OnePlus TV name and logo revealed
Back in September OnePlus announced its plans to venture out in the TV business. Since then the company went to its fan base for help in naming the upcoming device and it looks like we finally have a winner - the OnePlus TV. The company decided to keep naming simple and to the point feeling that “no other name can best represent our value, vision and pride”.

In a forum post, a OnePlus representative also detailed the logo creation process and how the company chose to stick with the familiar company logo and the addition of a TV.
OnePlus is also proud of how its managed to use proportions into account by separating the OnePlus and TV symbols by exactly two spaces more than the gap in the OnePlus logo.

The company claims it was inspired by classical art forms like the ancient Hindu mandala symbol as well as the Heraion of Argos ancient Greek temple. The OnePlus TV is still in development but the company promises more exciting news coming soon so we’ll keep an eye out.
Reader comments
- 16 Aug 2019
- Kg{
Classical art? It is just the oneplus logo and 'TV'. An intern can chop that out in Paint in under an hour. No need to show the specs of the logo oneplus.
- AnonD-731363
- 15 Aug 2019
- SH3
What the heck??? Just kidding i am not surprised not even a tiny bit.
- NimaTheShadow
- 15 Aug 2019
- a3e
I'm just thinking who could possibly be the winner of this contest? Seriously, there could be many people (if not everyone) who would call OnePlus TV, OnePlus TV! That decision didn't even need a contest to be made... :|