Nokia 808 PureView surfaces on pre-order in the UK

16 April, 2012
Release date remains uncomfirmed, but a UK retailer is already accepting pre-orders.

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  • t
  • tykejedi71
  • m2w
  • 17 Apr 2012

It's appeared on Pre-order for £519.99 due in 17/05/12.

    • D
    • AnonD-8044
    • nE0
    • 17 Apr 2012

    AnonD-21645, 17 Apr 2012I honestly think if they'd given Meego a chance then it wou... moreI agree with a lot your saying and having bought and sold Lumia 800 and 710.. W7 is lacking,,an equalizer in my case for starters..

    S^3 is a bit more up to date and using Gravity can satisfy social needs and then with superb cam/vid/music and symbians battery the 808 is not that bad..Symbian still has calenders alarms and all other things of todays smartfone ..I am buying 808 but know what really is hindering Symbian and its that bloody OVI store..It is so damn slow that i go to the developers website to get the SIS file which i can keep..Also folks by going to developer site the apps are cheaper..

    Next year as "Fongy" says if W7 is up to scratch and pureview another year ahead Nokia may make some profit,BUT,yes they need to survive this year and keep afloat which they will do..Nokia still sell millions of fones even tho folk on here dont believe that.

      • D
      • AnonD-21645
      • Gjj
      • 17 Apr 2012

      Kampsy, 17 Apr 2012 Well said about windows. the only OS for me currently is ... moreI honestly think if they'd given Meego a chance then it would have been a fantastic OS from all the reports I've read...

      The problem is I suspect Nokia didn't have the money or the time to get it up and running...

      They needed M$ cash and fast...

      And I think as long as they can come up with a Pureview Lumia next year, 2013 'should' be a great year for Nokia (providing those neon prototypes aren't correct for the handset design)...

      This year however, they just need to survive...

      I've nothing against Nokia, my early phones were Nokia, and they shouldn't disappear... but they haven't been competitive for YEARS now... and they've been losing ground to everyone else, not just in sales figures but in innovation... hopefully the 808 (as a tech demo, not an actual phone - terrible phone) shows a glimmer of a comeback...

      What people have to remember is that Nokia has to convert Android and iOS users to buy their products... and many have invested heavily into their respective OS via apps, etc. which obviously they lose moving over to Nokia... Symbian's app offering is woefully inadequate in this day and age - and the Windows OS is lacking basic functions like expandable memory, etc.

      Who is honestly going to jump ship from Android / iOS for a low-res screen and ageing (I won't say dying anymore) OS? Nokia don't have to convince their die-hard fans - they'd buy a brick with no features if it had the word 'Nokia' scribbled across the top in crayon... no, Nokia have to convince everyone else... and at these prices... and with these limitations... I think this will be a flop like the N8 was...

      It's sad, but it's true.... and more importantly I don't think carriers are going to support this one much either... making it even harder for Nokia...


        • K
        • Kampsy
        • fu%
        • 17 Apr 2012

        AnonD-21645, 17 Apr 2012LOL There's no group more passionate than a Nokia fan...... more Well said about windows. the only OS for me currently is Meego. Android is full of issues,fragments and bags. Meego is the best. no OS comes even close to its multitasking power.

          • M
          • Mobilefreak
          • 0jF
          • 17 Apr 2012

          Why nobody get the point of this device?

          It should never replace a DSLR-Cam whichs prise is around 500 € and above!

          The point is that some people don't want to have a professional cam + a mobile phone, both carring with themselves all the time. They need a more "handy" solution. Its an ALL-in-One solution.

          It has the best quality of all Digicam (phones and dedicated cameras) out there...of course a professional DSLR-Cam is better but also costs more.

          Besides this you have a good smartphone which serves all your needs. There are Anroid- and iOS-Phones, which are "better" smartphones, but the All-in-One Smartphone is in my opinion this one!

          So that's why its price isnt't 200 € and thats why I'm gonna by this nice device.

            • B
            • BOSS
            • MMT
            • 17 Apr 2012

            AnonD-11222, 17 Apr 2012so you want 41MP camera phone @ 200 euros why don't you get... moreActual I have! I have GS2! But that's not the point! For that price we can buy real professional camera! if nokia wants to be a market playa, prices must be lower! Thats just the way it is!

              • D
              • AnonD-21645
              • Gjj
              • 17 Apr 2012


              There's no group more passionate than a Nokia fan...

              I honestly don't know why people feel the need to associate with one brand - it only narrows your choices overall... Why stick with a manufacturer when they may not necessarily be offering the best product? They're not going to thank you personally for buying one of their phones?!?!

