Apple and Samsung CEOs to meet in SF court for settlement talks

18 April, 2012
This meeting has been arranged at the request of the court and will take place in the next 90 days.

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  • f
  • fritzaro
  • 4kF
  • 18 Apr 2012

samsung is the best , apple is suck

    • N
    • Nithin
    • ijM
    • 18 Apr 2012

    Samsung is much better and economical because they copied worlds best phone and manufatured without soending anything in research..

      • J
      • JodyFoneManager
      • 3Jn
      • 18 Apr 2012

      I think you are all missing the point, 80% of the parts of IPhones are made by.......drum roll.....Samasung. Apple design well, but that is all. Fanboys!

        • a
        • appleatacus
        • sR4
        • 18 Apr 2012

        if samsung has cheated then they should pay the price

          • g
          • giillani
          • Mfx
          • 18 Apr 2012

          samsung is much better

            • j
            • jackskellington
            • dZM
            • 18 Apr 2012

            Anonymous, 18 Apr 2012And you said Apple should start coming up with their own id... moreYes i say this. You know why? Because Samsung just like every single other company has yes taken some ideas, but Apple is so far ahead of them at taking other ideas and passing it off as their own it's horendous. Have you seen the Iphone? Design? Like what? Please do not say you are nieve enough to sit here and tell me you think that Apple came up with their desings and Samsung took them. This goes so far beyond Siri and you had the nerve to sit there and assume I was speaking as if I just jumped in and thought it all started with Apple. When I say their own I mean they are riding off stealing tons and tones of ideas, designs and creations. They pass countless things off as their own new inventions that have been around. They buy things just to turn around and charge others for having such things. They aquire as many patents of things already created if possible. All this while using false evidence, pay offs, and suing the hell out of everyone and monopolizing everything. I despise such a disgusting company. I do not hate their products for they are ok, but never have been the best. The company and blind sheep that follow them are what the big issues lie around.

              • j
              • jackskellington
              • dZM
              • 18 Apr 2012

              Anonymous, 18 Apr 2012You are missing what has really been happening. Patent inf... moreWell good job captain obvious. First off making such assumptions really shows bad form on trying to make such a reply. Kinda negates any sense you were trying to make. Of course Apple is not the first to sue Samsung or Sue anyone. Of course the suing game has been going on since the dawn of suing. I'm not missing anything. Though you have made it very apparent that you have missed a lot. Yes what Apple does makes the headlines just showing how disgusting our society is. Yeah and I have used both as well and Samsung has buggy stuff and hardly buggy stuff because they have an array of products. I'll take anything from Samsung over Apple any day. Apple is no less buggy than anything else out there. And it's the company that is such a hideous and disgusting thing. Apple is a symbol and you can't reject Samsung since they have been at the heart of many Apple devices.

                • D
                • AnonD-50940
                • 6jq
                • 18 Apr 2012

                Big mistake that Samsung has agrred to negociate in Apple terms.
                The court will be in the US, we all know the influence Apple has in the US justice systemaand how effective they are at exploiting/abusing it.
                It should be on neutral ground...
                I predict that there wont be a fair and constructive conference.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • q88
                  • 18 Apr 2012

                  jackskellington, 18 Apr 2012Oh no! Samsung is using the same team members to fight back... moreAnd you said Apple should start coming up with their own ideas... Samsung has been known as nothing but a big copying machine with mostly all of their products when it comes to looks especially. And if you are referring to Siri, no Apple didn't create it... but they OWN the rights to it since they bought that company.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • q88
                    • 18 Apr 2012

                    jackskellington, 18 Apr 2012Oh no! Samsung is using the same team members to fight back... moreYou are missing what has really been happening. Patent infringement is a big deal and many companies take it very seriously (as all should). They have all been suing each other years. Do you think Apple was the first major brand to sue Samsung? Hardly! Just that literally ANYTHING Apple does makes headlines. And therefore everyone things that Apple was the first company to sue anyone. This is why its so hard for an upstart to gain any traction in this industry... pretty much everything that is basic for a smartphone has already been patented and these upstarts are paying out so much money that at the end of the day they are left with nothing but debt. And I've owned both Apple and Samsung products.... Sorry but I'll take Apple products any day over buggy Samsung products.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • tA$
                      • 18 Apr 2012

                      how come apple get those ridiculous patent in the 1st place anyway.
                      Judge Koh really should investigate USPTO instead...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P@d
                        • 18 Apr 2012

                        apple units are very expensive but when it comes to features and specs samsung is the best, specially the signal and battery life..

                          • j
                          • jackskellington
                          • n{Q
                          • 18 Apr 2012

                          Oh no! Samsung is using the same team members to fight back. Apple might Sue them. If Apple would stop suing over slender shapes with rounded edges we would not be having so many issues. While Apple has stolen and taken credit for a lot from Samsung you did not see them jumping on the suing wagon, but when Samsung was able to beat Apple despite Apple's cheating too many egos ran wild. What does everyone expect Samsung to do? Stop making the best products? Let Apple keep Sterling? Sit back and let Apple continually Sue them and do nothing about it? Many cross issues would be solved if Apple as a whole matured, starting coming up with their own ideas, stopped stealing and suing, made their own designs and devices, and stopped trying to monopolize that will ever happen.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • q88
                            • 18 Apr 2012

                            It would be beneficial for the industry if a lot of good came out of this... For BOTH companies!!! Apple and Samsung have a lot to offer in this ever growing industry.

                              • b
                              • boom
                              • P@d
                              • 18 Apr 2012

                              hehehe, UFC? :D

                                • m
                                • menios
                                • nmF
                                • 18 Apr 2012

                                dwac, 18 Apr 2012who cares just release new phoneshahahah :P

                                  • S
                                  • SANTINO
                                  • P@d
                                  • 18 Apr 2012

                                  i hope iphone and samsung will combine someday for them to make a competitive handset models, like nokia and sony, they already helping each other, to make a good, and nice units,

                                    • t
                                    • the_seba
                                    • 3Qc
                                    • 18 Apr 2012

                                    FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! They ought to get butt naked and settle it once and for all in an epic fistfight to the death! Mad Max cage style! I'd pay anything to see it live :P

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 9Cs
                                      • 18 Apr 2012

                                      They will probably argue over who is going to pay for drinks while they talk...
                                      Or file another claim if they come to court dressed in the same suit! Endless possibilities.....