Weekly poll: high refresh rate screens will be common in 2020 phones, but do you want one?

02 February 2020
Several major smartphone brands have announced plans to introduce flagships with 120Hz displays in Q1 this year.

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I love 120 he rate but concerned allot QHD resolution AMOLED bleeding battery performance! I use 60 hi, not sure what am I missing and I don’t play games!

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    • Fv4
    • 02 Feb 2020

    m.darwich, 02 Feb 2020I prefer long battery life to last all day rather 120Hz th... moreThen along with everyone else who are battery saving purists, change the settings. The people who never thought of changing the settings to save battery are Apple immigrants who forcibly accept whatever it provides and feels like they're unable to change anything even though Settings exist.

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      • Fv4
      • 02 Feb 2020

      It will be reasonable if midrange chips like 7xx series can output 90fps on all games for midrange phones while 120hz will be for flagship phones using 855+ and above. Plus the battery. The only good thing about high refresh rates is that companies will be forced to make >4000mah batteries a norm.

        • m
        • m.darwich
        • 8j0
        • 02 Feb 2020

        I prefer long battery life to last all day rather 120Hz
        they need to improve the battery life before improving the refresh rate
        even there still no games that support 120Hz even the gpu of the phone isn't enough for that