              Honestly though, a bit of balance re: Nokia is needed... They were undoubtedly good, their new Pureview technology is undoubtedly good, and Lumia after Apollo, providing they really bump up their specs SHOULD be good... but at the moment, the Pureview 808 is definitely not worth the money - the OS alone (and I know there a lot of Symbian lovers out there, but admit it, Nokia are relegating this to the cheapest of their handsets after this year) it's simply not competitive against current smartphones... and neither is the current version of WinMo...

              And if you don't believe me, at least have the awareness that carriers are saying this too... and ultimately they are the ones who will need to push these phones for Nokia to survive...

              (GSM Article)
              "Reuters has talked to several European carriers and they are unanimous - Nokia Lumia phones aren't good enough to be any sort of threat for the iPhone and Android smartphones. And there are several reasons why this is so.
              Operators claim Lumia phones are too pricey and bring little innovation to justify that. The lack of proper marketing strategy and the various software bugs have also put some users off.
              No one comes into the store and asks for a Windows phone, said an executive in charge of mobile devices at a European operator, where the Lumia 800 and 710 have been available since December last year. The executive also added that If the Lumia with the same hardware came with Android in it and not Windows, it would be much easier to sell."

                • S
                • Stig
                • mE0
                • 17 Apr 2012

                It dont look all that plus Nokia os! No wonder Nokia aint doing so well. Does anyone actually buy there phones any more? If so why?

                  • A
                  • Alin
                  • p$u
                  • 17 Apr 2012

                  nokia user, 17 Apr 2012Seriously does not worth a professional camera insteadA pro camera is very expensive and the quality is comparable, but the phone can do a lot more things: call, play games, internet, social networks, sharing etc! Plus, it has a mic that no other pro camera has it!

                    • t
                    • tasheee
                    • K6j
                    • 17 Apr 2012


                      • n
                      • nokia user
                      • 9Aq
                      • 17 Apr 2012

                      Seriously does not worth a professional camera instead

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 9D}
                        • 17 Apr 2012

                        Don't see the point.
                        For you average user it offers nothing really

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • q88
                          • 17 Apr 2012

                          Anonymous, 17 Apr 2012Symbian's modular nature shows very well in this phone. ... moreSymbian may not have the huge app market but Belle runs great on my N8. And I've seen how awesome it runs on the 808. I can only hope they bring this gem to the US soon. Or at least use the PureView technology in a Windows Phone or something.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IWP
                            • 17 Apr 2012

                            Kampsy, 17 Apr 2012 The 808 pure view is a unique phone. the technology behin... moreGeez do u obviously think it is easy to make ICS?Why do u try then.Code it from scratch lets see how long u take with that arrogant knowledge of urs.

                              • J
                              • JouniKnuuttila
                              • MY4
                              • 17 Apr 2012

                              I'm definitely buying the 808. The Pureview camera is out of this world and Symbian Belle runs super smoothly on the new 1.3Ghz processor. And with Belle there are no limitations of closed OS, sweet...

                              Connectivity options on this phone are nearly limitless and features totally amazing: I can use the HDMI to turn my old flat screen TV into 32inch web browser/picture viewer - with full touch UI :-) And it can read/write to my friends USB memory sticks so I'm always able to share big video & image files while visiting them.

                              There is no other phone which would allow me to do all the things 808 does.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-44227
                                • qbH
                                • 17 Apr 2012

                                gotta get my preorder in :)

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-11222
                                  • vbS
                                  • 17 Apr 2012

                                  BOSS, 17 Apr 2012That money for this???? (im sorry) No! I just remember the ... moreso you want 41MP camera phone @ 200 euros why don't you get Galaxy Y or something crap like that instead

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-11222
                                    • vbS
                                    • 17 Apr 2012

                                    The Man , 17 Apr 2012Nokia 808 is not a 41MP or even 38MP, It has: 7152 x 5368 ... moreGet your eyes checked and also kill your maths teacher

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-19297
                                      • SqJ
                                      • 17 Apr 2012

                                      OH Dear Good GOD..... to Own
                                      Thee 808 pureView + a Windows 8 Nokia tablet = Epic Perfection.....
                                      can't wait to have them

                                        • L
                                        • Lax
                                        • fsV
                                        • 17 Apr 2012

                                        nokia should concentrate on their lumia brand
                                        lumia 910- flagship, 4.5' scrn, best hardware, pureveiw cam
                                        lumia 850- 4.1' scrn, landscape qwerty keypad, second best hardware p.veiw
                                        lumia 730- 3.9' scrn for the ladys, good hardware p.veiw cam
                                        lumia 620- 3.7' scrn for the teens, colorful, and good hardware, cheap.
                                        Nokia 550- 3.7'-3.5' scrn, meego os, for low end china and africa, cheap
                                        Asha 350- 3.5'-3' scrn s40 or meltemi, cheapest touch screen for in china and africa