Samsung Mobile chief states 'No compromise!' in Apple patent war

08 March, 2012
Samsung's mobile chief firmly declared "No Compromise!" in the patent battle with Apple.

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  • 08 Mar 2012

AnonD-45586, 08 Mar 2012I use to own one apple product but not any more, many thing... moreYea, but nobody is forcing you to buy apple products. if don't like them - not buy them. its so simple.

    • D
    • Dazz
    • 0pc
    • 08 Mar 2012

    This has evolved past a patent/legal war this is about respect and reputation of brand.

    Apple was short sighted and started suing everyone, the worst mistake of ANY company. Samsung are in this till last man standing and it will be them no doubt.

    Apple has small patents and are circumvented easy, looks "size, weight, material, use" negates the looks. Icons /software can be changed so that has little Merritt.

    I guess Samsung's Hardware patent cases is about to kick off and Apple will loose. Samsung have known about it for years but turned a blind eye to it all. Since Apple started this they are now going to use it against them. You can't change hardware after being built which makes it a whole lot worse for Apple. Samsung can claim damages for every single iPhone built due to the use of the GSM/3G switcher.

    The problem with hardware patents it's internal and takes far longer to go to court as the understanding and infringes goes beyond the judge who has to make the final say.

    Samsung can't back down and cave into Apples demands, the weight of Android & Bada rests on them. This would hurt Samsung over all brand, needless to say $260 mil from the mobile division and how much from the others if the brand is going to be hurt?

    Apple is tiny compared to Samsung over all, which makes everything from flash cells for devices to jet engines for defence contracts.

      • M
      • MdN
      • Mtr
      • 08 Mar 2012

      dave, 08 Mar 2012This is great news both will make great phones and stop me ... moreI'm sorry, but you're not making sense. Why don't you just buy what you like? No one is forcing you to buy what you don't like.

        • d
        • dave
        • myA
        • 08 Mar 2012

        This is great news both will make great phones and stop me from buying Nokia Rubbish

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IVV
          • 08 Mar 2012

          darkmax, 08 Mar 2012I think you got it wrong from the start. We wanted Apple to... moreOne who preaches noble values should not resort to the same tactics that they condemned in the first place, no matter how deserved it should be. Two wrongs don't make a right as they say, hence the hypocrite label which I think is deserved for the Samsung fanboys.

          In any case, I think this is exactly what Apple wants. Samsung have not been winning much in the courts anyway. Samsung have to take this stance too, as paying 15 to Microsoft and 15 to Apple would be too much for ther ego.

          Personally, I see bad things for Android in the coming months, as manufacturers will increasingly look to WP7 as the more tempting platform to be on.

            • G
            • GDT
            • 9G9
            • 08 Mar 2012

            I totally agree wid 'bite ur apple'. Samsung services r way bttr than those provided by apple. My sgs2 had a scratch on cam when i bought it. But i realised it nearly three days ltr bcuz it was pretty small. N i thot dat it wont b replaced so late. But wen i askd dem they were more than willin to replace it. Samsung is a brand dat commands respect rather than money. Apple fan boyz try wat i did,but wid apple.They myt throw u out. Apple is greedy for money. Dey r polite enough while the money's in our pocket.Once the money's wid dem dey r lyk,'go to hell'. Apple wasnt even ready to fix the antenna prblm of the iphone 4. It ws the first n last apple product i bought. Only recently wen it ws forced to pay for dat antenna to the ppl did apple decide to fix the prblm wid a special casing for iphone 4. N i cant understand y its called a tech giant bcuz it hardly spnds anything on R&D. All it does is buy tech developed by others at cheap prices through bullying(lyk dat wid microsoft) n sell it at a high price. I will b truly glad wen apple vanishes off the face of the earth.

              • d
              • darkmax
              • IWQ
              • 08 Mar 2012

              Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012There you go. All this while, complaints were "Apple s... moreI think you got it wrong from the start. We wanted Apple to drop the suits, to fight fairly in the market. but what they have been doing is stifling innovations and technological progress through all these pointless patent wars.

              Now, they want to settle, why? Most likely because as these drags on, the disadvantage of an already-bad publicity is affecting them. But to make it look like they have won, they want to squeeze something out of this and make Android too expensive for Android owners to buy.

              I'll say "ONWARD WITH THE CHARGE!". At this junction, I would not mind if Samsung play dirty as well , like Apple did with all those judges.

