Huawei Chairman shows off 6.1" Ascend Mate ahead of CES

23 December, 2012
Richard Yu showcased the quad-core 1080p Android smartphone at a Huawei store.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 0Cb
  • 24 Dec 2012

the dimension are perfect at: iphone 5, samsung galaxy 1st gen. and nokia n9, wich all have 4 inch display. i prefer to use for every call such "normal" devices and to have a spare ultrabook with 10 inch or tablet with 7 inch for internet browsing when i am out of the office or in the plane. especially an ultrabook like asus zenbook or macbook air... it is hard to talk every minute at such big device like this huawei for a long time, but are enough people wich talk less and browse internet more like crazy. maybe like teenagers skipping school at starbucks, i do not know...

    • n
    • nico
    • XMi
    • 24 Dec 2012

    6.1" is too big,

    it's no different with AMPS phone from 90' that big, bulky, as large as a brick.

    I thought phone becomes smaller and smaller. looks like we're going backward.

      • S
      • Striker
      • 7sa
      • 24 Dec 2012

      Are you guys live in denial? When was the last time you saw an electronic item made in UK, Europe or the USA? it pays of if you do your homework before posting a comment so you won't make a full of yourselves! frankly speaking. Where do you think your fancy Apple products come from? Got you by surprise! yes that is China. No hard feelings guys.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • sfQ
        • 24 Dec 2012

        straight to the dollar store, and then the trash

          • D
          • AnonD-43457
          • PV{
          • 24 Dec 2012

          Why bashing on China products? All apple products are made in China mean they're crab too?

          Remembered, China can make better rocket, satellites, nuclear bomb, bullet-train than South Korea and Japan. So their quality cannot be garbage like some people claimed here.

          You pay peanuts, you'll peanut quality.
          You pay apple, you'll get apple quality.
          You pay Samsung, you'll get Samsung quality.
          You pay Rolls Royce, you'll get Rolls Royce quality.
          It's that simple, nothing more, nothing less.

          So down the road the product quality still depend what's the price you paying for.

            • D
            • AnonD-90736
            • MJT
            • 24 Dec 2012

            Got to have one of these, this is what I have been waiting for, a 6 inch+ smartphone not a tinny 4 inch screen. It would have beenmagnificent with the tegra 4 chip, nevertheless if they bring out an european version I am definitely going to think seriously about buying one. Some people must be seriously weak that they cant walk around with a 6 inch phone, I am only 5 foot 2, yet this will be no problem for me, I,ve previously run around with a 17 inch dell vostro laptop so this will be nothing for me. Seriously, some people need to take up weight training if they can't carry this aalong with them. Also it will definitely fit into pockets, no problem whatsoever and if not, then make some arrangements so that they can, it's not difficult.

              • D
              • AnonD-83649
              • qav
              • 24 Dec 2012

              6.1 inches ? Is this serious? FAIL

                • g
                • grayfox1574
                • 3R6
                • 24 Dec 2012

                everything is being made by the chinese but with quality standards, the real question is how big the screen will keep getting before the device is unpractical for daily use O.o

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 9La
                  • 24 Dec 2012

                  What I can say is, try the new release cherry mobile from the philippines, they really made such a good quality products w/ a cheaper prize. You can only buy it on their country but it's really good. I visited that country and I enjoy my new phone. I also wants to buy my phone... Soon, philippines' product will be popular because of the quality. Unlike china phones, it sucks!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 9La
                    • 24 Dec 2012

                    Sami, 24 Dec 2012Hi guays........listen 'if a product marked with"made ... moreCrap.. china use to make non quality products. Let's face the fact that supplies definitely came from westerns but still they are the one who manufactured that w/c means, they doesn't know how to make a product with good qualities. They also enjoy to make products like iphone 5 w/c needs nails to operate duh! so cheap like them

                      • D
                      • AnonD-27765
                      • t7X
                      • 24 Dec 2012

                      Ridiculous. I will never buy a phone with screen larger than 4 inches. The iPhone 5 remains the best smartphone still.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-68354
                        • vwq
                        • 24 Dec 2012

                        jayk, 24 Dec 2012Buy european or american devices. You know about Chinese quality.Well, China manufactures practically every item known 2 humans! However, it only "manufactures" them using technology from US, European, Japanese n Korean companies mostly at fully/partly owned n QC controlled manufacturing units of the companies! On the contrary, native Chinese products still seem rather crappy n of inferior quality compared to their international counterparts, despite the fact that China is 1 of the richest n most technologically advanced countries on Earth now! The PRC desperately needs to change this image about their native produce if they wanna project themselves as being anything apart from just being the world's labor capital! Also, original US, European or Japanese made products still seem to have much better build quality than the 1s made in China under cheap labor!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Mg@
                          • 24 Dec 2012

                          [deleted post]Suggest that you rephrase your sentences and get them to be more readable.

                            • S
                            • Sami
                            • uZa
                            • 24 Dec 2012

                            Hi guays........listen 'if a product marked with"made in china" does,nt mean it is of poor quality.if this is so then people should not prefare to chinese laptops 'especially lenovo' and the mobile manufacturerers(all including apple,nokia,samsung etc) should not put the chinese made charging devices in boxes of all best smartphones.You cannot blame any company as each make devices A/O to its requirments and budgets. All manufacturers we know around the world today hes the best Engineers to work.They think and attempt more(day and night) than what we think while sitting in hotel holding a cup of tea saying that"china no no no"

                              • D
                              • Dwayne
                              • PGD
                              • 24 Dec 2012

                              [deleted post]Not the Korean one mate, only the Chinese one is a problem. Things won't change and never will be.

                                • O
                                • OMG
                                • kAm
                                • 24 Dec 2012

                                ridiculous phone .... why the hell a 6 inch screen for a phone.

                                  • r
                                  • right1
                                  • PGD
                                  • 24 Dec 2012

                                  AnonD-55425, 24 Dec 2012I have many 'european' products at home like satellite rece... moreWrong! Korean and Japanese only in Asia, not Chinese one.

                                    • U
                                    • Unknown
                                    • tUr
                                    • 24 Dec 2012

                                    jayk, 24 Dec 2012Buy european or american devices. You know about Chinese quality.European or American Electronics are good but dont forget most of these Electronics are manufactured in China.Which phone do you use?.Im using iPhone in the back panel it says Manufactured in China

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-79314
                                      • w7i
                                      • 24 Dec 2012

                                      jayk, 24 Dec 2012Too big too rubbishhahaha very true! chinese stuff suck! they break within a few months XD

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • vaN
                                        • 24 Dec 2012

                                        Anonymous, 24 Dec 2012if Samsung come out with similar size, all the samsung shee... moreWhats funy about you haters is that you are already celebrating Samsungs bankrupcy, this happened also last time the "mate" was in the news here is gsma. I dont envy you a little joy in your lifes but be real, does toyota and honda lay down their business because of chinese cars coming to the market at so high pace?

                                        Did Porsche already close their production because of chinese "sports cars"? Did Rolls and Bentley go out of business coz of all the Chinese copies? NO and NO, only in china they buy that crap. Will Note 2 notice the competition from Huawei? No. Sorry guys, samsung will not go out of business, but enjoy life in your bubble, hate will kep u alive.