Sony details PlayStation 5 hardware and features

18 March 2020
We take an in-depth look at everything Sony announced at GDC today.

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  • 12 Jun 2020

Peachy001, 19 Mar 2020It's all subjective, to a degree. I'd have to say that the ... moreWhat?’subsidizing?,how??

    • F
    • Fayth
    • X%x
    • 11 Jun 2020

    where's the actual hardware

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • JT5
      • 11 Jun 2020

      In USA, Sony made about $30 per PS4 sold.
      They earn much money with games sold and online gaming.

        Mad max , 19 Mar 2020Sony is not thinking about players there moto is to make mu... morewhen a console doesn't have games, it relies on backward compatibility for 3/4 generation to compensate that. fortunately PS doesn't need that.

          • F
          • Faizan Riaz
          • uW5
          • 09 Apr 2020

          I really like Sony PlayStation game I am big fun

            • D
            • DLLM
            • 5Mb
            • 20 Mar 2020

            Correcting this article: PS5 will offer backwards compatibility to “most” of top 100 ps4 games

              Mad max , 19 Mar 2020Sony is not thinking about players there moto is to make mu... moreQuite on the contrary. Sony is definitely thinking about gamers.
              Gaming is just better, more versatile, with more versatile gaming approach.
              Try playing Resident Evil Biohazard or SkyRim on XBox and on PS4VR... with motion and touch controll on Dualshock4, and VR, its night and day imersive gaming experience difference...

              People want new gaming experiences, not just new games.
              And that is why PS is way ahead.

                Ps54thewin, 19 Mar 2020Ps5 hard drive more than twice as fast as xbox. Welcom... moreIt is super impressive, but it may actually not be as game changing as you think. Load times currently can be minutes for big games. Let's say Xbox gets it down to 6 seconds, and PS 5 gets it to 2 seconds. The difference is so negligible as to make little difference. The noticeable bit is when compared to this/last gen. Could make a difference in game, depending on implementation, but again, both are so far improved, that the difference between the two is not that large, though the difference from last/this gen is collosal.

                  Tann Hauser, 19 Mar 2020Well, XBox already has a more powerfull processor than PS4,... moreIt's all subjective, to a degree. I'd have to say that the PS controllers are considerably inferior to Xbox controllers. Used every PS controller so far, and never found them to beat the Xbox one, at any generation. And, Xbox gets the battery right. Having one you can switch in and out is terrific. That light on the controller's too, man I hate that. I assume you can turn it off, but still.

                  Dec support, yeah, the biggest Sellar will likely get best support. But given the studio acquisitions, MS comes in this time in a better position.

                  VR, I'll pass. You can have that. Think they sold 4 or 5 million of them, against a backdrop of 100+ million devices. So I'm pleased MS don't get into that. Wouldn't want them to devote time to a product that was used by less than 5% of the player base, and that's assuming people use it much. I'm not saying it's bad, may be a good experience, just not for me or 97% of other gamers. I also have no doubt that MS could bring it later, if it mattered.

                  As for user experience, I'm partisan, as I own an Xbox, but the UI and network performance has always seems better to me than Sony's offering. Sony likely agree as they are using MS Azure for their online stuff now.

                  MS allows me to earn rewards, approx £70 pa if you get them all, so than is a real plus for me, as it lets me subsidise games/hardware.

                    • M
                    • Mad max
                    • fwq
                    • 19 Mar 2020

                    Tann Hauser, 19 Mar 2020Well, XBox already has a more powerfull processor than PS4,... moreSony is not thinking about players there moto is to make mustakes and carry on we want full backwards with all the PlayStation games watch out xbox is going to make very big come back

                      • d
                      • dayez
                      • Fw%
                      • 19 Mar 2020

                      With the PS5 exclusives coming out that's the winning thing for me personally. I use my laptop for multiplayer games which is only Dota 2 🤷🏽‍♂️ Oh yeah, just to name drop... Kratos and Solid Snake. Thanks.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 81X
                        • 19 Mar 2020

                        Anonymous, 19 Mar 2020thought this is a phone site? not a gaming console site? l... more...then skip over the story?

