OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro launch in China, you won't like the prices

17 April 2020
Surprisingly (or not), they're much cheaper over there than they are anywhere else.

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  • J
  • Jai
  • P@L
  • 17 Apr 2020

It does make sense. when iPhone SE2 is $200 more in India than USA
Its actually less difference than apple products

    YUKI93, 17 Apr 2020This sounds like Huawei's HMS service.All Chinese phones have no GMS due to Google being banned

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Dk{
      • 17 Apr 2020

      Anonymous, 17 Apr 2020nothing to complain about. as expected one plus will be 100... moreGMS is free. In turn Google wants manufacturers to put there apps as default in android.

        • P
        • Prash
        • 7kp
        • 17 Apr 2020

        The same happens with India and china when it comes to samsung and apple phone. Then nobody cocmplained!.

          With all the 1H flagships being revealed and that device that deserves to be crowned, the "best flagship smartphone of 1H 2020" as for now, definitely should go to Sammy's s20+.

          You can even purchase the s20+ for under $350 with all the great promotion and deals.

            • S
            • Sid
            • Dk{
            • 17 Apr 2020

            Anders, 17 Apr 2020Want to compare with the Euro pricing? Sure. China: €521. E... more$555 for base varient of iPhone se 2

              To be honest, I'm more appalled that you (GSMArena) did not call-out Xiaomi (10 series 500+ in China), Oppo (Find X 2 series), Huawei (P40 series, old display tech, no GMS, mediocre SoC compared to the SD 855+/865 and A13 SoC) for all their off-the-charts pricing compared to the OP8 series.

                deejay1204, 17 Apr 2020Chinese version runs on Hydrogen OS , no Google services in it .This sounds like Huawei's HMS service.

                  Shadocx, 17 Apr 2020What about Xiaomi with their Mi 10 series?IKR! The most expensive Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro 5G cost exactly the same as the most expensive OnePlus 8 Pro and yet the OnePlus has a far better feature and spec in every way. Never in my whole life I would pay $1000 for a Xiaomi, not a chance!

                    Mr. Machuman, 17 Apr 2020There's a chinenese version available named hydrogen osSounds interesting to see yet another GMS-free Android OS. That said, the price difference definitely make sense since OEM have to pay Google for the licensing fee to include GMS.

                      • J
                      • John
                      • srr
                      • 17 Apr 2020

                      On-line chinese shops will have a blast with this!

                        Why I'm not surprised by this?

                          • ?
                          • ???
                          • 32Q
                          • 17 Apr 2020

                          Anonymous, 17 Apr 2020nothing to complain about. as expected one plus will be 100... moreYou mean trump ban and huawei os isn't going beat Google os, since Google on every phone. Until Huawei release the os on non Huaweo phones. They not going win for very long time. Take samsung with their massive r & d created tizen didn't beat Google. Even Amazon os didn't beat Google. Hell CyanogenMod who said they going to put bullet through the head of android didn't beat Google os. Huawei os is on one oem until it every other smartphones including samsung. BBk, Xiaomi, LG phone and etc it going to be point less.

                            Anonymous, 17 Apr 2020Is it just me or has one plus become a very greedy company?More so US Tariffs - so they bump up the prices to compensate.

                              • t
                              • talk is cheap
                              • ucr
                              • 17 Apr 2020

                              Anders, 17 Apr 2020Want to compare with the Euro pricing? Sure. China: €521. E... moreyo, let me give you a clue, whichever consumer electronic company doing biz in EU, has to hire local people to run service centres, right? or you want to send your phone to china to repair? make sense?

                                • A
                                • Anon
                                • DkI
                                • 17 Apr 2020

                                if American companies like apple and Google can sell their products at inflated prices in Asia and Europe ccompared to prices in the US, then there's nothing wrong if Chinese companies do the same.

                                  Want to compare with the Euro pricing? Sure. China: €521. Europe: €699. That's €178 just 'lost in translation'.

                                  An import cost of 20% would only take its European price to €625. So OnePlus are adding an extra 14% on top of that or an extra €74 in this case

                                  All these China companies try to rip off non domestic markets. Apple do it too. The iPhone SE costs 399 USD but they're charging €479 in Europe which is the equivalent of $520 in the USA

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • ptR
                                    • 17 Apr 2020

                                    Why not calculate the amount of price increase in percent compared to the 7T/7T Pro and draw conclusions from there?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • L1N
                                      • 17 Apr 2020

                                      iPhone 11 pro max 512GB Selling 12,699 yuan in China is equivalent to 1790 US dollars. And it sells for $ 1449 in the United States. I also want to know why China is 340 dollars more expensive. I am happy to see that Chinese brands can sell in the international market much more expensive than local Chinese.

                                        • J
                                        • Jups
                                        • t7q
                                        • 17 Apr 2020

                                        This would be probably be around 800$ in our country for the one plus 8 base version lol