Samsung Galaxy Z Flip stock quickly depleting in the US
- A
- Ari
- wr9
- 15 Feb 2020
In my country, the PO sold out on 66 minutes.
- p
- potato4k
- XUt
- 15 Feb 2020
Probably because it's low inventory to begin with. Samsung's focus is the S20 family, so I doubt they actually had many of the Galaxy Z in production/stock. And I also wonder how many of those units go to youtubers instead of actual user.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SHp
- 15 Feb 2020
Gauron, 14 Feb 2020They won't. Phones are covered for component failure and ma... moreWho says repairs will be for free?
- m
- mimi
- xnB
- 14 Feb 2020
.alpha, 14 Feb 2020900 units took hours to sell? Guess demand is actually quit... more900 people in line buying a phone could take a few hours tho
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGE
- 14 Feb 2020
Razr for me
- G
- Gauron
- LxG
- 14 Feb 2020
KebabSLO, 14 Feb 2020Samsung might have its hands full with repairs next few mon... moreThey won't. Phones are covered for component failure and manufacturers defects, not if you break the phone, no matter how fragile it is.
- .
- .alpha
- ytx
- 14 Feb 2020
900 units took hours to sell? Guess demand is actually quite low and so is supply
- t
- travstr
- mE0
- 14 Feb 2020
KebabSLO, 14 Feb 2020Samsung might have its hands full with repairs next few mon... morebut you don't actually know so why would you even bother saying something like this? the galaxy fold has held up fine since the redesign and this looks even stronger.
- m
- mooox
- ucv
- 14 Feb 2020
Finally, a few phones that real people actually would want to use, rather than what techies out of touch with the real world thinks that the rest of the world would want.
- K
- KebabSLO
- Sq%
- 14 Feb 2020
Samsung might have its hands full with repairs next few months.
I doubt many buyers realize how fragile the phone probaly is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sex
- 14 Feb 2020
its good to be Samsung in year2020 :)
I predict very good year for them.