OnePlus reveals new logo, new font and a new color palette

18 March 2020
OnePlus is going curvilinear.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • nwR
  • 15 Jun 2020

Hunt, 19 Mar 2020I legit just recreated this entire logo in paint in less th... moreok

    Hi! Where are one plus phones?

      • H
      • Hunt
      • GtI
      • 19 Mar 2020

      I legit just recreated this entire logo in paint in less than 5 minutes.... XD seven months

        • d
        • dave
        • Su3
        • 19 Mar 2020

        Anonymous, 19 Mar 2020The older looks better! New one is very plain, looks outdat... moreI agree, much less sleek, it will not age well imho. Seven month for that... But I like their products and the way they do things, so I guess that's what matters. Logo, font and color palette design will change again in the future...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • a4}
          • 19 Mar 2020

          The older looks better! New one is very plain, looks outdated already!

            LG Superfan, 18 Mar 2020Maybe its because smartphones have become boring so they de... moreYou are right.Not many innovations as of late.More like nice cameras with telephone and browser capabilities.

              Oooohh,so artistic!GTFO

                Oh, so they based their new logo and font on.. Arial?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mJs
                  • 18 Mar 2020

                  new logo font looks like any television channel logo in germany...plain boring

                    7 months on which planet? Jupiter? (one day =10 hours on earth)

                    Is it some kind of joke? either it means there is a big issue on management, either they admit they are incredibly dumb and slow :D

                      My God! 7 months for a logo/font/color shakeup that basically nobody cares about?

                      What an utter and complete waste of time and money!

                      I wish they'd used those 7 months to meditate upon a solution which could bring wireless charging to their phones! At least that would've been productive.

                      Worst of all is GSMA thinking this fashion exercise important enough to report!!

                        The new font sucks, why are they going backward.

                          The old logo had a character. The new is bland and meh...

                            • E
                            • Enemy Spotter
                            • 7Xa
                            • 18 Mar 2020

                            Too much drama over brand logos. Same bland design.

                              shaf man, 18 Mar 2020From my perspective this logo looks boring and dull then be... moreMaybe its because smartphones have become boring so they decided to reflect it in their logo

                                New logo is nice

                                  Slow news day?

                                    At the end of the day, the logo or the font doesn't matter. What matters is the product.

                                    Let's hope OnePlus delivers some good products this year, with the least amount of compromises.

                                      From my perspective this logo looks boring and dull then before. One plus isnt doing what they committed for

                                        • D
                                        • Dude
                                        • 3Ka
                                        • 18 Mar 2020

                                        From individualistic to mainstream. Not bad however. They want to appeal to a larger audience, which is from a business p.o.v. understandable. They will lose some coolness/ nerdness. For them a small sacrifice, most likely.