AMD announces Radeon RX 7900 XTX and 7900 XT
- T
- Taxiguy
- gDB
- 04 Nov 2022
Damn, gaming has become such an expensive pastime. Only a few years ago, it was possible to buy a flagship video card for $699.
- e
- erodhika94
- xhm
- 04 Nov 2022
Anonymous, 03 Nov 2022yeah gimme the way less expensive version of the 7900 xtx w... moreIt's only you, not anyone
- ?
- Anonymous
- S6p
- 04 Nov 2022
Very competitive launch from Amd.
Will see if there will be price cuts from Nvidia, at least 12gb rtx "4080" is going to be relaunched as rtx 4070/4070 ti with more competitive pricing because i expect rx 7700 xt to be a beast of gpu for value per dollar.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3pR
- 04 Nov 2022
Anonymous, 03 Nov 2022yeah gimme the way less expensive version of the 7900 xtx w... moreI will kindly disagree with you, for modern AAA games 8GB VRAM should be the minimum.
If you don't plan on playing newer games or going for a lower resolution without maxed out graphics settings, you will probably be OK with 8GB.
I assume AMD will release cheaper models for the ones on low budget, so you can look at these options.
*Also having a lot of VRAM is useful for non-gaming GPU accelerated programs.
**For multi-core program compiling you usually need 2GB RAM per core, if I set it to use 16 cores and don't have at least 32GB of RAM the situation will get messy. Same with GPUs, your performance will tank if you don't have enough VRAM.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4GA
- 03 Nov 2022
yeah gimme the way less expensive version of the 7900 xtx with like 8gb because that's all anyone needs
- Kangal
- vJt
- 03 Nov 2022
Imagine AMD's flagship card, the RX-7900XT competing (ehm, dominating) against Nvidia's midrange card the RTX 4060Ti. Remember they are at the SAME PRICE of USD $900 MSRP. Now it makes sense why Nvidia did the UN-launching of the so-called "RTX 4080" 12gb card. Just like they had to do a knee-jerk reaction against the RDNA-1 cards and they released the discounted "RTX Super" range of products. It's pure comedy, that "4080" was at-best a 4070Ti and at-worst it was a 4060Ti, simply based on the hardware properties (die size, ROPs, bus speed, RAM amount, etc etc). How brazen could they get?
Perhaps Nvidia's spies fed them wrong information about AMD's RDNA-3 cards ; )