5 megapixel Motorola ZN5 nears
- C
- Chamon
- PfB
- 04 May 2008
This phone you can't compare it with no other brand who have 5mpxl cameras.
Like, SE, Nokia, LG or Samsung. It's a terrible phone. Motorola fans, that's the true. The only brand I don't like not even a bit, is motorola.
- C
- Chamon
- PfB
- 04 May 2008
It's not a good phone, and it hasn't a good camera, either. Motorola is drowning in the phone market. Better improve your phones, or else...
- s
- sottai_boss
- 04 May 2008
motorola z3 and z6 are solid sliders compared to samsung but their still lacking the X factor and should design better than
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nyj
- 04 May 2008
The keypad area doesnt look too good neither too cool.. Having this wont make you feel you got a great phone in your hand.. What's wrong with motorola, seems like their losing the tech race..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4XM
- 04 May 2008
I'll believe it when i see it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 May 2008
To those ignorant people talking about Motorola seeking Kodak's help, as early as 2007, Motorola already signed a 10 year agreement with Kodak to develop camera modules in mobile phones.
- P
- Peter rajan
- utt
- 04 May 2008
Motorola's going down ....... what a bad design for zn5...is going down
- V
- Vlad
- 4@6
- 04 May 2008
Dats awful for motorola. They r behind in technologies. Though I liked the Xenon Flash, dat my N95 8GB dznt hav.
- h
- huatz84
- P%@
- 04 May 2008
Awesome....Moto will lead the market again.With 5 megapixel in RAW.That'll be the first camera phone with that feature.Another innovation by Motorola.And others can only follow.
- R
- Ronald
- efI
- 04 May 2008
Moto seems to be looking to innovate the camera phone market. This I'll have to keep and eye on. I'm really not a fan of cameras in phones. I really could do without, I have two cameras, ones a DSLR so I don't need my phone to have it. And I'm sorry Nokia fans but in my opinion the cameras arent nearly as good as everyone makes them out to be, and now a days everyone has a 5MP camera in their phones. But he fact that Moto is looking to make camera phones that compete with dedicated digital cameras surprised me, didn't think it'd be those guys. But hey I'll have to hand it to them. This is innovation indeed. And to those asking what the term "raw" means knows nothing about cameras. With this along with other features will allow the ZN5 to compete with digital cams, eventually DSLR's. These will thrash the cams found in Nokia, Samsung, and LG phones.
- s
- stu
- ThQ
- 04 May 2008
Wow so many nokia fanboys running scared at the moment. I bet if this was a nokia phone it would be a different story with you guy. Motorola already has higher mp cameras in development. So now its nokias turn to play catch up. Maybe if nokia didn't release a phone every 5 minutes that looks like every other phone they make then maybe they would have a higher mp cam out now. Motorola have got the future of phone cameras in there phones and nokia fanboys hate it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 5%r
- 03 May 2008
"yea just sit back and wait for a 5mp cam phone? dude we have had 5mp phones for like more than 2 years, i've had my n95 8gb for along time.........dude moto are way behind wow raw pics who gives crap what format cause at the end of the day its a freakin phone, not a professional camera, so your gonna be taking pics with your 5mp moto with has raw pics or whatever and taking pics of you and your friends with quality worse than the n73 while some other guy will have a nokia with 10mps, get a life man"
Since there isn't a period anywhere in this entire thing i'll just quote the entire thing. Having raw, while I don't really know what it is, if its a big deal then yes it is going to be quite a good feature. Simply put, people care about the camera in their phones, otherwise having a 2.0mp, 3.15, 5mp camera would not matter. People do care about the camera in their phones, thus this will be a big deal.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pkn
- 03 May 2008
Motorola is knocked out. Motorola had to wait Kodak's help. That's shameful!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4qM
- 03 May 2008
Hope this guy gets quad-band and GOOD life.
- m
- max
- ibg
- 03 May 2008
this is just the beginning...
motorola rawks!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04$
- 03 May 2008
yea just sit back and wait for a 5mp cam phone? dude we have had 5mp phones for like more than 2 years, i've had my n95 8gb for along time.........dude moto are way behind wow raw pics who gives crap what format cause at the end of the day its a freakin phone, not a professional camera, so your gonna be taking pics with your 5mp moto with has raw pics or whatever and taking pics of you and your friends with quality worse than the n73 while some other guy will have a nokia with 10mps, get a life man
- j
- jjsoviet
- 0iW
- 03 May 2008
I told you guys Moto won't go down without a fight!!!!!
The ZN5 is only the beginning. This particular model is not Motorola's flagship, take note. It will only ship to Asian markets so expect the ZN5 to be only a LOW-TIER camera phone from Motorola. Even if the ZN5 is low tier, it already sports RAW uncompressed picture formats for maximum quality (without compression formats like JPEG). The 8mp and 12mp ones are still in development and these will pack bigger punches. The "bad" pics you saw are like that because the ZN5 is only in the prototype stage, so do not yet turn your backs on this phone. Motorola and Kodak still have the time to refine their camera phones so just sit back and wait for the big ones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0CW
- 03 May 2008
IT is very beautifull...
Thank you MOTOROLA...
- R
- Rick (tm)
- vj1
- 03 May 2008
accdg to one blogger here (with the name: MotoMania), Motorola is about to launch 5Megapix, 8megapix, and the astounding 12megapixel cameraphone line-ups.. so this one is not yet the end of it all,, maybe Motorola is just trying to attract attention while being thrifty on informations & publications so as to promote excitement,,that's what i see here..it's like having the child run after a piece of candy in a hard-to-get mode..haha
- a
- alan
- 03 May 2008
wow....damn ugly....please try to copy iphone....at least