Nokia to investigate the Lumia 920 promo video fiasco

10 September, 2012
Nokia is going to conduct ethical review because of the misleading Lumia 920 commercial.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • kg3
  • 11 Sep 2012


    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • kg3
    • 11 Sep 2012

    Want real picture of Lumia 920 vs Galaxy S3, iPhone 4S, and HTC One X?

      • D
      • AnonD-1420
      • w6p
      • 11 Sep 2012

      The Verge are the ones who (among others) first pointed out Nokia's marketing fails with the 920. Nokia loaned them a prototype 920 so the could see its performance for themselves:

      The results are not award-winning photography, but they *clearly* show a stark difference between the low-light performance of the 920 and other flagships, even in "night shot" mode.

        • q
        • quincy
        • kJr
        • 11 Sep 2012

        lol i was a nokia fanboy for a long time , nokia spent 6yrs showing us how symbian was better than the crapass substandard wp , and now that we know how shitty wp is , nokia and that fat ass no neck elop flop try to lie to the world about the capabilities of wp , lol wp is shallow the worst OS on the ever , what nokia did with pv on symbian is revolutionary,buton the couldnt do it on wp os coz like i said wp7-8 is substandard just like all microshit opps i mean microsoft.

          • D
          • Dushi
          • P%T
          • 11 Sep 2012

          I'm absolutely fed up with misleading advertising. Nobody likes being lied to, and for me personally, i hate knowing there are people out there who really get suckered in by advertising. I think that anywone found to have used misleading advertising should be fined and/or that product boycotted. It is the only way to an honest future.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 3xx
            • 11 Sep 2012

            Well this still isn't a bigger mistake than choosing WP.

              • z
              • z
              • FLx
              • 11 Sep 2012

              Haha oldkia

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • kg3
                • 11 Sep 2012

                m86k, 11 Sep 2012Nice talking, but internet is so full of so knowledgable te... moreJust going by the hardware in each device. Nokia is known for call quality and signal reception. You have to hand those to Nokia. High MP camera doesn't mean it will be better than a lower MP.

                  • m
                  • m86k
                  • m86
                  • 11 Sep 2012

                  Anonymous, 11 Sep 2012You can't compare Android and WP with same specs. This is l... moreNice talking, but internet is so full of so knowledgable techies.. who never got the hardware (not even out) in their bare hands.

                  Just saying :)

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • kg3
                    • 11 Sep 2012

                    Anonymous, 10 Sep 2012the Optimus "G" THE KING OF ALL SMARTPHONES on ... moreYou can't compare Android and WP with same specs. This is like Windows Vista vs Windows 8 here, big difference. Android is known for resource hog and doesn't optimize for multicore that good. Windows Phone on the other hand is optimized for performance and easy software update since all of the WP8 phones use only Snapdragon chips.

                    Let me show you the real hardware comparison here.

                    Lumia 920 vs Optimus G

                    Call quality - Nokia, pretty sure
                    Signal reception - Nokia, same as above
                    Build quality - Nokia
                    Design - Nokia
                    Camera - Nokia, Pureview with Optical Image Stabilization and best for low light shots.
                    Screen - Nokia, PureMotion HD+ is the most fluid, brightest, and the best for viewing outdoor with ClearBlack polarizer layer technology.
                    Audio recording - Nokia, HAAC Rich Recording with 3 distortion free high amplitude microphones.
                    Music quality through headphone jack - Don't know yet.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-68190
                      • v0q
                      • 11 Sep 2012

                      Hahaha, Washing their hands by blaming someone else? Damage control is too late. The only thing they could do is to prove that LUMIA 920 produces the same quality pictures such as those taken in the commercial. Otherwise, they already hanged themselves before they even make the product available in the market. Tell that shit to the marines.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-14563
                        • ajP
                        • 10 Sep 2012

                        AnonD-58837, 10 Sep 2012Please do tell what points were lies? You can always shout ... moreThat's all nice and dandy only if the developers cared about Windows Phone enough to you know, develop the games for WP ...

                          • D
                          • DA76
                          • m}E
                          • 10 Sep 2012

                          What is there to investigate? Elop decided to get as much as possible out of the PureView hype. He decided Nokia shall not make any more phones like the Nokia 808. So he simply didn't care about the harm Nokia was making to the PureView name. Just as he used the N9 hype to sell the older Lumias which were looking more or less the same as the N9. Nokia can't build something like the Nokia 808 for Windows Phone as they are not allowed to build their own hardware for the Windows platform.
                          Simply Elop doesn't care about Nokias future as far as Windows Phone will succeed. Burning memo, ditched MeeGo, misuse of the PureView name, sold patents etc. are all evidents of a strategy to sell Windows but not Nokia phones. And as Nokia doesn't build there own hardware (just the case) for the Windows phones they will be easily replaceable and for sure Elop will be awarded with a high position within Microsoft when Nokias falls.
                          Only the most simple-minded could ever belive Elop didn't know about the fact another camera was used to make the ad and only the most simple-minded will still think Elop is a good CEO for Nokia.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • kJq
                            • 10 Sep 2012

                            We're going to investigate so it looks like we had no idea that we used a professional camera. Hope you all buy that,

                              • d
                              • drmaco nigerian
                              • fuN
                              • 10 Sep 2012

                              what's market price you offered to the nigerian customers? I'm happy & eager to have mine,i.e (Lumia 920).

                                • d
                                • diogo
                                • t1$
                                • 10 Sep 2012

                                NOKIA = innovation and Samsung = copy others. There are plenty of cases running aganist Samsung. Apple also won some cases againest Samsung. Even USA banned some Samsung phone. Thats where NOKIA wins....

                                  • f
                                  • friend.evil
                                  • AIA
                                  • 10 Sep 2012

                                  AnonD-58837, 10 Sep 2012Please do tell what points were lies? You can always shout ... morerespect :D

                                  there are three smart phones that i prefer

                                  1_ Samsung (Most people love it)
                                  2_ HTC (Truly Brilliant)
                                  3_ Nokia (Number 1)

                                  Btw it's obvious that apple is threatened by Samsung because it controls most of the market share and it's more obvious that apple is desperate these days (they better blast after two days or the are F*****)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • LaD
                                    • 10 Sep 2012

                                    Do you think this was o mistake from Nokia? Do you think they didnt saw the dslr camera in that window??? They put this video with intention!!! Don't be naive. Now everybody talk about this video about Lumia and Nokia, these names are everywere, that was Nokia intention, is marketing, look what happened to this site, people talk only about this video!!!! In a couple of days Nokia will bring the same video, made with Lumia 920 this time, and everybody will say "wow, there is no difference between the first and the second video, Lumia 920 is equal with a high end dslr in video making!!!! How stupid you are????

                                      • B
                                      • Baldy
                                      • JK@
                                      • 10 Sep 2012

                                      Goes to show that ALL the so called 'videos' shot using Nokia phones instead of real cams are,in fact,fake.
                                      Same goes for Apple's propaganda.Cheap 2 millimeter plastic lenses CAN'T make a good video or photo.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mp7
                                        • 10 Sep 2012

                                        AnonD-58837, 10 Sep 2012Please do tell what points were lies? You can always shout ... moreyou pay more for same game on wp