Apple files another lawsuit against Samsung, adds more devices

31 August, 2012
The notable additions to the new list of devices are the Samsung Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note 10.1.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • q{s
  • 01 Sep 2012, 01 Sep 2012what ever apple will do ,,,,, samsung at the end will eat t... morehell yea

    • s
    • sad
    • vbT
    • 01 Sep 2012

    as per the case study,Blaakberry were the only one to introduce keypads,and whole lot of co intro the same system,black berry is good to accept their design copyed by differnt company.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • qTG
      • 01 Sep 2012

      Sako, 01 Sep 2012Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue.. Go for a Nokia >_< Nokia already WON their suit

        • r
        • rebel
        • 3Tv
        • 01 Sep 2012

        samsung f520 touch screen phone was out at the same time as 1st iphone as is on softpedia page from january 2007!!!

          • r
          • rebel
          • 3Tv
          • 01 Sep 2012

          [deleted post]they also lost in UK!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mp7
            • 01 Sep 2012

            rcl4444, 01 Sep 2012Dude...seriously, know what you're talking about & do s... moreNot sure about other claims that you made but multi touch was never used on mobile phone till iphone. B4 lg prada, mobile phones did not use capacitive touch screens. But iphone research started way b4 2005. Anyway, I hate apple for suing everyone. Their failure time is closer now

              • D
              • AnonD-59657
              • IWH
              • 01 Sep 2012

              Reinvent is a very clever word used by Apple marketing.

              In reality Reinvent is another word of Re-engineering or to copy, to mimic, to imitate, to emulate either intentionally or unintentionally, and then to modify, to transform to new features or new inventions as claimed by Apple.

              It is very obvious that the inventions in idevices (ipod, iphone, ipad) claimed by Apple were not original.

              I am very surprised how can the judge and jury in US were fooled by Apple. Most probably Apple hired the best lawyers who had mislead and confused the US court to make believe that Apple was the victim of copying.

                • C
                • CommonSense
                • kaK
                • 01 Sep 2012

                ifreak, 01 Sep 2012im so glad that some samsung phones are not available in US. lolWhy are you so glad? You'll only be left with an over-priced smart phone and no cheaper alternatives. Clearly you don't know how to spend money wisely.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • q8Q
                  • 01 Sep 2012

                  Apple revolutionised the Mollie world...I LAWLED SO HARD!!!!!! Sadly this is what the general public believes and most in tech Savoy courts will believe too. Its so pathetic that Apple can make such drastic ridiculous claims and actually get away with it. The revolutionised the view on their products and the over hype of their products and the lies that the general public believes.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mB7
                    • 01 Sep 2012

                    what i think is funny, is that people call it a fact, that samsung copied apple, because they looked at things from apple, to make their own things better... thats not just a thing, like every company on this planet does, isnt it? Apple never did such a thing^^ People are just toooo uninformed and not smart enough to see the whole picture of how things work in the world and complain about stuff, every company does and it is totally normal. No, your car car not have brakes, because mercedes invented them before you did. Apple doesnt patent how something works, it patents, what something does, and that is absolutely destroying any innovation. This is a childish, I want the monopoly behaviour.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-43456
                      • fqk
                      • 01 Sep 2012

                      I still say Samsung should halt production of Iphone parts. Apple is being retarded and is trying to force a monopoly in the market

                        • D
                        • AnonD-69425
                        • nxX
                        • 01 Sep 2012

                        Dave, 01 Sep 2012its really getting boring... apple... galaxy s1 really look... moreThe rest of the world seems to take a bow when their ideas are copied, a sly bit of communication, and a request for kudos and a few quid. The pull down notifications are a perfect example... No massive law suit there.

                        Lets remember Apple had the audacity to claim they had 'reinvented' cut and paste, when they FINALLY put it on their phones.

                        Sad part is, some actually buy into this deluded tale.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mB7
                          • 01 Sep 2012


                          Look at this, all these samsung phones are infrigin apple patent for rounded corners.

                          I mean, yeah, there are a lot, that look like it, but there are some, which looks totally different and samsung got sued because of them anyway... this is really stupid

                            • D
                            • AnonD-69425
                            • nxX
                            • 01 Sep 2012

                            I just have to thank iSJ5 or whatever you are called for making my evening so enjoyable. I have never laughed at such utter rubbish SO much.

                            You are either a very clever troll, or deluded as others have suggested.

                            On this whole matter there seems to be so much misunderstanding by some on who what belongs to.
                            Android the OS is Google
                            The hardware and some overlaying interfaces are Samsung
                            The idiots that cant stop trying to destroy the competition, and who openly set out to 'crush' Samsung are Apple.