                • M
                • Moo
                • nC1
                • 08 Mar 2012

                Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Sgv
                  • 08 Mar 2012

                  B b, 08 Mar 2012Samsung is truly a copycat and well known for releasing pro... moreSometimes it makes sense not to be the first to blink when it comes to releasing a new product but it's purely a marketing thing - that way you know what you've got that they haven't so you know which features to hype - the time lag between the announcement of iPhone x and Samsung galaxy x isn't enough to come up with a whole new phone from scratch. Samsung did the same at MWC recently - keeping it fairly low key and saving the big guns for another day.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tht
                    • 08 Mar 2012

                    Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012fight till the end and will come and take over t... moreU wish. Nokia gonna die soon, estimated on this summer

                      • D
                      • AnonD-45586
                      • RrB
                      • 08 Mar 2012

                      I use to own one apple product but not any more, many things that i did not like apple at all.
                      1. they always claim that they product is a hight quality but turn out it's suck.
                      2. prizcey, you pay what you get but not with apple you pay a hight prize for a crap.
                      3. customer service it totally suck you can't get what you ask for they always say genuine tech or crap and if you past one year waranty don't even try to talk to them.
                      with samsung even my waranty is out but they still give me extended waranty and come fix my TV and phone with no charge at all, oh and they always happy to talk to you don't matter what.
                      i wish that samsung will bring them down for good.
                      btw: iphone use to be a any way but steve claim is his so funny huh.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IVV
                        • 08 Mar 2012

                        raul, 08 Mar 2012stevie samsung and andy apple should get together for a pintLol yeah.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • sS@
                          • 08 Mar 2012

                          Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012There you go. All this while, complaints were "Apple s... morethat because what apple did were unfair.
                          apple trying to form a public image that they were fair and want the war to end.

                          in reality is not.
                          apple is loosing the patent war, because what apple patent is a small patent called model patent. it's like if you have the 100% same slide to unlock, then you were copying. but ICS have different kind slide to unlock.

                          but motorola, have real hardware patent and also notification patent, that apple can't avoid. so, in reality, apple should pay google $$$, and samsung, htc, and other didn't pay apple at all.

                          this apple tactic to make samsung and other pays is really bad, and unfair.

                          so once again...
                          i hate apple
                          and i hope samsung win.

                            • Q
                            • Qas
                            • SeQ
                            • 08 Mar 2012

                            Both parties are infringing on each others patents. This is more of what we have seen already, i.e. both companies trying to squeeze the other hard so that any final settlement doesn't hurt too much!

                              • r
                              • raul
                              • 3Ax
                              • 08 Mar 2012

                              stevie samsung and andy apple should get together for a pint

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • IVV
                                • 08 Mar 2012

                                Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012i used to hate Samsung.. but i dont like Apple as well. ... moreThere you go. All this while, complaints were "Apple should settle like adults, etc etc blah blah blah"

                                Finally, Apple does what you trolls kept complaining about, and Samsung takes the childish route, and what do we hear from you trolls? Applause!

                                Is it fair for people to call you Apple haters hypocrites now? I for one certainly think so.

                                Suck it Samsung.

                                  • l
                                  • lol
                                  • E{t
                                  • 08 Mar 2012

                                  JL, 08 Mar 2012GO Samsung....I've have a samsung TV, and i used to own a s... morer u insane dude .... Apple does not have TVs man. why do u bring TV into the mobile patent war ... get some sense bro .. good luck

                                    • B
                                    • B b
                                    • tRf
                                    • 08 Mar 2012

                                    Samsung is truly a copycat and well known for releasing products right after Apple had released a major flagship. They just don't feel shameful about what they do. Apple is right to claim what they deserves.
                                    Apple all the way although I love Sony more.

                                      • O
                                      • OLED
                                      • t7F
                                      • 08 Mar 2012

                                      Makes me wonder why Samsung continues to do business with Apple by supplying them with the hardware they need, if they want to stop this IP war they should just stop supplying Apple, no supply = no new devices nothing to patent.

                                        • J
                                        • JL
                                        • RdX
                                        • 08 Mar 2012

                                        GO Samsung....I've have a samsung TV, and i used to own a samsung blackjack!! Both good products. Never will buy an apple again, and only own one apple product. Solid products, but I can't get over the childish company. I just keep waiting for a drive by shooting!! HAHA