Instagram begins testing paid subscriptions to help creators earn money

20 January 2022
It will be initially available in the US to a limited number of creators.

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  • fpA
  • 20 Mar 2023

Thank you for this topic

    Glad i left this crappy plattform.

      🤮 consider that advertisers pay facebook so that their ads appear on instagram. tiktok has fewer ads but the content is stronger or less depressing.

        • c
        • cyber
        • 3g5
        • 21 Jan 2022

        Pay for Youtube, Netflix, Spotify, Audacity ... and the list goes on. No thanks. I'm doing well without subscriptions. I only use some of them, I don't need some of them ... not even for free :)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 6TT
          • 20 Jan 2022

          so, a plan against nft??


            Just get the old version of insta throufh apk mirror or if it still wont work cuz it wont connect to service due to being outdated then people will just leave insta.

              • C
              • Carol
              • mek
              • 20 Jan 2022

              Anonymous, 20 Jan 2022Days ago a politician in my location was wondering why teen... moreAnd thoxe are only two small reasons....wthere are oh ao many others.. but well, it was to be expected when the internet connection reached the mass... at the end, stupidity does not get better if one has more actally worsens when from the top, the information is useless.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 8Kf
                • 20 Jan 2022

                Days ago a politician in my location was wondering why teens no longer have interest in school and learning.

                Youtube is full of crap today.
                Tiktok is dumbest thing ever.

                  "Instagram Subscriptions will be initially available to a limited number of creators in the US ..."

                  Basically regulating who will and who won't be allowed to monetise, and regulate content and earnings. Big tech basically decides what the world is allowed to hear, know and share, and who makes money from videos? Interesting...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-834088
                    • iLV
                    • 20 Jan 2022

                    Eren Yaeger, 20 Jan 2022Ughh... its you again.Ughh😱

                      AnonD-834088, 20 Jan 2022Exactly fella,👈 👍Ughh... its you again.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sUS
                        • 20 Jan 2022

                        [deleted post]There are actual sme people on facebook, though. New alternatives are cropping up but still nothing beats facebook when it comes to reach. I know it's hip to make fun of the site as a boomer are but the USA =/= world.

                          Creators sounds so heavy
                          Watchers of the universes
                          Guardians of the galaxy

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • n1g
                            • 20 Jan 2022

                            It's all about the money nowadays. That's what social media has become. Soulless.

                              They can't care less about creators, they want a part of the fee subscription.

                                Just like the JOIN button beside Subscribe button in YouTube, it will also be worthless, eventually there will be more beggars on Insta going further

                                  Spend money to waste time and watch some low IQ people call themselves content creators, not the productive one though

                                    [deleted post]Well, you can create your own instagram account and create content unlike anything else and enrich everyone's life with it.

                                    Just saying...

                                      Um... PatreGram? OnlyGram?

                                        "Creators" hahaha...none of the people who upload their vids on any social platform are real creators.