Weekly poll: is the Samsung Galaxy Note10 duo a hit or a miss?
- C
- Chip
- Mk3
- 11 Aug 2019
I have an OCD. If the display has anything like a notch, hole, drop I stay away from those particular devices. Period. I'd rather go for an all screen display. Even my XZ is a device I'd go for (again).
- ?
- Anonymous
- iwt
- 11 Aug 2019
Competing phones? There isn't a single worthy competition for note 10 series except note 9.
Does anyone know any other phone from other brand with smooth and fluid stylus like note??
- ?
- Anonymous
- U{6
- 11 Aug 2019
Samsung is the new Apple (in the worst ways possible).
- D
- DonAKG
- KSe
- 11 Aug 2019
90% of the people who selected "I'm looking at competing phones" are already using other brands. they mean nothing for this poll.
- g
- geekacontra
- 38b
- 11 Aug 2019
"is the Samsung Galaxy Note10 duo a hit or a miss?"
let me think... how should I guess? listening to my guts, rolling dices or divination by reading birds entrails? excepting a bunch of specs there are no real tests, no real reviews, no real user experiences....
- N
- NotAnOpinion
- 4dt
- 11 Aug 2019
Boring, overpriced and overhyped junk that's inferior to many of its rivals.