o/s will be dere for ever but meego is a great o/s nokia should pull that back instead of windows & sym3& s60 devices. s60 devices are not bad but very bad compared to android & ios .....when it comes to ios it will down bcoz jobs is gone.....his visions are gone with him.

      • S
      • Steven
      • 0HW
      • 17 Feb 2012

      KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012 for that...i am not sure. i'm an android user eversince, ... moreYes but one of the reasons I think that the iPhone so popular is because there's so much hype around it before it's released... that is only because Apple releases one a year but this does come with risk... people often over exaggerate a highly anticipated product in hope that it will either come true or bring it down when it's released and people what it really is

      I am telling you this because with a brand like Sony Apple can keep that hype and still have a wider range of products running ios and Apple can help Sony make the most of speed, memory, and battery life

      I still agree though that Apple needs partners in the software side too... Sony will help with this by making so all ios devices are Playstation certified which will help with gaming... but that help with all of what Apple needs... Apple really needs to work on it's maps adding voice turn by turn directions and update graphics... other then that it's a lot of small stuff that will make a huge difference... I have to say that a lot of those things are in Android

      Oh and i think you should that I don't have an iPhone either... i have a dumbphone but im soon available for upgrade where I will buy the iPhone.

        • K
        • KRM_DOTCOM
        • 9La
        • 17 Feb 2012

        Steven, 17 Feb 2012I agree completely... that was exactly what I meant when I ... more
        for that...i am not sure. i'm an android user eversince, but my cousin has an iphone and i get to borrow it every now and then. The right person to ask that is an iPhone user.

        but for my opinion, it would be best to partner w/ a software company which can help them improve the already awesome iOS, Partner w/ a hardware company like invidia,intel, Dell, and such for hardware improvements.

        learn from motorola,

        moto w/ intel, google possibly saw the potential, so google bought moto, that would be intel,google and moto working so i'm sort of expecting great smartphones from them this year.

          • S
          • Steven
          • 0HW
          • 17 Feb 2012

          KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012quite understandable, partnership is not bad. it means shar... moreI agree completely... that was exactly what I meant when I said Apple needs partners... Apple has technology that they can share and Apple needs technology that others can give... now the only question is which companies... i was think maybe Sony... they have great displays, great cameras, great audio, somewhat specs in general, and Playstation... now this is just one of many options Apple and it doesn't even have to be the only one. Who do you think would be a good partner for Apple?

            • K
            • KRM_DOTCOM
            • 9La
            • 17 Feb 2012

            Steven, 17 Feb 2012well this may came to a surprise to but I do think that App... morequite understandable, partnership is not bad. it means sharing of technology. and for durability, after foxcon i know apple is not stupid to partner w/ companies w/ low credibility again. A company planning to take a partnership venture would first look for the right partner, set qualifications and confirm if that company can meet it's expectation. I'm sure apple's corporate sharks are not dumb. They can manage better than others that i'm sure, if just in case they fail, it's their business guys not the techs.

              • S
              • Steven
              • 0HW
              • 17 Feb 2012

              KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012 let me throw that one back as well... what do you think A... morewell this may came to a surprise to but I do think that Apple needs to at least become opener... they also need partnerships with other companies (i won't which though)... less things that make the public like them less (like Foxconn and their privacy complaints)... more durable products... better specs because not everyone knows that Apple makes 1ghz feel like 1.2ghz or even 1.5... and a wider range of products

                • S
                • Steven
                • 0HW
                • 17 Feb 2012

                KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012much more...sacrificing iTunes is worth it. or it won't be ... moreiTunes is worth it but more competition among apps and better apps... im sorry to break it to you but their is far better apps on the Apps Store... because there are way more apps and way less stupid (which by the way are the free ones) apps because Apple does let the stupid ones through... what they should do is only block the stupid ones and encourage developers to be generous with price... like normally what would be .99 cells be free and 1.99 be .99 and 4.99 be 2.99 and so on and so forth.

