Samsung Galaxy M10s will have an AMOLED screen, ultrawide cam and fast charging

11 September 2019
The Galaxy M10 also boasts an ultra wide shooter, but it has a smaller LCD and a microUSB with no fast charging.

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    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • n$4
    • 11 Sep 2019

    FromChinaWithLove, 11 Sep 2019I still don't get why Samsung doesn't want to put out any A... moreBecause if they do first they can't have any control over the sofwtare and not add any samsung bloatware at all. Second because it would be more expensive they need to pay fees to Google.

    They are aiming towards xiaomi, inexpensive crap phones

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • gwe
      • 11 Sep 2019

      Thats the real value

        I still don't get why Samsung doesn't want to put out any Android One phones. I mean if you are going to make A series and M series then why not just choose one of it for Android One phones like xiaomi did. I'm sure people would want a Samsung Android One phone if they can purchase one.

        While they are focus on the Galaxy S series, sometime the A series got pretty similar specs like the Galaxy S series.

          • R
          • RT
          • 6Pd
          • 11 Sep 2019

          So basically its a rebranded galaxy A20..

            Nice gadget