1,000 people to lose their jobs at Nokia factory in Finland

22 March, 2012
The job cut is part of Nokia's plan to improve production efficiency and will be gradual through 2012.

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  • h
  • him
  • 3dv
  • 22 Mar 2012

AnonD-1385, 22 Mar 2012To HIM: You made some very good points...the Booklet 3G,... moreThey are true though! I mean even Ericsson have their own flavor of ARM called NovaThor yet Nokia has NOTHING!

I honestly don't know what their strategy is. But judging from the competition, Nokia seem to be heading towards the wrong direction.

As of right now they offer an endless variety of cheap looking, low tech phones with arbitrary features utterly unrelated to current market demand. People (Some People) still buy Nokia due to brand loyalty.

So how long until this market loyalty comes to an end?

Samsung, HTC, Apple, SE have moved on. People are now well acquainted with modern smarphones such as the iPhone, the Galaxy, the Desire etc. What does Nokia have to offer these days?? Where is their ecosystem? Where is the Product lineup to cover People's modern needs????

Some examples:

Apple has the macbook, the iPad and the iPhone

Samsung has the Netbook, the Galaxy Tab and the Galaxy S2

Sony Ericsson has the Vaio, the PS3, the PSP Vita and the Experia



    • +
    • +919878711212
    • v{M
    • 22 Mar 2012

    Nokia can do much better with meego & symbian belle but the ceo of nokia is mad......
    there is lots of things in symbian if they focus on it i have many features in my symbian phone that civil people don't know & i think nokia also don't know that what is they losing by swiping to windows besides symbian & meego

      • c
      • customer
      • uWJ
      • 22 Mar 2012

      the problem of Nokia not to switch on android they just hoping that there symbian will work but it doesn't.
      another reason they lose focused on design for last 2 years they are producing same shape phone some are very ugly in design...
      i think they are leader in only low range (basic) phone and in smart phones Nokia completely fail, and this time of smart phones so any company producing good smart phone can survive.

        • a
        • alexv
        • pV4
        • 22 Mar 2012

        i know that nokia has spent millions on symbian platform and doesn't want to reject it but they could just USE ANDROID!! and because people had huge trust in nokia being the best mobile maker it could earn billions and billions every year..

          • D
          • David
          • j0c
          • 22 Mar 2012

          Kicking employees and killing Meego -.-

          C'mon Nokia ~

            • D
            • AnonD-1385
            • ka8
            • 22 Mar 2012

            him, 22 Mar 2012This yet more evidence that Nokia is employing the wrong pe... moreTo HIM:

            You made some very good points...the Booklet 3G, Tablets and the ARM CPUs / chips. Your ARM chips statement impressed me more than anything else. They certainly haven't been utilising their thinking.

              • J
              • John
              • n}b
              • 22 Mar 2012

              If it goes on like this, Elop is going to end up manufacturing his Windows Phones by himself...

                • D
                • AnonD-27045
                • wdL
                • 22 Mar 2012

                Wake up Nokia!! You should make Android phones with specs like Galaxy S2 otherwise you will shrunk in a year or two. I was a big Nokia fan before but due to their absolute crap hardware i switched to Samsung Android. Samsung became No.1 in phones because of the Android OS and high tech specifications. Why don't you take a survey and go according to customers interests.

                  • h
                  • him
                  • 3dv
                  • 22 Mar 2012

                  This yet more evidence that Nokia is employing the wrong people. They really need to get things balanced before they can move forward again. A lot of people in their marketing and product design departments need to be fired immediately!!!

                  Nokia for the last 5 years has been releasing absolute crap! They have been capitalizing on their brand reputation and this on its own is a very bad strategy!

                  There is nothing wrong with windows phone. But Microsoft is still 2 years away from having a balanced and mature enough ecosystem. Nokia should never have abandoned Symbian. Samsung is a much smaller vendor and yet they support 3 OSs!!!

                  Nokia made a move into the PC business a few years back with the release of the Booklet 3G. What happened to that?? What about a tablet??? Everybody makes tablets these days! Where is Nokia's TABLET???

                  They used to have a TON of money in the bank from the phone and telecommunications business. Why didn't they invest any of that towards building their own flavor of ARM chips???

