The US is about to to block more sales to Huawei

15 January 2020
The Trump administration might be looking into broadening its control over goods with US involvement.

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[deleted post]Hmm so are you prepared to give up your smart phone? Cause either you're using Apple or Google in some way...

    this is how viable alternatives are born :D

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • t75
      • 15 Jan 2020

      The Teacher, 15 Jan 2020Well.. HongMen(g)* OS is coming! *not sure about the spe... moreThey already admitted they do not have OS for their smartphone.

        MI5 director and PM Johnson ignored usa pressure for uk to ban Huawei. hahahahaha

          • K
          • Kek
          • GBh
          • 15 Jan 2020

          AnonD-558092, 15 Jan 2020In any country with a strong legal system, those actions wo... moreYou are right, but in the world of national security and intelligence, it is more a thing of preventing something from happening, rather than fixing stuff when it gets broken.

          People's opiniom here do not matter at all, since most guys here dont even investigate and jump to defend brands

            The US government is making everything they can to destroy competition of the 5G network. Since no US company seems attractive in that field, for now they only use force to deter Huawei to offer their 5G tech. Just look what Boris Johnson said about the 5G from Huawei and how the US gov is reacting.

              • Z
              • Zuzuz
              • ajZ
              • 15 Jan 2020

              Anonymous, 15 Jan 2020World War 3 Reason : Marketing Wrong! Power and money. Allways this are the reasons

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 2Au
                • 15 Jan 2020

                AnonD-762416, 15 Jan 2020China does ban a lot of western technology too. I'm not say... moreThat right !

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 2Au
                  • 15 Jan 2020

                  World War 3
                  Reason : Marketing

                    • .
                    • .alpha
                    • ytx
                    • 15 Jan 2020

                    So basically push foreign companies to avoid all US suppliers so they wouldn't be restricted where they can do business

                      • P
                      • Professional
                      • S3u
                      • 15 Jan 2020

                      The only reason that they want to block Huawei is,that they are afraid for their own brands not selling anymore!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-762416
                        • 3i8
                        • 15 Jan 2020

                        [deleted post]China does ban a lot of western technology too. I'm not saying the US is right, but China isn't less wrong here.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 8pc
                          • 15 Jan 2020

                          Both china and US suck. China opress minorities, and US support dictatorships.

                            Well.. HongMen(g)* OS is coming!

                            *not sure about the spelling but I support Huawei. Like Apple or any other company "does not spy on us" yeah..

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pLb
                              • 15 Jan 2020

                              Trump Bashing Huawei again!
                              I work in IT and although we dont use Huawei products we wont use Cisco modems/routers either as they contain as many back doors and holes as a sieve. And this can be proved, yet i still see no evidence against Huawei in the last year of there accusations.

                                You forgot to add Alternative and Inferior components

                                  So according to law if Huawei phones have less than 10% US components they can't be banned? I need some clarification

                                    MY opinion is plain and clear, if you're blaming Huawei for something, prove it.

                                    Even if its true USA, ask yourself if Google, Apple & Amazon did the same thing before?

                                      • M
                                      • Mahdie.Ba
                                      • avC
                                      • 15 Jan 2020

                                      Model mobile ! ?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-558092
                                        • 45}
                                        • 15 Jan 2020

                                        In any country with a strong legal system, those actions would be illegal. I get the fact that there are some threats (issues including poor coding practices as per the UK HCSEC and could be forced by China law to participate in surveillance) but you can't go so aggressively against a moral entity without concrete evidence. And you can't condemn anyone for actions they are yet to do (unless they had a real plan, but you need proof of this first).