5 megapixel Motorola ZN5 nears

2 May, 2008
5 megapixel, Motorola and Kodak ring a bell? Well, a 5MP co-branded shooter is obviously just around the corner. What's even better, some leaked pictures shed... Update 5 May: official photos

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  • j
  • jjsoviet
  • kQ3
  • 05 May 2008

To all those people who say the ZN5 is ugly, let me ask you a simple question: What defines a beautiful phone?

The design of the ZN5 may not be appealing to everybody, but that doesn't mean it's very ugly. It doesn't even need to be beautiful to function properly. Look at your "crown jewel of the phone industry" the N95. It isn't that beatiful, but it compensated with its wide array of features. The ZN5 also has this same principle. You may think that Motorola only produces fashion phones, but a lot of them do not incorporate the classic RAZR design like the ROKR E8 and the MING A1200.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Lke
    • 05 May 2008

    very ugly phone

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • kxS
      • 05 May 2008

      Lets hope these both struggling companies can do something good and get back on track in the long run. Kodak sucks at camera's now and Motorola is loosing its touch in the phone business. They gotta turn things around and keep the competition going.

        • f
        • fakuryu
        • QI%
        • 05 May 2008

        I really don't get 5mpx phones. If I want to take a great picture, I'd use my DSLR instead but if I want to take a spur of the moment picture... my 1.3 mpx from my SLVR l7i will do. Even with all of the technology added to the phone, the quality wont be the same as the DSLR's.

        HOWEVER... the feature added to the upcoming motophones sounds promising. A 5mpx on a entry level phone (the SLVR L7 market) that takes pictures in RAW format sounds great, still can't imagine whta their future line up will do. An 8mpx to 12mpx phone sound unbelieveble.

        I will be buying the RAZR2 v9 in a couple of weeks, I don't really need a 5mpx phone. When it comes to a cellphone, it is the quality of the call that counts and not how many megapixels it has.

        For the moto haters... read the article first and understand that this is just a PROTOTYPE and not the production version!

          • N
          • Ninth delegate
          • 3H0
          • 05 May 2008

          lets hope theyve learned their lesson with the razor 2, and this phone gets a better battery life

            • d
            • dmatt
            • PcQ
            • 05 May 2008

            Oh gosh! Thanks for the updated pics, now I'm deffinitely going to buy it ... It looks as beautiful as a candybar can be. Maybe the chinese ones were of a proto (in terms of color of the design) This new pics deffinitely improve and I wish the final product is nearer to those.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • wri
              • 05 May 2008

              Just 1 thing.... Is this phone 3G/3.5G?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 2An
                • 05 May 2008

                let's give motorola a chance to redeem themselves. but they really have to stay away from razor-like design.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • upq
                  • 05 May 2008

                  Hey . when a 5 mp fone i announced from moto ..... y r u crying...... kodak holds a share of 18% of camera market while sony is 39%.......Kodak has some exceptional features of cam too. kodak offers a 12 mpx camera.... while the maximum from sony is 10mpx........Nikon which is considerd best camera holds a share of only 7%.......... market share doesnt explain the company..
                  as nokia is always behind in many features but holds max market share.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • ibc
                    • 05 May 2008

                    The only good thing I'll say about this is that it looks well built and can certainly take a beating

                      • n
                      • nicksti
                      • kbh
                      • 05 May 2008

                      To the person who said the Z10 would have been better timed in 1997 - 'cuz you really were rocking a cell phone in 1997, futhermore a camera phone.

                      It would seem on this forum that Motorola cannot do any right. I would like someone to post an upcoming Motorola phone and call it a Nokia project phone and see the difference in comments. How cool was the TV Broadcast feature in the N92 yet more than half of us here cannot use it? Yes it is late, but no one ever critisizes SE Music phones for not having a 3.5mm audio jack (how stupid is that?) or sticking to expensive Memory Stick cards. No one slams Nokia for borrowing features from Motorolas to help their music phones (3.5mm jack, mini-B port, stereo speakers). Seems popular to hate M and love Nokia for no good reason.

