Telegram Premium launched for $4.99 per month

20 June 2022
Larger file uploads, faster downloads and many more exclusive features.

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Why is the European price so discriminatory? It should be 4,49 euros or 3,99 euros in Europe.

    • U
    • Undertaker
    • 0xI
    • 20 Jun 2022

    Hate then developers throttle internet speeds. That's just too much and borderland illegal.

      Darknoor, 20 Jun 2022It is best if they made it a one time payment. If just 20% ... moreOne-time payments wouldn't work well for a service like this, as the service is ongoing and needs to be funded over time. That's why you pa monthly for Internet service, media streaming platforms, and file hosting sites. Ongoing services typically receive ongoing payments.

        one time subscription okay, but every month nope can't do

          Even Netflix charges around $4 (in our region) for monthly 'Liye' tier. Which is times better than this garbage. I don't see anyone with the right mind to be purchasing this insanity.

            • D
            • Dogspurt
            • 39x
            • 20 Jun 2022

            Premium? Hard pass, jog on!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • YUU
              • 20 Jun 2022

              Cheapskate people need to stop from making comments about Pay Premium services. I'm just saying 🙄

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • nyH
                • 20 Jun 2022

                Worst decision ever

                  They're releasing a paid for service just when many are cancelling subscription services with the 'cost of living crisis'......well certainly here in the UK.

                    It is best if they made it a one time payment. If just 20% of users bought the package at $5 they can get more than enough to keep the service alive and free for a long time.
                    Anyway, as long as they do not enforce ads to others and more free users, let them do as they wish.

                      • h
                      • hmm
                      • TX{
                      • 20 Jun 2022

                      I understand that it's one time deal you buy this load of garbage bling for 5 euro. But it's subscribe system where you need to pay that 5 for a each month is just wasted money.

                      There are tv series and movies streaming platforms that you get 5 for a month and from there you at least get entertainment. But what you get in a chat app is just some bling garbage and thats it.

                      Ahh well world is full of dumb people who will pay for it so money needs to be taken away from these dumb people and thats why there are so many of these apps who do this now days.

                        All these and there's no better group or channel management for their admins or owners.

                          this is like discord nitro but telegram

                            The proce seems a little high. Otherwise, it's good that they have a premium version. Would love go see some more features added to the premium version. Also, Telegram is way better than WhatsApp and so many others.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mFd
                              • 20 Jun 2022

                              GB Telegram; coming soon