Pre-order delays for iPhone 5 grow to 3-4 weeks in the US
19 September, 2012
Other countries part of the first wave of the iPhone 5 launch are seeing similar delays.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IV8
- 19 Sep 2012
No i don't care what these droids fanboy says, i am waiting for the great IP5.
- S
- So WHAT?
- m4N
- 19 Sep 2012
Why buy an iPhone 5 when you can by a real phone from Android?
- g
- grayfox1574
- 3R6
- 19 Sep 2012
i think it's pretty much over for apple as sueing samsung and not using their screen technology while as not presenting anything new that can't be experienced through the iphone4s. iphone5s will be probably the last big hype for apple
- D
- AnonD-59380
- IaE
- 19 Sep 2012
And yet those SS fanboys are so certain that iPhone 5 will flop. Hahahaha. Keep dreaming! iPhone 5 will outsell the plastics!
- A
- Android Man
- mqM
- 19 Sep 2012
no i dont care either i have a One X. and nothing can touch it for speed or spec. well except for the Note 2.
- G
- G6
- 49x
- 19 Sep 2012
1st but I don't care I own GS3 ops.