HTC and Apple end their patent feud with a "global settlement"

10 November, 2012
The two companies have reached a settlement which will keep them out of court for the next decade.

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  • i
  • iSamsung Fan
  • an6
  • 13 Nov 2012

Oh noooooooo HTC! its all about the money. goodbye

Apple you do not know what you have done because

HTC = Hell To Crapple!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • q8Q
    • 12 Nov 2012

    Frankie, 12 Nov 2012I fail to see why one company has to be better. Apple and S... moreSo yes. That is scamming millions from schools and its atrocious. Have the courage to directly reply to me next time

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • q8Q
      • 12 Nov 2012

      Someone, 12 Nov 2012Hello sir, Scammers and thieves you say? No sir, I do... moreAgain. You are just giving the specifics of what I'm describing so thank you. You illegal copy cat scammers. And millions and millions of blind sheep more than happy to go eeeewwww. I hate cheap samsung and lg! They are low quality and laggy! I know because apple and everyone says! So Im gonna buy this all original all innovative iphone that only apple makes.... Yes that is indeed happening

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • q8Q
        • 12 Nov 2012

        Frankie, 12 Nov 2012I fail to see why one company has to be better. Apple and S... more The problem is most people dont study or barely scratch the surface and are not aware of the truth or most refuse to believe it. Apple buyg/copy/steel a massive portion of their "innovations/inventions" and then its the greatest thing in the world. They charge anywhere from hundreds to thousands extra for their devices. All the while restricting simple user freedom they shouldnt even have the right to

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • q8Q
          • 12 Nov 2012

          Frankie, 12 Nov 2012I fail to see why one company has to be better. Apple and S... moreThat is all one completely endless lists of bs. One actually is specifically better than the other and it does matter who started it. If apple is illegal c0opy cat scammers and samsung makes more superior more original and innovative and cost effective devices and apple relies on suing everyone over squares and universal search then guess what that means...Samsung and almost all others are better.

            • F
            • Frankie
            • q{U
            • 12 Nov 2012

            I fail to see why one company has to be better. Apple and Samsung are two great companies who make great, best selling products. Why does one have to be better? Apple sues Samsung in one country, Samsung sues Apple in another. Doesn't matter who started it, it will be decided in the courts, by the judges that are more qualified than us. This is unavoidable. Patents and patenting will end in courts. As for people choosing one product or another, there's no global scamming. People have Internet. They do research and buy what THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. Whether its Apple or Samsung. School boards are not dumb. If they choose Apple or Samsung, it's because of a long LIST OF REQUIREMENTS that need to be met. I work with one board. They hired me as a telecom expert. One of the top ten requirements in the list is, security and NATIVE resistance to malware and/or viruses. You tell me what you would recommend if you we're me. None of this will change the facts that both Apple and Samsung are the two major companies that are writing the book in the telecommunications of the next two decades. Bad mouthing and dissing one or the other, will not change the facts.

              • i
              • iSamsung Fan
              • 6qR
              • 12 Nov 2012

              Someone, 12 Nov 2012Hello sir, Scammers and thieves you say? No sir, I do... moreWhat do you call a phone that has stolen patents and design in it? isnt that a stolen product that you buy?

                • y
                • yeip
                • N9x
                • 12 Nov 2012

                Someone, 12 Nov 2012Hello sir, Scammers and thieves you say? No sir, I do... moreHello sir,

                So do banks all around the world. And that doesn't make them neither less scammers nor less thieves than they actually are. You have a point, but it's rather weak to make a case.

                Your courtesy and respectful manners are always appreciated. Thank you for helping build up a reasonable discussion, sir.

                  • S
                  • Someone
                  • Mx@
                  • 12 Nov 2012

                  Anonymous, 12 Nov 2012Lol. Actaully not everything of theirs is best selling and ... moreHello sir,

                  Scammers and thieves you say?

                  No sir, I don't believe this.

                  Over 300 Apple Retail Stores all over the world. Each and every single one of them doing amazing business.

                  Customers gladly walking into these stores and happily giving Apple their money.

                  And that's before the Apple Website Online Store.

                  And lets not forget the online store for music that Apple have called iTunes. And the Mac and iOS App Store, and the iBook store.

                  Billions & Billions, sir.

                  Thank you.

