Nokia 808 PureView and Samsung Galaxy Nexus get imaging awards

25 April, 2012
The awards were given out by TIPA, an international association of photo and imaging magazines.

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  • b
  • bob
  • dQG
  • 25 Apr 2012

Cha, 25 Apr 2012I don't understand why people have problems giving credit w... moreThe awards are not just for camera.Don't forget that N8 is a really weak phone in every case such as CPU, ram and even Camera.Although it is 12 mp but the 8mp of Galaxy S2 is much better than it.
I think that the date of Nokia has been expired because nowadays people are looking for smart phones( Androidi or ioS) not symbian phones.I believe the Galaxy Nexus is a real smart phone.

    • B
    • BK
    • 3Y1
    • 25 Apr 2012

    One more award probably 'bought' by Samsung to highlight in their ads & mislead customers !!!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Nhv
      • 25 Apr 2012

      if guys even own a Galaxy Nexus you'll see it's not all that bad of a camera, I have one and it's a bloody good camera for 5MP the screen helps to show more quality that's why it won, get over it haters :P

        • D
        • AnonD-24022
        • iKv
        • 25 Apr 2012

        No waaaaaay !!!! galaxy nexus has a terrible camera !!!! i am not an iphone user anymore but 4s has the best mobile camera ever !! I use galaxy s2 which has a good camera thats not compared to 4s and still better than the nexus !

          • D
          • AnonD-8676
          • Pxx
          • 25 Apr 2012

          Do you all need to argue about this? So what if 808 won or Nexus? We can't do anything about that. We can't change their decission.

            • f
            • fenil
            • 7tI
            • 25 Apr 2012

            Nokia 808 Pure View is fair but Samsung Galaxy Nexus!!!!!

              • C
              • Cha
              • Nsb
              • 25 Apr 2012

              I don't understand why people have problems giving credit where it's due and handling criticism positively. The fact is G.Nexus has a lousy camera even though it's an awesome phone. That award should have gone to N8, iphone 4s, xperia s etc.
              I'm a nokia fan but I never hesitate to say the lumias are lousy except for the 610.
              As for those bashing on 808, just wait for it's review and watch it's awesome cam tech wipe the floor with your £100 point and shoots and mayb even some entry level DSLRs! Real talk:)

                • D
                • AnonD-44031
                • th6
                • 25 Apr 2012

                "TIPA was impressed with the 720p Super AMOLED screen and the zero shutter lag of the Google purebred."

                What?? What do those have to do with imaging quality?

                Can a 720p screen enhance a camera's image quality? NO.

                Zero shutter lag? Sure, it helps (a little), but it definitely won't improve overall image quality!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mVx
                  • 25 Apr 2012

                  Anonymous, 25 Apr 2012808 the next king of cameraphones!i Agree with you bro! Nokia Always Rocks

                    • m
                    • marj_pink
                    • mVx
                    • 25 Apr 2012

                    AnonD-45098, 25 Apr 2012nokia pureview 808 got the award ok. it was definitely goin... moreas usual they promoting samsung nexus,,,LOL lame

                      • D
                      • AnonD-45098
                      • U@9
                      • 25 Apr 2012

                      nokia pureview 808 got the award ok. it was definitely going to win, no doubt at all. But samsung galaxy nexus ??? huh ??? Did they forget iphone4s's camera and image quality ??? Even samsung galaxy SII's camera is far better than that of samsung galaxy nexus.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-23984
                        • vxk
                        • 25 Apr 2012

                        AnonD-24171, 25 Apr 2012Go to low light place in low sun light place and point your... moreAre you sure ,KID?!? Maybe you have just a fake chinese n8..The N82's Cam is still superb compare to Galaxy Ace and Wave camera.

                          • J
                          • Jack
                          • uvh
                          • 25 Apr 2012

                          The Man, 25 Apr 2012GSMarena you suppose to be pro since when Camera MP matters... moreLol. The pink spot problem is with the Samsung GS2, Note, etc and the Lumia 800. (Not all the lumias). Check it in google. And what Wave vs N8. N8 is still the king in camera department. Even some proffesional photographers also said it is the best cam in a mobile. Google out the reviews. Just read the facts before posting crap.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-8754
                            • tt8
                            • 25 Apr 2012

                            Hey what's the problem with you all. Nor the Nokia neither Samsung is our fore fathers company. And if any forum gave award to nexus, no need to panic. @gsmarena if you have any doubt or objections on it go and arrange a poll yourself.

                              • N
                              • No_Matter
                              • 0xy
                              • 25 Apr 2012

                              Very soon swaping my N8 to king 808. Play with your samsung toys idroid fanboys...

                                • G
                                • Gauron
                                • LKm
                                • 25 Apr 2012

                                Anonymous, 25 Apr 2012It is just wrong, that pocket camereas for 100€ take better... moreAre you stupid? I do not own a Nokia 808 but neither do you! How can you critique it when you've never used it. Besides this is not an award for best camera, but camera phone! Stay relevant!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • nvJ
                                  • 25 Apr 2012

                                  Anonymous, 25 Apr 2012what?! Which 100€ compact camera takes better pictures? ... moremissread original post.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • nvJ
                                    • 25 Apr 2012

                                    Anonymous, 25 Apr 2012It is just wrong, that pocket camereas for 100€ take better... morewhat?!

                                    Which 100€ compact camera takes better pictures? You explain it by comparing sensor size. How many 100€ compacts have a bigger sensor than the 808? (or do you mean smaller=better)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • t7X
                                      • 25 Apr 2012

                                      808 the next king of cameraphones!

                                        • K
                                        • KF
                                        • n3a
                                        • 25 Apr 2012

                                        The Man, 25 Apr 2012GSMarena you suppose to be pro since when Camera MP matters... morestop being ignorant!! the N8 is still the king of cameraphones FACT! go and see comparision and you will know what I mean, otherwise your are just a litle troll who have no clue on what he is talking about (tip: stop following Eldar Murazin, you are no different than him :P)