Alleged renders leak of the Sharp Aquos R6 with Leica-branded camera
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- Anonymous
- G{5
- 08 May 2021
If it's true that it won't be equip with a IGZO display anymore, then I am frankly very disappointed.
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- Anonymous
- 3yV
- 08 May 2021
Does Sharp sell in US??
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- Anonymous
- LkA
- 08 May 2021
AnonD-909757, 08 May 2021Those curved edges look awful, the punch hole doesn't ... moreIt is obviously fixed lens.
Image shows.
- D
- AnonD-909757
- pZV
- 08 May 2021
Those curved edges look awful, the punch hole doesn't help...
The back look nice though!
Let's hole it actually have a single camera + something else to help (ToF, monochrome, etc), and that the main camera is actually a Zoom capable of getting from Ultra-Wide to Telephoto with Macro and Portrait capabilities.
Continuously variable zoom is something really missing yet the best thing that could happen.
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- Anonymous
- LkA
- 08 May 2021
Pretty weird the "Co-Leica" when Sharp makes cameras too.
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- Anonymous
- ijs
- 08 May 2021
Some of the phones Sharp makes are nice, but unfortunately, its pretty difficult them to get outside of Japan.
- N
- NotAnOpinion
- eVY
- 08 May 2021
Why does Sharp even bother today?
Very restricted device's territory locations.
Mostly forgotten in the tech industry.
Extremely slow device launches.
Why bother again?!
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- Anonymous
- PZa
- 08 May 2021
That's a huge camera lens.