                          • Y
                          • YogiBear83
                          • 8j%
                          • 19 Mar 2020

                          I see that Microsoft starts using (copying) ZLib (Unix) too. hahaha. They learn everythink from Sony. SSD in PS5 will kill that shoe-box. :)

                            Ps54thewin, 19 Mar 2020Ps5 hard drive more than twice as fast as xbox. Welcom... moreYou keep telling yourself that.

                              • O
                              • Osiris
                              • JhV
                              • 19 Mar 2020

                              Kangal, 19 Mar 2020Yep, you just repeated what I was thinking. However launch... moreNope Wii was launched last, almost a year after x360, and few days later after the PS3 launch, only in Europe was launched before PS3 because Sony postponed the launch! And Wii won that generation

                                PHIL_SPENCER, 18 Mar 2020JAJAJAJAJ no way, are you serius? this console is such undu... moreSure. Like how Xbox one and Xbox one x couldn't catch ps4 and ps4 pro despite being more (a little more) powerful.
                                Xbox is not the new future, Xbox is the present.

                                Anyway how could a game console be faster and weak at the same time?

                                  Anonymous, 19 Mar 2020thought this is a phone site? not a gaming console site? l... moreWhat are you doing on this thread?

                                    Jojo, 18 Mar 2020What you are forgetting is MS has a much larger market cap ... moreWhat makes you think that Sony doesn't have money to burn?
                                    Plus Sony offering the console for less (ps4) and still earned a huge chunk.

                                    This is how Sony does the business.
                                    In the end most probably MS would lose the money and Sony would profit while selling a console for same price.

                                      Kriegsherr, 19 Mar 2020--Exclusives determine the winner of console wars. XBox has... moreYep, you just repeated what I was thinking.
                                      However launch time is a sensitive time, where even the smallest advantages are HYPED up by people, and it could sway things one way or another.

                                      The Xbox Series X is about 20-30% more powerful, did you gloss over its GPU specs?
                                      It has far more cores and shaders, and that makes a larger impact than frequency (its the other way around for CPU). Also, I do think MS dropped the ball with DirectX 12 and the Xbox One SDK. However, it really has matured to the point where it has a caught-up and even a slight edge compared to OpenGL and Vulkan, the standard APIs that Sony uses in the PS4 and PS5. Things will differ from title to title, but a safe estimate is to expect an extra +25% from the XSX over the PS5. Impressive.

                                      However, it won't matter if Sony churns out excellent exclusive titles and the MS Studios wanes. Just as you said. For example: Uncharted 4, TLOU 2, God of War 4, Until Dawn, H-Zero-Dawn... versus Scalebound, Dragon Age 4, Phantom Dust, Fable Legends, and Crackdown 3.

                                      I don't agree with the above comment by Tann Hauser. New "gaming experience" isn't actually important. Sure, they make a lot of buzz and marketing initially but its always temporary. The Nintendo Wii launched a little earlier than the 360/PS3, and it enjoyed a lot of unit sales initially. But once both the other systems started to go into proper swing, the Wii was outdated. It is the most dust-collecting item in people's households. The motion controlling was eventually seen for what it was: a gimmick. Mainstream people then turned to Mobile Apps to get their kicks. All the while, the Kinect and PS Move flopped. Even the upgraded Kinect and the PS VR, they are gimmicks. Enjoyed for a short period, then swiftly forgotten. What is truly important is the core gaming experience, and on that front Sony is king. MS is more focused on multiplayer games, and Nintendo is more focused on nostalgia. Yes, those things are important too. But it is no accident why the PS4 is more loved than the Nintendo Switch and the Xbox One combined. "For the Players" was a genius move.

                                        Kriegsherr, 19 Mar 2020--Exclusives determine the winner of console wars. XBox has... moreIts not only about exclusives.

                                        Gamers want new gaming experiences, not just a game console with top notch graphics.

                                        Nintendo Wii added wireless motion controller to an underwhelming graphics console for that time... was a huge success.

                                        Sony PS4 added on top of motion controll, a VR setup and a controller with more than one added functionality... is a huge success.

                                        Microsoft doesnt add anything, just pumps up on specs.
                                        For specs solely, you can go for an upgradable PC solution, and a controller for it.
                                        XBox doesnt add attraction values.