T-Mobile agrees to pay $500 million in class-action settlement for 2021 data breach
- J
- JG01
- j$q
- 26 Jul 2022
I'm a technologist and have been telling for years how poor the security was with customer data. For year the users login to their portal an only allowing using simple text passwords, which could easily be hacked in seconds. It was just a matter of time. Plus you have all their
" "Partners!" " that they do business with that share our data...how much data did they share and what data? It's not just tmoble it's also ATT and Verizon. They all put their customers at risk to increase profit. These executes should take a hit for this and be fined as well , since they are responsible for protecting their customers.
- D
- AnonD-1046991
- wvL
- 26 Jul 2022
This should be down to the history of T-Mobile
- X
- Xposed4Life
- IbE
- 25 Jul 2022
As the direct result of the inadequacy and inability of T-mobile to fulfill its legally binding contracted obligation to provide and maintain adequate system security protocols effective at protecting the insurmountable amount of personal and financial information they collect and retain on nearly 100 million people around the world, not a day has gone by since Jan 3, 2022 that has not robbed me of my time and money in order to address the ongoing and continuous detrimental consequences T-mobile inflicted on my life. My life has been forced to change forever. Every single detail of my personal and financial information has been confirmed to be available on the dark web and directly obtained from T-mobile servers. At the expense of time with my family and hard earned money I need to keep my utilities on, it's possible to cancel credit cards, bank accounts, and eventually repair the years of financial damage this has caused me, but social security numbers cannot be replaced, that number identifies you for the rest of your life. My identity will constantly be at risk of malicious and fraudulent abuse every day my entire life. Ordering a company to do the same thing they have repeatedly failed to do the last 4 times they proved incapable of fulfilling their legal obligations and to "compensate" consumers for the amount of time, money, stress, and life changing consequences this will cost consumers everyday for the rest of their lives, which after the lawyers gouge their fees doesn't even provide enough to cover the cost of the time taken away from their families that was immediately required to try an assess the unimaginable risks that can result due to this incompetence. The compensation that consumers will actually receive for the life time of consequences they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives... Is a slap in the face to consumers and just another slap on the wrist for the company responsible. T-mobile hasn't fixed the problem after the last 4 lawsuits they lost, but even if they fix their security measures now it doesn't matter. The consequences I, and millions of other people, will have for the rest of our lives cannot be repaired. There is no way to undue the damage they've done. But what they believe is adequate compensation consumers will actually receive is equal in offense to spitting in our face. Keep your settlement money. I'll sue them myself and make sure I get back everything they've stolen from me.
- Y
- Yuri84
- 0T@
- 24 Jul 2022
AnonD-492870, 23 Jul 2022I'd hate to have been part of that IT/Sec ops team tha... moreThis happens every year, sometimes more than once a year. On average (5 breaches in 4 years), so I don't think IT team gives security much thought.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Xqa
- 24 Jul 2022
Zuzuz, 24 Jul 2022It hurts the company and that's what it matters the most.No it's not.
T-mo will get back those money soon. From the same customers. It's easy to earn the money.
- Z
- Zuzuz
- mA{
- 24 Jul 2022
Anonymous, 24 Jul 2022Those greedy americans love to sue for everything. Now they... moreIt hurts the company and that's what it matters the most.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Xqa
- 24 Jul 2022
Those greedy americans love to sue for everything. Now they'll get what they want. $3 each. Haahaah, most of the money will go to the lawyers.
- A
- A.B.
- YH3
- 24 Jul 2022
30% of the $500million dollars will get divided to the 3 lawyers who fought for you because they care, and the 70% of the $500million will be divided to the 75million customers....so basically y'all get $5 each. Don't spend it all in one place now, y'hear.
- I
- Ishh
- nxk
- 24 Jul 2022
so $3 each
- U
- UNKNOWN soldier
- LcY
- 23 Jul 2022
So so so so....150.000.000 millions to government who get a cut out of everything it's like the m..a
Then layers get paid in these lawsuits they get millions and millions so there will be like 300.000.000 millions
Like 2 ..3 ..dollars each ...get a lawyer and sue them yourself
- F
- FatShady
- CLs
- 23 Jul 2022
remove 30% of that 500m cause its going to lawyers and you'll have how much they're going to pay those 70m people
- D
- AnonD-834088
- iLV
- 23 Jul 2022
Over charged customers paid for that,do they get compensated 😱,NEH,water of a ducks back 🦆for them 👈
- H
- Hugesumindeed
- IY2
- 23 Jul 2022
Unicum, 23 Jul 2022After lawyers are payed, customers will receive around $3 e... moreCustomers $3
Lawyers $30K+
- U
- Unicum
- p3L
- 23 Jul 2022
After lawyers are payed, customers will receive around $3 each. That is a huge sum, totally worth the hassle.
- D
- AnonD-731363
- n$n
- 23 Jul 2022
Missing good old times when we did not relly on tech this much,
- D
- AnonD-492870
- Rp8
- 23 Jul 2022
I'd hate to have been part of that IT/Sec ops team that managed to let that slip up. In fact if it is that loose those involved now have lots of work ahead especially if t-mobile is expected to spend 150million in hardening their infrastructure going forward.
- D
- Darknoor
- m4y
- 23 Jul 2022
If someone agreed to paying 500m, they either commit or what they did was much worse and they are happy with the punishment they got as is XD
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kx7
- 23 Jul 2022
don't worry the data already bought by others with higher price🤣