                    • a
                    • apple loose
                    • StU
                    • 12 Nov 2012

                    Apple scared of what happening around the global courts, they loosing major lawsuits against the competitors, so apple retreating :))))

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3Ax
                      • 12 Nov 2012

                      samsung s 3 out sold iphones so hows it best selling...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • q8Q
                        • 12 Nov 2012

                        Someone, 12 Nov 2012No, sir. The Billions and Billions comes from having: ... moreLol. Actaully not everything of theirs is best selling and what you claimed their money comes from is exactly what I described. You just listed the devices. So glad to know we are on the same page. Thank you. Yes there are millions of people completely blind to the scam all to happy to fork over and be scammed. Apple even steels and scams millions of dollars from our schools! That is atrocious!

                        Yes I have seen the Retina display that SAMSUNG makes. And now I believe LG makes it because Samsung wont anymore. Not sure on the full details yet. And as much as I like LG as well they cannot keep up with the quality/quantity that Samsung can and especially for Apple

                        So yes. Don't you worry. Apple will keep on steeling/scamming/leaching/suing billions and billions and taking away from education

                          • i
                          • iSamsung Fan
                          • ALK
                          • 12 Nov 2012

                          Someone, 12 Nov 2012No, sir. The Billions and Billions comes from having: ... moreThe Billions and Billions comes from stealing which they will use to pay companies to shut their mouth up telling the world they are thieves. Apple the greatest crooks in the history of civilization.

                            • S
                            • Someone
                            • Mx@
                            • 12 Nov 2012

                            Anonymous, 12 Nov 2012So do other companies. And its more due to the illegal scam... moreNo, sir.

                            The Billions and Billions comes from having:

                            The best selling all in one computer in the world
                            The best selling portable Music player in the world
                            Among the best selling smartphones in the world
                            Selling 3 million iPad's in just ONE weekend

                            You may not love them but there are millions of HAPPY people wanting to give Apple plenty of money.

                            So don't worry, sir. Apple are doing just fine. Billions & Billions.

                            And have you seen the new MacBook Pro Retina displays and the new 2012 iMac???


                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • q8Q
                              • 12 Nov 2012

                              Someone, 12 Nov 2012It's okay folks. Apple has Billions & Billions of mo... moreAlso...take a nice look at the blog here. Apple just had to fork over $24,000,000 for stealing a design.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • q8Q
                                • 12 Nov 2012

                                iSamsung Fan, 12 Nov 2012no Apple only will die, nokia is long time dead and trying ... moreNokia is not dead and stil know for being one of the most if not the most durable high quality of phones that are very reliable well built well working devices and have among the best of cams if not the best cams. They may not be doing much but they are still there. If they would make droids people would go nuts for em

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • q8Q
                                  • 12 Nov 2012

                                  Someone, 12 Nov 2012It's okay folks. Apple has Billions & Billions of mo... moreSo do other companies. And its more due to the illegal scams and charging premium price tag for their "own superior inventions" which are nothing more than Samsung, LG, Nokia, and Sony parts. Thats where their "money" comes from

                                  And also if you want to mention that then how about how they are loosing almost every other case? How in the UK they lost for the second time and for the second time had to post on their site that Samsung did not copy them? They even tried to slide on it this time, but got powned by the courts. They even had to compensate Samsung. Or how in both those and the US case they used falsified photoshopped evidence? They had to pay $600,000,000 in China to keep the stolen name Ipad. They just lost a case in Mexico since they stole the name Iphone from Ifone and had to compensate them to. If they are smart in Mexico they will take crapple on globally for their ifone name and not sell it.

                                    • S
                                    • Someone
                                    • Mx@
                                    • 12 Nov 2012

                                    It's okay folks.

                                    Apple has Billions & Billions of money in the bank due to the huge sales of their successful products and having the largest music store in the world.

                                    Billions & Billions.

                                    Samsung even gave them over one Billion.


                                      • i
                                      • iSamsung Fan
                                      • 6qS
                                      • 12 Nov 2012

                                      looking at the picture with two phones having rectangular shape OH MY GOD THAT IS SO WEIRD!

                                      and guys check this out
                                      Apple stole again ideas and design. i wonder why they made their clock round. so pathetic pathetic pathetic apple.

                                        • i
                                        • iSamsung Fan
                                        • 6qS
                                        • 12 Nov 2012

                                        carnage, 11 Nov 2012Apple and Nokia Will die in this Apple only will die, nokia is long time dead and trying to resurrect in 2.659 years.