OnePlus TV name and logo revealed
- X
- Kg{
- 16 Aug 2019
Classical art? It is just the oneplus logo and 'TV'. An intern can chop that out in Paint in under an hour. No need to show the specs of the logo oneplus.
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 15 Aug 2019
What the heck???
Just kidding i am not surprised not even a tiny bit.
- NimaTheShadow
- a3e
- 15 Aug 2019
I'm just thinking who could possibly be the winner of this contest? Seriously, there could be many people (if not everyone) who would call OnePlus TV, OnePlus TV! That decision didn't even need a contest to be made... :|
- A
- Gxx
- 14 Aug 2019
"The company claims it was inspired by classical art forms like the ancient Hindu mandala symbol as well as the Heraion of Argos ancient Greek temple."
WHERE? WHAT? HOW?- i see no resemblance
The OnePlus TV is still in development but the company promises more exciting news
- h
- hahaha
- Gxx
- 14 Aug 2019
CompactPhones5ever, 14 Aug 2019*company brags about logo, saying they're "proud" of it*
... more how its managed to use proportions into account by separating the OnePlus and TV symbols by exactly two spaces more than the gap in the OnePlus logo.
ultimate cringe
they used proportions into account/ gosh my 4 year old could do that and i would be PROUD
when one plus does it.... CRINGE
- C
- CompactPhones5ever
- 8uS
- 14 Aug 2019
*company brags about logo, saying they're "proud" of it*
Is this the ultimate cringe? In other news, the TV's price just got increased by $50 because OnePlus had to pay the team of designers... The pre-OP7 era OnePlus is never coming back, OnePlus devolved into a basic marketing-based company, good old times when all they needed was a superior product with killer price and people found their way to them... No more.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rM1
- 14 Aug 2019
This logo... Bold. Innovative. Brave.
- .
- .alpha
- ytx
- 14 Aug 2019
Lets hope it runs Harmony OS
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y7u
- 14 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 14 Aug 2019But I don't think you will want a TV with Soulja Boy TV nameHonestly I wouldn't care as long as the TV is good and the price is affordable like the company's smartphones used to be. Besides, we both know that wouldn't happen lol.
- M
- Maame Raggae
- fmg
- 14 Aug 2019
So then all Chinese manufacturers begin to release TVs and then boom!!! They all start adopting Hongmeng OS
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftK
- 14 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 14 Aug 2019But I don't think you will want a TV with Soulja Boy TV nameYeah but they acted like the name is magical and special and it took them years to figure out. Like we all knew it was going to be OnePlus TV, just like Mi TV
- ?
- Anonymous
- D0h
- 14 Aug 2019
Amirboli, 14 Aug 2019Will they succeed in that ??????????????They are literally taking BBK electronics of the mill TV and rebranding it into OnePlus TV
- A
- Amirboli
- 6Xj
- 14 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 14 Aug 2019But I don't think you will want a TV with Soulja Boy TV nameYeah for sure .........
- ?
- Anonymous
- uZa
- 14 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 14 Aug 2019"No other name can best represent our value, vision and pri... moreBut I don't think you will want a TV with Soulja Boy TV name
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y7u
- 14 Aug 2019
"No other name can best represent our value, vision and pride," lol really OnePlus?! I don't care about the name as long as the TVs aren't crappy and the prices are affordable.