Samsung Mobile chief states 'No compromise!' in Apple patent war

08 March, 2012
Samsung's mobile chief firmly declared "No Compromise!" in the patent battle with Apple.

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  • D
  • AnonD-22332
  • ttY
  • 08 Mar 2012

go samy... i m not samsung fan but apple is total garbage who have been miss guiding people for years now and have not contributed to world of electronics any thing... i want apple to vanish

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Q5x
    • 08 Mar 2012

    i used to hate Samsung.. but i dont like Apple as well.

    just glad that they released that statement, fighting back as the bully try to steal everything..

    Samsung have my support.

      • g
      • gelu
      • MCI
      • 08 Mar 2012

      sammy you suck...

        • D
        • AnonD-43011
        • 3Jx
        • 08 Mar 2012

        Samsung is really bad way of walking and this will get so very bad for them soon because they are makes all the same clone of apple iPhone. Who was used the iPhone! They can easily understand the way of using the device. Very bad for samsung and feel so sad about it. Samsung is so good company but why they want to clone others? they can easily make very good than others. I think no any good one are sitting the chair. Please find any other good person for it SAMSUNG. Please

          • i
          • iNonymous
          • qBN
          • 08 Mar 2012

          They (Apple & Samsung) are like kids fight over a toy (Smartphone), Someone need to take action, and say, "Hey kids don't fight, or you can't play your toy anymore".

            • S
            • SD
            • fqj
            • 08 Mar 2012

            Lets wait until someone ends up getting "jumped'...

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • YMa
              • 08 Mar 2012

              fight till the end and will come and take over the busines

                • y
                • yooooo broo
                • 2ZY
                • 08 Mar 2012

                plz dnt mess wid samsung . samsung iz mad or wat ha ?
                stupid guyz no compromice coz ve r one man show lolzzzzzzzzz>

                  • J
                  • Jay
                  • n7}
                  • 08 Mar 2012

                  Yes go Samsung go, and no i do not own a Samsung phone and no i am not a droid fanboy!
                  But this is good, Crapple is starting lawsuits with a lot of companies for bullsh*t reasons. so i hope Samsung wins this war and i hope that Crapple may die!

                    • G
                    • GDT
                    • 9GH
                    • 08 Mar 2012

                    Oh yeah! Atta-boy, samsung! Dats the way to go! Show apple who the boss really is! Make sure u anhilate apple. N as for apple,'' You Are About To Be TERMINATED!!!''

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • tA$
                      • 08 Mar 2012

                      my hero...

                        • W
                        • Wilson
                        • M$F
                        • 08 Mar 2012

                        Apple feels it is mighty. Like a spoilt,rich brat who thinks his dad can kill the sun.Samsung just did the right thing,upped their game and are ready kick someones a$$. Why does the mobile industry have to live in shackles of fear of innovation and product development because Apple, who stole the idea in the first place, will get offended.This is a free market and if you,apple, have ran out of ideas(did you ever have any ideas),stop wasting the time of those who are busy innovating with stupidity.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-41413
                          • 95a
                          • 08 Mar 2012

                          I hate u apple....

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 0Be
                            • 08 Mar 2012

                            I like Samsung more and more. Samsung gonna win this war for ones all!

                              • d
                              • diane
                              • 95I
                              • 08 Mar 2012

                              I'm with Samsung in this case, although I never use Samsung product. :D

                              Go Samsung, go! No compromise for Apple!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • sS@
                                • 08 Mar 2012

                                Go Samsung Go
                                I just bought an LCD TV to replace old tv, and I buy samsung TV.
                                I hope Samsung could use the profit from my TV purchase to kick poison apple ass

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-34830
                                  • 3Gx
                                  • 08 Mar 2012

                                  I say good on him. Apple give the impression of wading into the mobile scene and calling the shots left right and centre. Its time they were stood up to. I'm glad a company with enough money like Samsung is trying to bring them back down to earth

                                    • k
                                    • kipper
                                    • Uex
                                    • 08 Mar 2012

                                    AnonD-11559, 08 Mar 2012Meowat least its better than 'first'

                                      • g
                                      • goron
                                      • tA$
                                      • 08 Mar 2012

                                      fight till the end samsung!!
                                      dont let apple ruin compatition using patent war, fight back!

                                        • M
                                        • MarioZ
                                        • nx3
                                        • 08 Mar 2012

                                        Jesus Christ !! 260 million ? Shouldn't companies invest this kind of money for R&D instead? pff...