Netflix adopts xHE-AAC variable bitrate audio codec on Android

25 January 2021
Promises improved audio quality at lower data rates and also features built-in dynamic range compensation.

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  • s
  • szabiz
  • mAM
  • 17 Sep 2021

szabiz, 16 Sep 2021Opus audio codes are much better than any other, not just f... moreYou are absolutely right I have also encoded thousands of files and I am very satisfied. I hope they will be further developed.

    • s
    • szabiz
    • gCY
    • 16 Sep 2021

    Anonymous, 31 Jan 2021Why does everyone love Opus? It's only good at voice, ... moreOpus audio codes are much better than any other, not just for speech but also for music. I have already converted thousands of files to opus 1.3.1. You don't need a separate encoder for the lower bitrates or the upper ones, all in one encoder. And best of all, it's free. Thanks to the developers.

      • d
      • daveclark966
      • jFF
      • 12 Jul 2021

      To get your AAC file changed with your wanted bitrate, a professional AAC bitrate converter - Avdshare Audio Converter comes to help.

        • D
        • Dude
        • 8DF
        • 31 Jan 2021

        Anonymous, 31 Jan 2021Why does everyone love Opus? It's only good at voice, ... moreOpus is better than AAC

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4Ai
          • 31 Jan 2021

          Why does everyone love Opus? It's only good at voice, not music. It excels at voice, but each codec has something it's good at. And if you're using HE-AAC, well... beggars can't be choosers. It'd be much smarter to download something ahead of time if you care about quality rather than rummaging through the bottom of the barrel of your options. I'll never understand why people will pay for a service and then accept worse quality than if they did it themselves. Surely audio bitrate is the last thing you care about when watching a video in the least efficient manner possible (on Netflix). That's like complaining to the manager about the calories lettuce adds to McDonald's food.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • S9u
            • 26 Jan 2021

            This is bad, and it is continuing to resize sound quality to even worse, you tube on 128 kbps, other paid streaming services on maximum 256 kbps.

            It's not matter how quality the hardware equipment (aka headphones, speakers, sound systems...) if the only way to listen good quality audio is on the concert.

              dyanamic range compression actually makes the sound quality even worse, especially on home cinema system, the wider the dynamic range the more real the sound when compared to real life.

                Netflix being a partner for AV1(Opus audio) development but still using patented inferior stuff. 🤮

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • DkL
                  • 26 Jan 2021

                  Don't understand why these corporations won't use Opus which is the best in lossy formats since a long time and completely open source. AAC and any derivative of it is as poop as it gets.

                    • k
                    • kmcmurtrie
                    • kN%
                    • 26 Jan 2021

                    More advanced forms of AAC just do a better job of concealing losses. Low bitrates will give you a headache because you're straining to understand dialogue when there's no obvious distortion.

                      An0n, 25 Jan 2021I've used HE-AAC v2 using qaac, trust me, it's th... moreYes. All "High Efficiency" variants of AAC are pure crap for audio listening. It doesn't matter if the bitrate is high enough (96kbps), the way the HE works removes too many elements of the audio.

                      As you said, radio is ok because is mainly voice, and we are used to poor quality anyway since analog FM/AM transmissions.

                      But, for multichannel somewhat is passable IF there aren't many high frequencies all the time. I don't know if it leverages bitrate according to necessity (central and left+right channels being the priority) but the "feeling" it's not that much different from what dvds used to offer.

                        • A
                        • An0n
                        • tDP
                        • 25 Jan 2021

                        I've used HE-AAC v2 using qaac, trust me, it's that BAD. It's ONLY, only recommended to be used in radio. Period. Radio, where you won't concern about it's quality but rather its stream-bility. But not when watching movies, let alone, listening, or more appropriate, enjoying to music.

                          Totally retarded! It lost in 2012 from Opus, no one ever wanted to use it as it whose properti license (paid) and worse than Opus (open source and already there on OS lv) and in the meantime Opus got better and got a surround support, AAC should live today only as a legacy.

                            This is welcome. Let me grab my popcorn 😜😜💃

                              Can't wait for VVC 😃