                  The list of things gone wrong is endless...

                  In my opinion Nokia will keep shrinking until they finally withdraw from the consumer market. This might not happen tomorrow but by 2020 we won't be seeing any more Nokia phones anywhere.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-45625
                    • 0xQ
                    • 22 Mar 2012

                    All my life i had mostly Nokias, there was an ericsson(GB), a moto(OB)and a SE, but Nokias still came on top, even my current Nokia X6 was a better phone than a SE U8i. I had maybe 5 3310s, 1 3210, 1 101, 1 5100, 1 3510i, 1 7200, 1 6151, 1 N81 and 1 X6

                      • F
                      • Fruitcake
                      • LhR
                      • 22 Mar 2012

                      How the Hell! did Nokia employee Mr Elop as there TopMan,all he as done as made one of the most Popular mobile company,drop down the Mobile market,He Knew is Plan was just to Help is Old Employees Microsoft who couldn"t compete with Apple an just use Nokia to help the improve there Portfoli as Microsoft is not all everybodys favourite brand,Windows as been a Very Bad Choice made by Mr Elop not Nokia,Mr Elop was more bothered about getting investment into Nokia as was not thinking at All about Loyal Symbian users with Windows,its to Restricted,an so Glad now that i switched to Android instead of Windows an loads have done the same an thats why things at Nokia are looking really downhill

                        • D
                        • AnonD-21638
                        • fu%
                        • 22 Mar 2012

                        I cant beliv this, If Nokia had changed its OS to Andriod no company could have been conpetiting with Nokia. But Now Nokia is falling piece by piece. At the End You are goin to close the company. Have bein a Nokia fan since 2000, but I think I will change.

                          • k
                          • khan
                          • t1$
                          • 22 Mar 2012

                          guys you know I have been using mobile since 2004. . I will buy only Nokia mobiles. . like Nokia 6600,2670,2720,2330,7210 supernova and finally x2-01. .
                          but since android os has released, I was waiting more than a year that Nokia also would adopt android. . but they didn't. .
                          so I went and bought Sony xperia neo v. .
                          and I'm very very happy with this mobile. .
                          but I would have been very happy if I would have bought any Nokia that too with an android mobile. . . ! ! !

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • KID
                            • 22 Mar 2012

                            Verrry Bad!! I feel Sorry for Both the Employees Losing there Jobs & the Nokia Who Doesn't put There EGO aside In contracting with Android as Nokia says" We don't wanna Disappear in Grey Jungle of android" But we can KICKOUT our Employees For Efficiency!! :@

                              • D
                              • AnonD-44031
                              • the
                              • 22 Mar 2012

                              Is that how angry Elop is when the 808 PureView smoked the Lumia 800, that he would fire a thousand more people? Elop is the one who should be fired. Really.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-21157
                                • mN}
                                • 22 Mar 2012

                                AnonD-39030, 22 Mar 2012Nokia, please drop windows, develop Meego, keep symbian for... moreI'd never buy a Nokia phone with Android. Android is good for people who like torturing themselves.

                                  • V
                                  • VladUK
                                  • Swr
                                  • 22 Mar 2012

                                  Oh well, I can only simpathize with poor people who will lose their jobs for some one who will make even more money than before.

                                    • r
                                    • rats_a$$
                                    • Rx9
                                    • 22 Mar 2012

                                    Since Mr Elop here took over Nokia I simply couldnt give a to nokia anymore.

                                      • J
                                      • Jin kazama
                                      • bCd
                                      • 22 Mar 2012

                                      as it is sale of nokia phones has dropped beyond imagination. no one who wants to buy a good smartphone will ever think of nokia, so what will be the fate of nokia employees they will be kicked becos nokia is very soon goin to file brankrupcy. only a fool will buy a nokia phone now !

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-21157
                                        • mN}
                                        • 22 Mar 2012

                                        Frankly I think Nokia is making the right decision long term. All companies exploit cheap labour BUT Nokia. Elop has sacrificed these people to save the rest of the workforce. Companies in Europe must focus on research and developing new technologies, generally the most technologically advanced aspects of the business, while simple labour can be outsourced. Besides, Nokia is trying to win more customer base in the developing countries, so moving the production there is the right move to save on logistics.