                            Samsung screwed up and know there did in certain areas. Apple deserve SOME kudos for their 'innovation' if you can call it that.

                            Apple copy and call it innovation.
                            Someone copies Apple and its THEFT and they should be destroyed.

                            As for preference, for me I sold the iPad, and stuck to my BB 9900 and Galaxy S2.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mB7
                              • 01 Sep 2012

                              Now, what people need to understand is, just because the iPhone had to be the one, with all those features, to be successful with, doesnt mean, they invented it, or others are not allowed to use it, too or apple owns these technologies... People have to understand how the world works... Not allowing multitouch, which is an actual patent of apple in the US, is like being the first company who created a TV with Colour and then not allowing any other TV Manufacturer to use Colour on their screens and they need to keep Black and White... That is not slowing down technological growth, that totally stops it. Multitouch and touchscreens are and also have been a Vital part for mobile computing, take PDAs for example.

                                • D
                                • Dave
                                • Jp7
                                • 01 Sep 2012

                                its really getting boring... apple... galaxy s1 really looks alot copycat but look at the s3 dudes... apple features are like 1/5 of the features from s3 so they are trying to pull it off the maket???? s3 got alot of identity and its completely different from an iphone.
                                What about the android/touchwiz features that apple copied? like the pull down notification?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mB7
                                  • 01 Sep 2012

                                  iSJ5, 01 Sep 2012here is the list of samsung copy apple (update): -siri ... more1.Siri is nothing more than a freakin app, you get tons like them on the playstore, so its not like because of S Voice Apple loses big money.
                                  2.Multitouch is important as a imput method and sueing for that is like a car company sueing another for having 4 wheels. You need Multitouch, because you need a comfy way to input something more than 1 click and you cannot take a mouse and keyboard with you everywhere, thats why Touchscreens exist and thats why everyone needs Multitouch and acting like only apple is allowed to use it, will stop any innovation at all, because it is a vital part of Smartphones, there is no other way around, if you want a small device, with a lot of different input methods, which are not hilarious, like shaking or something like that.
                                  3.Icons and the grid Style is something I had on my computer for decades and for a Computer a normal way to view files or programms and to act like in a Smartphone it has to be different, even though it are small computers, can only come from an apple fanboy.
                                  4.Touchscreens have been used on mobile computers, called PDA, for decades and by all means, the iPhone is by far not the first Touchscreen Mobile device and also not the first phone with one.
                                  5.iPhone the first Wifi-Phone? lol? just to prove you wrong. Ah... and check Nokia N95, released just a few month before the first iPhone and also a really successful phone.
                                  6. Memory Choices? So, you go as far as saying, that only apple is allowed to offer phones, which can have a capacity and you can choose how much... This is hilarious. iPhone doesnt even offer you to put in a external SD card and my old Nokia N73 had the capability for that, so how dumb is that comment? Ah and Nokia N95 also offered different sizes of capacity.
                                  7.iCloud? This is a normal service, which you had on PC for ages... Dropbox being just one example, to act like only the iPhone is allowed to have that, because they wrote the first app for a mobile device, is just dumb, they do not own the technology and they were not the first... Dropbox exited long before iCloud and had its App on iOS and Android for a long time.

                                  So they took things we all know from computers, put it into a mobile computer and act like they invented something and noone is allowed to use that on a mobile computer.

                                  But to put it that way. Useful things, like the Notification Bar gets copied by apple and noone cared, but if someone copied a bounce effect, they stole intellectual property? Come on now.

                                  But hey, your comment was really funny and proved what I am saying for years now, people buy an iPhone, think "Man, that is a really cool device" and then believe, everything got invented by Apple and they were the first in everything... SOOOOOOOOOOO Stupid^^

                                    • r
                                    • rcl4444
                                    • sG{
                                    • 01 Sep 2012

                                    [deleted post]Mate, your seriously deluded!

                                    I'm Australian (that's Australian, not Austrian..)and since when has Australia been anti-American? Or Belgium (a US ally since WW1)?

                                    Despite what you think it is not the "World against the USA" out there. Nor is it the "World against Apple".

                                    And how many times do you read about court cases in the US that are later overturned or proved wrong?

                                    Regardless, the sad reality is this isn't over and Samsung will appeal. These legal battles are about who's laywers can make the best case on the day.

                                      • C
                                      • Cartman
                                      • k@B
                                      • 01 Sep 2012

                                      God #?@! Apple!