                        • l
                        • lhino9
                        • k2E
                        • 05 May 2008

                        How can anyone compare Sony and Ericsson, to Moto and Kodak? Is this the Kodak that is on a yearly downsizing track because they are unable to compete? Kodak, who makes mediocore digicams. Moto and Kodak; sounds like . . . we'll see.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • wYF
                          • 05 May 2008

                          just keep it coming motorola

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PEn
                            • 05 May 2008

                            wow, the amount of useless crappy comments giving early judgemnets on the cellphone really amazes me. come on, read the article, PROTOTYPE. i am not saying that the final product will defeinitely have significantly better imaging capabilities, but still, this is a PROTOTYPE. please give judegements on its capabilities and "how it feels on you hand" after the final product is out and you have actually held in in your hands...geeesh

                              • K
                              • Ken Hakeem
                              • TIU
                              • 05 May 2008

                              I seriously don't understand why some people here are so excited about something they don't really know about. Why does a phone camera needs a RAW mode, when the RAW mode requires a much bigger storage yet doesn't necessarily promise a much better photo quality. In some case, RAW mode preserves all the detail information that are needed for photo editing, so using RAW mode in a DSLR can help improve the photo quality in the editing period of a photo shooting. Some prosumers camera in the market also provides RAW mode, like Canon G9, does the RAW mode really takes the photo quality up to a standard that can match up with a DSLR? No way. If you own a G9 and a DSLR, you will know. Why is it the situation? It has a lot to do with the full frame issue. Usually a DSLR provides at least 20% to 40% of full frame when taking a picture, some high end DSLR provides almost up to 100% of full frame, when Prosumer usually provies only 6% to 10% of full frame. Camphone? Do the logical deduction youself. The larger % of full frame a camera can provide, the more details it can record during photo shooting. That's the reason why most camphone's photo quality is still way behind your ordinary DC. A RAW mode means nothing unless the device we are talking about provides unless 20% of full frame. And I think most of us here are not soiling the reputation of Motorola for something we haven't really seen, we are all commenting on this news in GSMArena about MOTO ZN5, with testing photos in it, we are all having our judgement based on the testing photos. And trust me, I have seen much better testing photos from early beta version of N95.

                                • J
                                • Justice
                                • M@T
                                • 05 May 2008

                                There are still a lot of people who just hate Motorola for the sake of hating it. This is just a prototype phone and the retail version will surely bring the best of the collaboration, just as much as it took some time for the Doubting Thomases to have faith in the collaboration of Ericsson and Sony but look at SE now, the best alliance so far. Maybe this one with Kodak will be one of the best, if not the best, who knows? Like the one with Nokia, Carl Zeiss lenses and Symbian which has put Nokia in front with sales, though I personally don't like Symbian(it puts a lot of good software together but operates awkwardly, S40 OS & Motorola's proprietory OS, Synergy and Linux are intelligent) S60 or even S80. I would rather wait for a Nokia S40 with GPS & Wi-Fi(already in production) and a document viewer. My ideal phone is a Motorola that runs on Synergy (or Linux) having a 3.5mm jack, a bigger screen, GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G(HSDPA) and a document viewer. The Kodak camera will be a plus for me.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Ui$
                                  • 05 May 2008

                                  Actually I think the photo is a pretty good representation of pollution in China.

                                    • c
                                    • cris
                                    • vj1
                                    • 05 May 2008

                                    Good move on the part of motorola coz they are bhind imaging,now that kodak has tranced into motorolla well people lets see the outcome of ZN5..jst like ericsson and sony did

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • mS4
                                      • 05 May 2008

                                      It seems Motorola is finally armed, this phones got everything to become a succes, I mean I own a good Kodak camera and if that technology were to blend with motorla's new hardware solution ( nice interface Linux based very fast processors that easily exceed samsung, and LG's ) well then not much could go wrong, I think nokia is about to meet a storm as sonyericssons punch is coming this year as well toghether with P5 and offcourse this unexpected contender the ZN5 I don't think the N96 will hold all of them :P
                                      Motorola is really putting up it's final resolve although I am not a motorola fan I've always respected them like siemens used to be ,motorola is one of the innovators in the industry and I think this model's a good start for what we are to expect form motorla in the near future well done I guess.

                                        • j
                                        • jjsoviet
                                        • kQ3
                                        • 04 May 2008

                                        I laugh at those comments which soil the reputation of Motorola. How can you say a product is of bad quality if it hasn't even been sold yet? If you want to comment about a product's quality, then you should go get one and evaluate it hands-on instead of ranting about it without knowing its capabilities. Kodak is already helping Motorola with the imaging department of their phones. What else do you want? A contract with Apple? Microsoft? Yeesh.