Apple releases iOS 13.6 with digital car keys and new health features

16 July 2020
Also updates iOS 12 devices to iOS 12.4.8.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • atc
  • 16 Jul 2020

Anonymous, 16 Jul 2020iphone dont sell well 5% market share worldwide apple jajjajaj5% of market share with 4 phones only unlike android billions of phones around to sell well lol.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • atc
    • 16 Jul 2020

    iOS Sucks, 16 Jul 2020I have used both iPhone and Android. Migrated back to Andr... moreEnd of the day there’s no resale value of android phones, only 2 years of software support, you can’t shift your games progress from where you left it unlike iOS, 90% of apps doesn’t designed for the new aspect ratio of android phones.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • atc
      • 16 Jul 2020

      iOS Sucks, 16 Jul 2020US has traditionally been Apple only domain. This is why t... moreYeah prefer cheap android phones that start from $100 lol.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • atc
        • 16 Jul 2020

        iOS Sucks, 16 Jul 2020US has traditionally been Apple only domain. This is why t... moreAnd who told you that android phones are cheap unless of some Chinese OEM’s even Huawei latest flagship that don’t have even google services, software update and security patch update still as expensive as iPhone and comes with the same iPhone contract offer so.

          • B
          • Bogdan
          • p6g
          • 16 Jul 2020

          iOS Sucks, 16 Jul 2020US has traditionally been Apple only domain. This is why t... moreIn US people buy iphones because they buy them on contracts. They have very good offers because they have expensive monthly contracts.
          In Europe, Africa and parts of Asia people don't have so good options with contract, the majority of phones bought are without contracts. So they can't afford new iphones and they buy cheaper alternative = Android. I am pretty sure the majority of those phones from 70% market-share are low-end or mid-range phones.
          So, those numbers don't mean Android is preferred or better than IOS in those parts, is just people can't afford to buy iphones. And they don't have so good options to buy them on contract.
          Is funny how you Android fanboys always bring this market-share thing up, like is some performance aspect, when the real aspect is that people are poor and don't have good options to buy the phones in installments. Mainly, because the contracts are far cheaper than in US, so the total price of the phone will not go down too much even bought on contract.

            Anonymous, 16 Jul 2020UK,US all of Nordics. iPhones outsell samsung and have a bi... moreUS has traditionally been Apple only domain.
            This is why they banned Huawei as it was a threat to their homegrown American companies like Apple.

            It's funny how you isolated US, UK and Nordic countries, when in reality, every continent from Africa to Europe to Asia prefers Android.


            Only North America has 3% more marketshare for iOS.

              Anonymous, 16 Jul 2020No-one wants iPhones, despite them having 3rd place in worl... more3rd place? Lol.
              There are only 2 people in this race :- Android and iOS.
              Android is 3 times more preferred than iOS.
              End of story.

                AnonD-804996, 16 Jul 2020I had Android phones since Eiclar (Android 2.x) up to Pie (... moreI have used both iPhone and Android.
                Migrated back to Android everytime after being dissatisfied 😒 with iOS and their locked ecosystem.

                Why are you dragging windows here which doesn't even run on smartphones?
                No other manufacturer apart from Apple tries to lock people into their ecosystem.
                IOS is simply behind in multiple areas.

                If I have the latest OS, then that latest should be reflected in user experience which is not possible on outdated iOS.
                IOS can't even implement widgets that properly compared to Android from decade back.
                I want my money's worth, IOS never Again!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 04N
                  • 16 Jul 2020

                  Anonymous, 16 Jul 2020UK,US all of Nordics. iPhones outsell samsung and have a bi... moreiphone dont sell well 5% market share worldwide apple jajjajaj

                    • H
                    • Henry
                    • vaS
                    • 16 Jul 2020

                    Gotta love Apple! They sure know how to piss at those Android fanboys. Imagine being so relevant, even non-Apple users or those who keep bashing them go to articles about them just to read what was written and then bash. Love a relevant company!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • my4
                      • 16 Jul 2020

                      Anonymous, 16 Jul 2020No-one wants iPhones, despite them having 3rd place in worl... moreUK,US all of Nordics. iPhones outsell samsung and have a bigger market share. Yes Globally when you factor in Asia Samsung sells more units.

                      Just buy and use what you want to use.


                        • R
                        • RS
                        • t7G
                        • 16 Jul 2020

                        Digital car keys? I bet high-tech car thieves are rejoicing.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-804996
                          • puk
                          • 16 Jul 2020

                          iOS Sucks, 16 Jul 2020Nobody wants overrated updates like iPhone. Android from y... moreI had Android phones since Eiclar (Android 2.x) up to Pie (Android 9) and I call bullshit on that now that I own an iPhone. People put WAAAAAY to much praise on Android and piss on iOS way too often without actually using it themselves. And this is coming from someone (me) who at one point even said he'd never buy anything Apple. Now I have an iPhone XR, AirPods and Apple Watch 5.

                          Sure Apple has some idiocies, but they really aren't as big of a problem as people make them be. And constant whining about "locking into their ecosystem" is load of BS. iPhone is literally a shell and on it, I'm hardly using anything Apple. I don't even use AirPods on any Apple device. I'm using them on my Windows laptops and with MusicBee media player I can even use touch gestures on AirPods. ON WINDOWS! Every vendor does some degree of eco system lock in to artificially boost sales of companion products, but only Apple always gets the most shit for it for some reason.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mpp
                            • 16 Jul 2020

                            iOS Sucks, 16 Jul 2020Nobody wants overrated updates like iPhone. Android from y... moreNo-one wants iPhones, despite them having 3rd place in worldwide market share. How does that work?

                              AnonD-804996, 16 Jul 2020Well, at least they are releasing them. Unlike on any Andro... moreNobody wants overrated updates like iPhone.
                              Android from years back easily outperforms iOS in terms of feature set and ease of use.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Kxr
                                • 16 Jul 2020

                                AnonD-804996, 16 Jul 2020Well, at least they are releasing them. Unlike on any Andro... moreJunk updates don't count.
                                Android from 5 years back is light years ahead of iOS.

                                Android is like that distant star whose brightness simply cannot be matched by iOS.
                                Android shines in every department and basically leaves iOS in the dust.

                                  • W
                                  • Weniwel
                                  • PSW
                                  • 16 Jul 2020

                                  When are they going to give ECG check availability for Apple watch in Sri Lanka ? Already feel the money spent on the Apple watch wasted here !!!! Better go for another device other than Apple !

                                    [deleted post]Do you have any proofs of that?

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-804996
                                      • puk
                                      • 16 Jul 2020

                                      Well, at least they are releasing them. Unlike on any Android phone where you're on your own after 2 years in almost all cases... But muh Apple bad!!!!1111

                                        • R
                                        • Rohit Das
                                        • wd8
                                        • 16 Jul 2020

                                        Apple being Apple, they never disappoint In releasing the updates...