5 megapixel Motorola ZN5 nears

2 May, 2008
5 megapixel, Motorola and Kodak ring a bell? Well, a 5MP co-branded shooter is obviously just around the corner. What's even better, some leaked pictures shed... Update 5 May: official photos

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  • s
  • stu
  • ThQ
  • 03 May 2008

Looks like motorola now has the most advanced mobile camera in there phones. A 5mp kodak camera with raw and a xenon and led flash. If you don't know what raw is then you know nothing about cameras or have been living under a rock. Nokia better hurry up now because there cameras are yesterdays news. Its all about uncompressed media these days. Oh and to all those people that are saying those photos are crap. Its a prototype phone. Look that word prototype up sometime.

    • J
    • Jorgen
    • mJ8
    • 03 May 2008

    Poor Moto. Motorola is going bankrupt very soon. These phones are just horrible! I havent seen that crappy pictures since 1995.

      • Z
      • ZN5
      • TIE
      • 03 May 2008

      I think too many people here are caught up with the idea the the ZN5 is actually Motorola's Flagship product?

      In fact this 2.5G version is meant for the Chinese market which does not have a 3G Platform at the moment.

      And read this: The ZN5 is a mass-market solution, low to mid-range model.

        • k
        • kirt
        • myM
        • 03 May 2008

        nice and slim phone but the camera is very poor. But this isnt the final version so we will see.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Ycr
          • 03 May 2008

          So UGLY!!!! I like Kodak, but now with Moto?!?! WHAT A WASTE!

            • M
            • Mr.lol
            • mMw
            • 03 May 2008

            and we see foto from kodak and motorola is the best

              • M
              • Mr.lol
              • mMw
              • 03 May 2008


                • M
                • Mr.lol
                • mMw
                • 03 May 2008

                http://www.mobile01.com/print.php?f=14&t=595551&p=1 look here. there foto k850 n82 and zn5

                  • K
                  • Ken Hakeem
                  • TIU
                  • 03 May 2008

                  To MdN,
                  Hate doing this, but...those photos cannot be taken in the evening, and definitely not at night. The pictures are obviously shot in a city in Mainland China, my guess would be SZ, and take a look at the traffic, it should be the kind of traffic happens in 2-4pm, right before rush hours. Of course the weather seems a bit hazy, I seriously don't think this should be considered low-light condition. If you still have any doubts about the pictures being taken in the afternoon, take a good look at the head lights of the cars, yes, none of the cars have their head lights turned on. Why does people drive without turning on their head lights? I don't know, maybe it's because they are driving in day time? And then please take a look at the picture of the football field, at the very left hand side of the picture, there is obviously a clock tower showing the time of 4:30, considering the number of people playing in the field, I doubt the possiblity of 4:30am. In a way, every camphone can do better than this. Ya...way to go, Motorola, way to go SOUTH! It's ok to try to defend something, just try to make some sense out of it, OK?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P%r
                    • 03 May 2008

                    i have seen the full res pic sample. Not impressed indeed, if compare to those from my N82. BUt Finally, after bloody 3 year staying on 2 mpx. Moto come up with something that can catch the eyes from the highend user group.
                    It will be interesting to see if the OS can become another smartphone platform, one more open than windows mobile. We should give Moto some support for their effort.

                      • r
                      • razec
                      • 2A3
                      • 03 May 2008

                      "At this point, Motorola should not try too hard to come up with useless "innovations"( what the hell is RAW mode??)"

                      I bet you haven't used DSLR yet. ZN5 RAW mode enables the camera to produce uncompressed/unprocessed pic so that later it may be converted to any compression format. this is quite useful as it saves as much detail and resolution as the camera can discern.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • ibg
                        • 03 May 2008

                        At this point, Motorola should not try too hard to come up with useless "innovations"( what the hell is RAW mode??)they should produce stylish phones with acceptable funtionality with a slightly lower price point than nokia and SE, u know, mass market solutions..slowly gain momentum in sales and revenue, then, start to overcome competiotrs with fresh ideas

                          • r
                          • reviewer
                          • 4Qj
                          • 03 May 2008

                          Now are these sample photos pictures of paintings, because the image quality is so blotchy that it is almost artistic. Considering this the first camera on a Motorola phone (or at least that I know of) that has a higher resolution than 2 mega pixels, they should have had plenty of time to refine it. The ZN5 looks like the phone that could bring Motorola back up in the ranks and it should have a good camera to go with it. Hopefully this picture quality is only a problem on the prototype.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PTE
                            • 03 May 2008

                            Oh! Common Moto! is this the best u can do?

                              • l
                              • lkw
                              • ibb
                              • 03 May 2008

                              Motorola Rulez haha...!

                                • M
                                • Motofreak
                                • 32h
                                • 02 May 2008

                                Calm down. It's a prototpy and not a finished retail version optimized for good pictures. Firmware and software still buggy and unfinished. The pictures are too big processed and that's why it looks so blurry. Also it's cloudy and no sunshine!
                                We can better see the potential with resized pictures. Here for example 1280x960 this one: http://www.abload.de/img/zn5_test_photo_1280x8i0.jpg

                                It's not bad for a prototyp.

                                  • t
                                  • titi_sarap
                                  • RtK
                                  • 02 May 2008

                                  Nah, Motorola needs to do better than this if they want to compete with Nokia, LG, Samsung & SE. Unless of course they would sell their camera phones around $300, then they might have a chance. But if they want to compete, they need to improve the design and the picture quality. Nokia also needs improvement in the design department, SE also, but Nokia is an awesome performer among the rest, and it is not as ugly as this one. Those pictures taken from this phone just does not level with other 5mp camera phones out there. I do understand though that this is just the beta stage. Hopefully they make dractic improvements both on design and camera quality.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PmW
                                    • 02 May 2008

                                    it'll be definitly the best. beating iphone in all ways. i hope that when motorola anounces it oficially, it becomes better then N96. people might say i'm dreaming but i'm definitly not. GO MOTO, GO! it has always been the best and, yes, they've been not so advanced comparing to nokia and sony ericsson but it's still the best. the rokr phones are much better then walkman ones.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • jjJ
                                      • 02 May 2008

                                      the problem with motorola isn't the quality of their phone, it's their timing. for instance the rizr z10 with its 3 megapixel camera is great, had this been january 1997 or earlier. now with cameras sporting 5 megapixels like no one's business, motorola seems kind of trying to catch up, sort of the little engine that couldn't. they need some new innovations, sort of like the razr when it first came out. might i suggest vga quality screens on all cellphones from now on. maybe all phones quad band from now on. maybe also dual sim that works simultaneously. u know, the niceties. and finally, get it out the door quickly!

                                        • s
                                        • sabarish
                                        • vGk
                                        • 02 May 2008

                                        This phone is a big boom for the other 5Mp