Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung
- D
- AnonD-58540
- U@P
- 08 Mar 2013
hmmm sounds little confusing, but frankly there is something sammy doing wrongly that nokia dosent likes, even htc trying to copy nokia, b.b os copied nokia,s o.s meego, i wud better have sony then samsung. I have used an s3 and my experience was horrendous, sold it and bought a sony.. Nokia is doing just right, though i cant tell the same about apple, but anyways sony and nokia never had any kind of tiff. Cause both the companies are good in innovation, so is lg and motorola... Yeeh marketing makes people go blind, dats what samd@@g used to lure foolish, dumb people,..... Thats why u can see a herd of sheep shouting samd@@g samd@@g and sayinb its the best... But for me i guess nokia, moto and lg are real innovaters..... There is nothing sort of innovation in sam@d@@g .....its better i would use a micromax with same feature samsung offers, both look same and feel same and performance wise also mmx is gud......go nokia go fight for your rights only not ip@@p.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 08 Mar 2013
hope there will be justice
- D
- AnonD-65676
- Pnc
- 08 Mar 2013
B.C., 08 Mar 2013Seriously! Samsung invented Super Amoled since when Samsung... moreNope. Please, do some research before posting.
ARM stands for Accorn Risc Machine and has nothing to do with CRAPple.
In the early 80s, Accorn need to replace MOS 6502 on their new computer, planned to replace the BBC computer, so they started a new microarchitecture, that become the first ARM processor.
Well, their new ARM architecture performed well into those Accorn machines, but that's it. No further development beyond being a new microarchitecture with a lower power consumption. Until 1989, when Apple started to show some interest in Accorn ARM, which leaded to the foundation of ARM as a sole company, Advanced Risc Machines, focused on the development of processors based on their ARM microarchitecture and focused on low power and low heat.
Well, Apple dI'd invested large sums of money and finally they came with ARM 610 "for" the Newton. And that's it.
Claiming that Apple founded ARM or that ARM is, by any means, related to Apple nowadays is the same bullsh*it that saying that Microsoft is the owner of Apple or Microsoft has invested in Apple's resurrection.
By the way, Microsoft invested more in Apple in late 90's, when Apple went almost bankrupt, then what Apple invested on ARM Holdings.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kg3
- 08 Mar 2013
Nokia is just tired of Samsung with their cheap plastic phones that haven't innovate in anything, but only brainwashing people with their marketing. Lumia 920 was the most innovative phone of 2012. The coming Lumia Pureview EOS will be another beast. Nokia has the best tech, period.
- D
- AnonD-104386
- w9L
- 08 Mar 2013
hahaha whoaaaaa those two giants have fallen that far behind????omg :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- Trk
- 08 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Yes because 400 million is how much Samsung gonna make of G... moreHmmm keep sleeping and keep dreaming lol.
- s
- sargentbash
- Nhg
- 08 Mar 2013
nokia go ***** yourself. Your not going to go any were android has the market share and now you want to align yourself with Apply phhh. What ever......
- B
- B.C.
- Trk
- 08 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Actually it was Apple who copied LG prada phone so how does... moreSeriously! Samsung invented Super Amoled since when Samsung invent?! Amoled Screen invented by Kodak and by the way Samsung used to work under Sony, Exenoys chipset based on ARM architect ARM founder is Apple.
- Y
- Yabanosha
- KIw
- 08 Mar 2013
jk, 08 Mar 2013Samsung= Copycat plastic crap Disagreement is a right to anyone to say but it is Truth that Samsung with Android provided many benefits to customers within the budget unlike Apple and Nokia.
- j
- jk
- Trk
- 08 Mar 2013
AnonD-78985, 07 Mar 2013Apple = crap Nokia = crapSamsung= Copycat plastic crap
- G
- Y6f
- 08 Mar 2013
All copied, Apple kingdom his time ... to the same thing in his time also Nokia ...
Now because they are at the top, just want to try to attack ... supposedly defending their supposed achievements of innovation ... where one copy to the other and the other at all.
I prefer to continue innovating and trying to fool us with expensive products with the same technology a year ago.
Samsung is the leader right now ... the others to work harder, and cease to be of little women that Nokia and Apple well aware of the cruel world of business ....
- ?
- Anonymous
- mc6
- 08 Mar 2013
[deleted post]Lol @ "Asia". As though it's a monolithic identity. You guys don't even get along.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qas
- 08 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Samsung Wallet does not use NFC. You're misinformed. Yes th... moreLike i said earlier. It's ok for apple to copy but not Samsung why?
- J
- Jed
- 9yd
- 08 Mar 2013
Anonymous, 07 Mar 2013Everyone has copied... mostly Apple copies others then sues... moreSamsung makes fresh features? While they do make some of the greatest phones, they just improve what's already there - more cores, more RAM, more screen space, but nothing new. They just adapt inventions of other manufacturers like Siri and rebrand it for their own. Perhaps the only fresh, innovative feature they created is the flexible AMOLED, which hasn't even made it to the market yet.
- D
- AnonD-96107
- t7X
- 08 Mar 2013
oh common'
Just laugh for what you saying about nokia.
- y
- yoyok
- Kxy
- 08 Mar 2013
its their business guys.u r user just use you HH. Anyway i love apple design and the graphic but i start hating it since the so many patented things only to limit others creativity.and nokia, i have been using it and it works well.but how ever i now love samsung for the mountainous new features
- j
- just saying
- vpc
- 08 Mar 2013
do nokia and apple have nothing to do anymore? but i am just excited with sgs4 and i just cant hide it. i know i know...
- D
- AnonD-49327
- v0q
- 08 Mar 2013
This is good. These cards bring to the forefront how messed up or patent laws are, and hopefully bring about changes. Ultimately, the real winners should be the rest of humanity (users). As long as money is used to "own" a certain shape or color or feature then wealth will easily be cornered by a few. Patents should cover "how it is done" and not simply "what it is". So a certain feature can be implemented by different companies but with different formulas or techniques. Claiming ownership of "rectangular shape with round corners" is pure greed. And our present laws legalize this greed.
- D
- AnonD-94972
- 8Ia
- 08 Mar 2013
With Jobs gone and Curry dropping the ball and Elop shooting nokia in the foot I guess the only way these companies can remain relevant is by stifling other companies on legal and patent trolling... and who is going to suffer the most... yep you got it, THE CONSUMER. Plain and simple.