                  • K
                  • KRM_DOTCOM
                  • 9La
                  • 17 Feb 2012

                  Steven, 17 Feb 2012The only benefit for Apple opening up ios is it will give t... moremuch more...sacrificing iTunes is worth it. or it won't be sacrificed at all but improved. for applications, means more competitions, more better apps(most would be free). The only downside is security from bugs and crushes... but apple is more than capable on handling that. imagine an open iOS against an already open android. it's gonna be a one sided battle where iOS will come out as a victor

                    • S
                    • Steven
                    • 0HW
                    • 17 Feb 2012

                    KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012let me throw your question back... what do you think are th... moreThe only benefit for Apple opening up ios is it will give them more support with techies that prefer an open os... this might make them lose with iTunes and make their App Store a lot less reliable but those techies support will really help because most of them are either bloggers or developers... now you

                      • K
                      • KRM_DOTCOM
                      • 9La
                      • 17 Feb 2012

                      Steven, 17 Feb 2012Can you explain for why you want them to open-source... bec... more
                      let me throw that one back as well... what do you think Apple needs to do to be on the top spot as well?

                        • K
                        • KRM_DOTCOM
                        • 9La
                        • 17 Feb 2012

                        Steven, 17 Feb 2012... and i would like to know you have a reason... or is it ... morelet me throw your question back... what do you think are the benefits that you will get if iOS will open up?

                          • S
                          • Steven
                          • 0HW
                          • 17 Feb 2012

                          KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012to be exact... everyone is undersiege. it's like worldwar. ... more... and i would like to know you have a reason... or is it that you think it would give Apple more market share?

                            • S
                            • Steven
                            • 0HW
                            • 17 Feb 2012

                            KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012to be exact... everyone is undersiege. it's like worldwar. ... moreCan you explain for why you want them to open-source... because i personally don't mind it not being open but i'm curious why someone else would?

                              • K
                              • KRM_DOTCOM
                              • 9La
                              • 17 Feb 2012

                              Steven, 17 Feb 2012So what you're saying is that Apple is saying that they're ... moreto be exact... everyone is undersiege. it's like worldwar. i'm highlighting apple b'coz they are the best, it's just a few months when my beloved android was crowned in place of apple but that not necessarily mean that apple is already a non-major player on this. they are still but they are slipping. i still have high hopes for apple, i would be an apple fan if they would just open up like android

                                • S
                                • Steven
                                • 0HW
                                • 17 Feb 2012

                                KRM_DOTCOM, 17 Feb 2012 Gained. but interms of market size... would those gained ... moreSo what you're saying is that Apple is saying that they're doing fine when they're really slipping even though they were 1 of 3 that gained market share and is expected to be 1 of the 3 top contenders in the future... and of chores Apple has something up their sleeves... the market is in it's beginning stage and every brand had better have something up their sleeve or else they aren't going to do well... blackberry even has bb10 coming... now if that works then good for them and if doesn't then bye bye bb... im getting off topic... my point is i know Apple has something up their sleeve whether it works or not is up for grabs... the real question is does Google have something up their sleeve... because Android has problems and that top spot can really make someone think that they're unstoppable when they are really more vulnerable then ever... heck if anyone is under siege from both sides it's Google

                                  • K
                                  • KRM_DOTCOM
                                  • 9La
                                  • 17 Feb 2012

                                  Steven, 17 Feb 2012Excuse me but ios gained a lot of market share... what are ... more
                                  Gained. but interms of market size... would those gained enough to cover the loses?

                         is still doing great, how ever, it would be painful for the loyalist seeing these stats. the last roman emperor always clain that the empire is still doing great when in fact...lots of things are already slipping away from them. but i believe apple has something up their sleeves. great ones don't die w/out a fight. they need to bring out their big guns, but i think..they are just waiting for the right time to do damage. i just hope they haven't missed that "right time" it'll be a disaster.

                                    • S
                                    • Steven
                                    • 0HW
                                    • 17 Feb 2012

                                    KRM_DOTCOM, 16 Feb 2012 apple seesm to be going down the drain unless they come u... moreExcuse me but ios gained a lot of market share... what are talking about under siege from both sides like the last days of the Roman Empire... they have been attacked by critics a lot but customers... you get your facts straight or shut up.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 8QG
                                      • 17 Feb 2012

                                      nokia has about 80% market share in Brazil

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-1319
                                        • K7g
                                        • 16 Feb 2012

                                        AnonD-37631, 16 Feb 2012I know Nokia losing its market share and I guess we all kno... moreYou just look the percentage look at the actual figures sammy gains more numbers while nokia lose both number and %