Google Stadia gains stable support for streaming over mobile data, at 720p only
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- AnonD-454049
- 09 Oct 2020
AnonD-909757, 08 Oct 2020I apologize for the agressive tone I did take. I mistaken ... moreOhh I see that makes sense
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- AnonD-909757
- pZQ
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-454049, 08 Oct 2020I see. Thanks for enlightening me, however I do not appreci... moreI apologize for the agressive tone I did take.
I mistaken your question for an agressive sarcastic statement disguised as a question as it happen commonly on this website.
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- AnonD-909757
- pZQ
- 08 Oct 2020
Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020Upload is a very small fraction of Stadia's data usage... moreBut the advantages of Stadia for this is the continuous upload.
Spying doesn't require high quality, having long video of low quality is better than a high quality short clip.
But it doesn't mean that cloud sync isn't also taken advantage of.
With all the illegally collected data we know for fact get leaked, it is still amazing we can't use packet sniffer to get those, they are amazing at hiding them into other data and encrypting them quite well.
And it isn't that much Stadia itself, which as you point out doesn't send much data, mainly control inputs, but the pathway toward cloud computing where your important processing algorithms are hosted in a distant server.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uus
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-454049, 08 Oct 2020To be fair, you're streaming and interacting with a vi... moreWhat you see on your display is in fact nothing but a live video stream of the game running on Stadia server. Only difference is that player inputs are uploaded in realtime to the server for interactivity. The reason it consumes more data than for eg. YouTube is because the video feed is less compressed.
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- AnonD-454049
- 08 Oct 2020
YUKI93, 08 Oct 2020Even at 720p, 2.7 GB an hour is still a lot.To be fair, you're streaming and interacting with a video game(graphically intensive) which is very different from streaming a video
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- AnonD-454049
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-909757, 08 Oct 2020You don't understand AT ALL how all that work. A VP... moreI see. Thanks for enlightening me, however I do not appreciate the rude overtone in the beginning
- ?
- Anonymous
- uus
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-909757, 08 Oct 2020You can't just constantly stream audio without causing... moreUpload is a very small fraction of Stadia's data usage. It mostly consists of controller inputs. Google Photos/Drive cloud backups are much better suited for the purpose.
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- AnonD-909757
- pZQ
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-454049, 08 Oct 2020Then explain why you don't use a VPNYou don't understand AT ALL how all that work.
A VPN, who by the way isn't 100% safe, only encrypt your data from your phone to a server who serve as a modern version of a Proxy but as a transition point rather than a distant computer, it is a single layer Tor equivalent, it is useful to hide your IP as it show up as the one the server you are connected to is.
But it DOESN'T prevent at all data from being sent from your phone, it is useful for having a second encryption layer to avoid peoples getting some data when you are using wireless connection as they would need the encryption key to see the datas, which HTTPS already do a similar thing, meaning it is useful for un-encrypted connections.
But if you think using a VPN or even TOR prevent anything from leaking/being stolen, you should rethink your security and privacy behavior as you are likely not doing it efficiently at all.
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- AnonD-909757
- pZQ
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-558092, 08 Oct 2020Why real time video? Unless you want to see how people rage... moreYou can't just constantly stream audio without causing bandwidth consumption that is both easy to spot and kill data plan which would make peoples really angry about it.
Same way you can't compress it constantly otherwise the power usage will be the issue.
That's why it only record few random conversations rather than constantly, but when you already stream a lot of data to and from Google server, well, it is all covered up easily.
Also I think you don't understand how and why privacy breach is a thing, there are many things to gather from someone, even just having a video of where they are, which in case of their domicile mean possibly having a video of their home.
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- Dennis.K
- 08 Oct 2020
Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020Were they the ones who were afraid? Or it's just the m... moreProbably media, but Microsoft worked with Sony to make XCloud to battle stadia
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- Anonymous
- vry
- 08 Oct 2020
Dennis.K, 08 Oct 2020Wait, this is what PlayStation and Xbox were afraid of? LmaoWere they the ones who were afraid? Or it's just the media hyping this trash?
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- AnonD-454049
- 08 Oct 2020
Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020VPN cannot protect you from what you view. It can only prev... moreOhh I see, that makes a lot of sense
- ?
- Anonymous
- UG4
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-558092, 08 Oct 2020Why have a Google account if you're worried about priv... moreI am just stating that using VPN to login to Google accounts does not prevent Google from collecting data about you.
Just login normally without VPN.
VPN only useful if you are using a public internet, or other non secure networks. whereby you are susceptable to eavesdropping, or if you want to bypass geo restricted contents, or you want to change network routing... because your current ISP routes your data badly.. and you get lousy game ping.. etc etc.
As for privacy, how google uses your data, that's another diff topic. As for me, i do not care about Google collecting data and its usage, it improves my browsing experience and show me interested ads, plus i have nothing to hide.
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- AnonD-558092
- 08 Oct 2020
Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020VPN cannot protect you from what you view. It can only prev... moreWhy have a Google account if you're worried about privacy to begin with?
- ?
- Anonymous
- UG4
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-454049, 08 Oct 2020Then explain why you don't use a VPNVPN cannot protect you from what you view. It can only prevent eavesdropping.
If you login to youtube, and watch youtube via VPN. Companies still can track you. However, all they know is the IP fronted by the VPN server.
To me, VPN only works well if you are the sort that use websites that do not need to login so they can't tag you. Other then that.. using VPN to login to your email, login to social websites.. it helps nothing.. and on top of that, you have to be damn confident that the VPN service you use is not highjacked.
So in short, VPN do not protect you from Google or any of the major providers.. And besides, even if you do not login, they already got the data they want.
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- AnonD-454049
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-909757, 07 Oct 2020Well, you don't really know what else is sent there, k... moreThen explain why you don't use a VPN
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- AnonD-558092
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-909757, 08 Oct 2020But with something like that it allow way more info to be c... moreWhy real time video? Unless you want to see how people rage when they lose...
And real time audio is already available thanks to G Assistant.
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- AnonD-909757
- pZQ
- 08 Oct 2020
AnonD-558092, 08 Oct 2020Google could already slurp that much info without Stadia.But with something like that it allow way more info to be collected, they can't constantly collect that much data otherwise the suspicious data usage would both be pointed out and with data plan exhaustion it would make many peoples angry, but here we talk about so much data for so long that you can hide a lot inside the stream, including real time video and audio (as it doesn't requite to be ultra high quality for data gathering purposes).